Chapter 36

Scarlett coldly replied before the man abruptly ended the call.

Unable to discern the man's expression, she could only anxiously pray for good luck.

"Sir, you heard it too: a person's life is on the line. It doesn't matter why you're pretending to be James, and what you do to me. But please, this is not a time for games. I have to meet him tonight and give him the contract, or else he'll kill my friend!"

In contrast to Scarlett's anxious expression, the man seemed to be in no rush.

He asked nonchalantly, "What contract?"

When it came to matters concerning Sebastian, Scarlett was tight-lipped. "It's just a project agreement," she said.

The man fiddled with his phone and uttered nonchalantly, "If you don't feel like elucidating it, then let James explain it."

Scarlett had to relate to him the entire story, from start to finish, including the reason why James had been thinking of her and how she had managed to get away.

She didn't mention the plan to kill James; instead, she just explained the contract to him.

"I had no choice but to lie to him that I could get the project of the western section of the city in order to delay him and give my friend the chance to get married smoothly. But he was not easy to deal with, so I had to make a fake contract to stabilize him first."

Upon hearing this, the man fell into a prolonged silence.

Seeing that he did not say a word, Scarlett was so anxious that tears streamed down her face. "Sir, I'm telling the truth. Please let me go!"

The man stayed unresponsive and asked in confusion. "Have you never shared a bed with James?"

"Of course not!"

Scarlett was so enraged that she bellowed, "He is so callous to toy with women. How could I ever sleep with him!"

Upon thinking of James sending people to Susan's wedding room, she was so overwhelmed that she forgot her original plant of disguise.

Upon seeing her anger, the man drew out a golden knife and sliced through the white bandage on her wrist.

Scarlett hastily untied the blindfold from her eyes as soon as the bindings were taken off.

The lights in the room remained off and the man had yet to remove his mask, so Scarlett still could not make out his features.

She no longer cared what type of man he was and only wanted him to go.

She had to drive him away first before she could proceed with her plan to deal with James.

"Sir, you ought to depart swiftly. Mr. Forrest is not someone to be trifled with. If he catches sight of you here, he will certainly be merciless to you!"

The man seemed to have heard a joke and snorted, "Am I afraid of him?"

As he spoke, he tucked his hands into his pockets and cast his gaze downward toward Scarlett.

He exuded an arrogant aura, unafraid and with a hidden killing intent.

Scarlett was momentarily stunned; he bore an uncanny resemblance to Sebastian.

As she pondered, the man abruptly sat on the sofa and began toying with the golden knife.

Realizing that he had no intention of going, Scarlett's chaotic thoughts quickly dissipated.

She walked ahead of him, attempting to drive him away with sheer strength. Then, a loud knock resounded from the hotel


Hearing the urgent "bang" sound, her delicate body instantly stiffened.

With a pleading look, she stared into the eyes beneath the man's mask. "Please, go to the restroom to hide, alright?"

Tearfully, her voice trembled, as if she were on the brink of tears if he did not agree.

Seeing her timid appearance, the man felt a little impatient, yet he still rose and headed to the bathroom.

Scarlett's heart, which had been in her throat, finally calmed down upon seeing him enter the bathroom.

She flipped on the light switch, grabbed the pre-prepared counterfeit contract from her bag, and strode towards the door. As soon as the door opened, James dashed in.

"You slut, you actually..."

"Mr. Forrest, contract!"

James rushed in, raising his hand to slap Scarlett.

He had been knocking on the door for an extended period of time without it opening; it was obvious he was toying with


Before he could even lay a hand on her, a contract was thrust into his

As he gazed at the contract, his raised hand slowly descended.

James opened the contract, carefully examining it and finding nothing amiss, which greatly improved his mood.

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