Silent Storm
Chapter 4 - What Happened In Vargos?

The village of Vargos, once filled with life, now the scene of a horrific event. All that remains is a barren wasteland, hardly indicative of what once was.

A barrier placed by the Central Defense Force surrounds the village, with signs restricting unauthorized entry scattered all around.

CDF Soldiers patrol the site, their heavy boots crushing the rocks beneath their feet with every step.

A group of tourists can be seen behind the barrier, cameras in hand.

A spritely tour guide, ushers them beyond the barrier, with the soldiers allowing them to pass.

A figure wearing a black hood lurks out of sight, watching every movement, crouched at the edge of a cliff. Black chains wrapped tightly around both forearms.

The figure tries to focus on the disaster site, but a bothersome insect keeps buzzing around.

With just a flick of the finger, a tiny ball of fire is shot at the insect, disintegrating it.

The figure then refocuses on the site.

“Thank you all for coming on this tour of the Nexus Disaster Site, and a special thanks to the Central Defense Force for allowing us entry,” says the tour guide with a gleeful smile as she encourages the group to give the CDF Soldiers a round of applause.

“Please everyone, remember not to touch anything, pictures only, and ensure you obey all the signs,” she says.

She then focuses everyone’s attention to a mysterious wooden structure, protected by an additional layer of security barriers. “Under no circumstances is anyone to go past the inner barrier that surrounds the Nexus Shrine. This of course is for your own safety.”

The members of the tour all agree as the guide ushers them along.

The mysterious figure, angered by this all, removes the hood, revealing a young woman with jet black hair. “A tour? Really? They actually turned this into a site for tourists?” She says to herself, as she punches the ground.

“Now can anyone tell me what was so special about Vargos?” asks the tour guide as she scans the group.

She sees a young boy, waving his hands, “You there, you look like an intelligent young man, what can you tell us about Vargos?”

“It’s where the Silent Storm kept the Nexus Orb before it wiped out the entire village,” the enthusiastic little boy responds.

“That’s right,” says the tour guide, “And it could have wiped out all of Cape Central as well, had it not been for the Central Defense’s timely intervention.”

Everyone begins to clap in appreciation of the Central Defense, as the mysterious young woman watches on in complete disbelief and disgust.

A young Central Defense soldier approaches the mysterious woman from behind. “Hey you, what are you doing here? This is a restricted area, and I highly doubt you’re part of the tour.”

The young woman turns around to face him, “You really should think about a career change soldier, the Central Defense isn’t what you think it is, get out now before you lose your innocence---” She looks at the name printed on his shirt, it says ‘Lieutenant Grayson’ --- “You got that Grayson?”

“Stop wasting time Victoria, kill him already,” says an eerie voice.

Victoria winces in pain and holds her head. “Be quiet Zardon, he wasn’t there, I remember all their faces, he’s innocent,” she says.

Lieutenant Grayson looks on in shock at the young woman having a conversation with herself, then points his gun at her.

“They’re all the same,” says Zardon.

“You don’t know where the Nexus Orb is by any chance do you?” Victoria asks the Lieutenant, still holding her head, as if trying to quell the chaos within it.

“Something is seriously wrong with you lady, I think I need to take you in,” he says, while inching closer and closer.

Victoria easily disarms him with a swift kick. Her fist becomes engulfed in hideous black flames, and she delivers a blow to his stomach and knocks him unconscious. “I’d die before I let that happen,” she says as she stands over the Lieutenant’s unconscious body.

“Losing control are we?” taunts a laughing Zardon.

Another Defense Force soldier hurries to the scene. The name on his shirt says ‘Captain Kreel’. He looks at the young soldier laying on the ground unconscious then looks at Victoria.

“You,” says Victoria, who stares at the soldier’s face as horrible memories are dragged to the forefront of her mind ---

A young Victoria languishes in a glass cell, restricted by chains. Several doctors in surgical robes stand outside the cell along with two individuals in Central Defense Uniforms, General Kross, and Captain Kreel, who was a Lieutenant at the time. General Kross instructs the doctors with a wave of his hand to enter the cell. Victoria lets out an awful screech as the doctors hold her down to sedate her.

