How will I explain this situation if we’re seen by the students?

“What place this is? You’re mine. So what if we are seen?” Mason pressed himself against Janet, his thin lips touching the tip of her nose. His voice was very low as he whispered, “The tip of your nose is quite cold!”

It’s ticklish! Janet felt an itch in her nose from the rubbing. Thus, she tried to avoid him. Taking advantage of the man’s unpreparedness, she pinched the meat on his waist. “Your muscles are pretty firm!”

His lower jaw tightened slightly for a moment, and his breathing became rough. He fell silent for several seconds. After that, he regained his composure, lifted her chin slightly, and lightly said, “Then, why don’t you tell me how you managed to restore Woodsbury University’s system?”

“By luck. Do you believe me?” She lazily replied, narrowing her eyes to look at the man in front of her. She had no intention of concealing anything from him; she simply wanted to tease him!

Her words brought a smile to his face as he lifted his delicate eyebrows slightly. “Even Professor Hobbs of the computer science school couldn’t do a thing, and you managed to restore the system to normal by luck? Tell me; what kind of magic hands do you have?”

“I’m sure you know what kind of magic hands I have!” She narrowed her eyes and deliberately let her breath blow against his neck.

Feeling the hot breath blowing against his neck, his ears turned a little red. Those words overlapped with what happened a few days back when she used her hands to get him off! This woman is such a seductive little charmer. He did his best to force his breathing back to normal. There was a trace of wickedness in his black eyes as he stared at her intently. His voice was very deep. “Tell me; what is your codename?”

In this industry, any professional hacker worth their salt would have a codename. Judging by her ability to restore Woodsbury University’s system, she should be at the top of the hacker rankings. Therefore, he was very curious about what her codename was!

“Codename?” She mulled over it for a bit. Then, she asked with an innocent look. “Why don’t you take a guess?”

She wasn’t going to tell him so easily. After all, that would be so boring!

He chuckled in response, and his voice became low and hoarse. “Then, what is your friend’s codename?”

“Oh, her?” She blinked. “She doesn’t have a codename. Her real name is Lara!”

“Lara?” He murmured under his breath. All of a sudden, a flash of doubt flitted across his mind. ‘Sandra’ is her code name as the divine doctor, and Lara is her friend! Then… ‘J’Adore’ might very well be her friend too! After all, she once went to Markovia to treat somebody from the MX! What’s more, the name itself starts with ‘Ja’, which carries some similarities to her name. Maybe… she might actually be ‘J’Adore’ herself! Pursing his lips, he asked, “Do you know—”

Unexpectedly, a bell rang before he could finish speaking and effectively interrupted him mid-sentence.

“What?” She looked up, not understanding what he wanted to ask.

At that moment, the sound of footsteps came from the corridors of the school building. It was most likely the teachers returning to their office after class. He turned his head away and slowly relaxed his hands that had been pressing her under him. “Go back to your classroom. We’ll talk when we get the chance!”

After saying that, his thin lips pressed down lightly and landed on her cherry lips. It was as light and gentle as a dragonfly skimming across the surface of water!

“How are you going to deal with Shields Enterprise and Leonard Enterprise?” Janet asked softly while tugging at his hand and pursing her lips. She once heard that this man was notoriously hateful and had a habit of holding grudges. Therefore, she was curious about how he was going to handle today’s affairs.

Upon hearing those words, Mason simply raised his eyebrows and said in an icy voice, “Do you remember Hedd Cardiff? His father’s company has been suppressed for three whole months now, and all his resources in Sandfort City are gone. The entire Cardiff Family is banned for life from collaborating with any company in Sandfort City!”

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