Blinking, Abby opened the bag and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

It was filled with sweet and sticky pastries, and they were all her favorites!

Sharon and Summer got up and stared at Abby in confusion.

Abby bit into the pastry, then flashed them a grin. “Hello, I’m Abby Shaw. I’m Janet’s friend!”

The two of them returned her smile and introduced themselves. “I’m Sharon; I’m Summer!”

Abby cocked her head to one side, then said with a smile, “Nice names.”

“Want some?” She offered them the contents of the bag, and the two girls gulped.

“Let’s eat together!” Janet was still on her phone with her eyes fixed on the screen, but she was addressing Sharon and Summer.

The two of them nodded and reached shyly into the bag.

This pastry is so delicious! I wonder which five-star hotel chef made it!

Inside the principal’s office, Robert and Charlie sat there feeling torn for a long time. In the end, they decided to tell Mason everything that happened today.

It was better for them to inform him themselves than to have Janet snitch on them.

Neither of them had expected today’s turn of events. Fortunately, the problem was solved in the end.

Gritting his teeth, Robert made up his mind and dialed a number.

The phone rang for a long time before the call was answered.

As soon as it was connected, a man’s voice came from the other end of the line.

“Hello, how can I help you?” Sean’s steady voice sounded.

Robert’s face paled. He managed to choke out, “Can you pass the phone to Young Master Mason? I’d like to speak to him.”

Sean was a little impatient. “Young Master Mason is in the conference room having a meeting. Just let me know if there’s anything and I’ll pass the message to him.”

When he was in a meeting, Mason didn’t like to answer phone calls, nor did he want to be interrupted.

Robert was silent for several seconds before he said, “It’s about Miss Jackson. It’s better for me to inform Young Master Mason personally!”

Upon hearing this, Sean immediately stood up from the assistant’s desk and responded calmly, “All right. Don’t hang up!”

Isn’t today Miss Jackson’s second day at school? Did she do something wrong again? Did she get bullied?

Sean felt uneasy.

However, in any case, anything related to Janet was Mason’s top priority!

As he pondered the matter, Sean pushed open the door.

At that moment, the meeting in the conference room was going on as usual—the product manager was reporting his work while Mason sat in his seat, frowning impatiently.

Summoning his courage, Sean handed the phone to Mason, then reported respectfully, “Young Master Mason, someone wants to speak to you!”

“Speak to me?” Mason raised his eyebrows and asked in an annoyed voice.

Sean had been working for him for many years now, so he was well aware of his temper.

If Sean came to him during such a critical time, it was usually because something big had happened.

Sean nodded, then bent down and whispered in Mason’s ear, “He said that it’s about Miss Jackson, and he wants to talk to you personally!”

“About Jan?” Mason looked up immediately, his eyes full of shock.

Before Sean could nod, Mason grabbed the phone and walked out the door.

The manager who was introducing the product was rendered speechless.

The various executives present were dumbfounded as well.

Sean let out a dry cough, then patted the table. “The meeting will be suspended for now. We’ll give an update later!”

“Speak!” Sitting in the lounge, Mason held the phone. His tone was cold, and his face was void of expression.

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