--- “You,” Victoria says once again. “I see you got a promotion there, Captain.”

“Who the hell are you?” asks Kreel.

Victoria smirks, “I’m insulted you don’t remember me Captain.”

She slowly walks toward Kreel, becoming angrier with every step she takes. “This is where we first met, right here in Vargos,” she says.

“Yes Vicky, let the anger take over,” says Zardon.

Victoria’s voice begins to break as tears flow down her now blackened eyes, “Where you people took everything I loved.”

Kreel stares at Victoria in horror and drops his weapon, sweat begins to run down his cheek. “Oh my God, its you, why are you---how are you here?”

“I’m here for the Orb you people stole,” Victoria responds.

“No please, leave me alone,” says a distressed Kreel, who attempts to flee.

He takes out his transmitter and tries to contact Central Defense HQ, but chains suddenly wrap around his legs and subdues him, causing him to fall to the ground.

Victoria drags Kreel towards her, forcing him to look into her devilish black eyes.

The chains release him and wrap around Victoria’s forearms once again.

Her eyes return to normal as she tries to calm herself down. “Now tell me, what have you done with the Orb?

Captain Kreel reaches for his gun and aims it at Victoria, enraging her once again.

Her chains wrap around his neck and strangle him to death before he can pull the trigger.

She re-claims control, but the look on her face is now one of complete fear and regret. “No, no, no, no! Zardon what did you make me do?” she says,

“Don’t go blaming me Vicky, that was all you. All that anger, that rage, I love it,” says Zardon, as he laughs.

“Let’s just get the hell out of here before more Soldiers show up,” says Victoria, as she leaves the area.


Marie and Vanessa flip through images of the missing kids on a large virtual screen in the Principal’s office. “Where could Cordelia possibly be hiding so many children?” asks Marie.

The office door slides open.

Lou walks in with a frantic look on his face. “Sorry to disturb you my ladies, but there’s a slight disturbance outside the Academy gate.”

Marie and Vanessa quickly leave the office, making their way to the courtyard.

They approach the academy gate and see a woman outside, screaming for help.

“What is it?” Vanessa asks the woman.

“It’s my daughter, we were having an awful fight and she suddenly started acting strange, like if she was in pain,” the woman responds. “Then something started oozing from her mouth, it was burning through everything.”

Marie and Vanessa exchange worried glances with each other.

“I tried to calm her down, but she just started screaming and ran away,” the woman continues.

Marie opens the gate using her wrist pad and the woman immediately runs toward her and Vanessa.

“It’s all my fault, please tell me you found her, she’s all I have left,” the woman says as she begins to weep.

“Its not your fault, an awakening heightens all your emotions, its not uncommon for some to behave irrationally,” says Marie.

“What is your name?” asks Vanessa,

“Sarah Summers,” the woman responds. “My daughter’s name is Sasha,” she continues, then falls at Marie and Vanessa’s feet. “Please, tell me you found her, I beg you.”

Marie looks hopelessly at Vanessa, who shakes her head, signaling her not to divulge any information.

“No we have not located her as yet, but we promise we’re doing everything we can,” says Vanessa.

“No harm will come to your daughter Ms. Summers, you have our word,” adds Marie, as she helps Sarah to her feet.

“How did you get here? I don’t see any transport outside,” asks a concerned Marie.

“I walked. People like me can’t afford road transportation. Those smut guzzlers are much too expensive to maintain,” Sarah responds.

“You walked? From where?” asks Marie.

“From Celsi,” Sarah responds.

“That’s ridiculous,” says Vanessa. “What about the tubes, they’re free aren’t they?

“There aren’t enough carriers to support the number of people flocking the tube stations every day.”

“Gaia help us,” says Marie. “Let’s go inside, you must be hungry, you can tell us more about your daughter over supper,” she continues.

“Thank you so much,” Sarah says.

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