Silent Storm
Chapter 15 - Coming To You Live From The SSA

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re bringing the news to you live from the courtyard of the Silent Storm Academy,” says Eric, as he tries to talk over the noise emanating from the rowdy crowd behind him.

“That’s right Eric, in an unprecedented move, surely in an attempt to quell protests that have been going on for over a week now, the SSA intends to personally address the people, allowing them inside the Academy gates,” adds Rachel.

“Desperate times indeed Rachel. The people here want answers, and deservedly so.”

The noise from the crowd intensifies as the Academy door opens and the faculty begins to line off atop the steps.

“And here they are folks,” says an excited Rachel. “Please remember, you saw it first on Cape Central News.”

Vanessa looks on at the angry crowd before her. “This is a bad idea M,” she whispers to Marie.

“Ghost, Striker, how are things looking up there?” asks Marie, speaking into her wrist pad.

“All clear Lady M,” says Striker, who is positioned covertly atop the Academy roof, scoping out signs of any trouble. “However, Ghost is yet to take up her position,” he adds.

“Where the hell is she?” asks a frustrated Marie. “And father, and Isabella for Gaia’s sake,” she continues.

“Calm down M,” says Vanessa.

“Scratch that my Ladies, she’s here now,” confirms Striker as Ghost takes her position atop the roof.

Vanessa glances up at Ghost, who nods to her in the affirmative.

Vanessa smiles and nods back. “Ok let’s get this over with,” she says as she prepares to speak.

“Citizens of Cape Central, and even those around the globe watching from your homes. The SSA has let you down.”

The noise levels begin to reduce as the crowd listens.

“Cordelia has been strategically taking newly awakened Altere from under our noses and we had absolutely no idea,” says Marie.

The crowd gets restless once again.

“A little too much honesty there M,” Vanessa whispers.

“But we promise you all, we’re going to find her and bring those kids home,” Marie continues.

“What about my Sasha? She’s never coming home,” says a weeping Sarah.

Marie climbs down the Academy steps and approaches Sarah, placing a hand on her shoulder. “My heart aches for what you’ve lost Ms. Summers, but I swear to you, your daughter’s death will not be in vain.”

“And what of the upcoming council vote? Surely that must be weighing heavily on your minds,” asks Rachel, as a news bot hovers toward Marie, placing a microphone close to her face.

Vanessa descends the steps to assist a visibly uncomfortable Marie. “We’re confident good sense will prevail, and the council will vote objectively,” says Vanessa.

“Do either of you have any words for those that believe the Academy would function more efficiently under the stewardship of the CDF?” asks Eric.

“Put your trust in us like you’ve always done,” Marie responds.

“You’ll get our trust when you bring our kids home!” Someone yells from the crowd, as the protests resume once again.

“Well, there you have it folks, the people clearly want results, and have no interest in flowery words,” says Eric.

“Stay tuned in to CCN as we continue to report to you live from the SSA,” says Rachel.


Isabella ventures deep within the Field Garden, flustered, with the mysterious book clutched tightly under her arm.

She reaches the edge of the garden, far enough to avoid the troublesome gathering in the courtyard.

She stares at the book then tosses it to the ground.

She summons the Rune of the Sun and places a hand over the book, immediately setting it on fire.

“Such extremist hogwash has no place in the Academy,” she says, staring into the flame.

The flame dissipates, revealing the book to be unscathed, much to her confusion.

“Impossible,” she says as she moves cautiously toward the book.

The book flips open, startling her.

She picks it up and begins to read as words once again start to appear.

---The Academy’s conditioning runs so deep that you felt compelled to destroy that which you do not understand. Why not instead let this book be your gateway to true power? Power that can be unlocked through sacrifice, and what greater form of sacrifice is there than death? The greater the sacrifice, the greater the harvest.

The book slams shut leaving a now intrigued Isabella pondering to herself.

She opens the book and stares into it, hoping that more words will be revealed, but she is quickly disappointed.

She slams it shut in frustration and lays down on the grass in defeat.

She closes her eyes and lets out a loud gasp but is interrupted by the soothing chirping of a bird that has landed on the book.

She sits up and stretches out a hand to the bird and it jumps into her palm.

She caresses it gently then stares at the book.

“Gaia forgive me,” she says as she summons the Harvest Rune and snaps the bird’s neck.

Tears trickle down and her Rune Circle darkens for a split second then disappears.

She shoots up off the ground, feeling newly invigorated.

The book flips open once again, allowing her to read.

---True enlightenment is yours to attain, if on this path you remain. There is no life without death, so embrace it, become one with it, and tear down every obstacle in your path. But remember, the obstacle determines the level of sacrifice. Prove yourself and the next chapter awaits.

The book slams shut once again.

Isabella picks it up and speed walks out of the Field Garden, avoiding eye contact with Naveen, who examines her with a worried look as she struts by past him.


Victoria is seated in her room, tuned into CCN, looking on at the protests taking place at the Academy.

“The Academy is desperate, just like she said they would be,” says Victoria.

“That doesn’t mean they’ll accept you with open arms without questions, especially if you just appear out of nowhere,” cautions Zardon.

“Is the big bad demon afraid?” Victoria taunts.

“Foolish girl, they’ll lock us away as soon as they figure out what we are.”

“If everything goes according to plan, by the time they do figure it out, it’ll be too late,” says Victoria, spawning a bright orange flame in her palm.

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