Lizetta had only been in Evercrestia for about two weeks, as the West family had been tirelessly searching for her.

Dora helped Lizetta leave, and they eventually settled down in a quaint town called Luminesia.

The town was nestled among mountains, with homes built along the lakeside. Colorful rooftops dotted the landscape, covered in snow during the winter months, making it feel like something out of a fairy tale. The locals were warm and friendly, making Lizetta's days there peaceful and serene.

However, as April approached, an unexpected snowstorm hit the town, causing a sudden drop in temperature and a shortage in heating supply.

"The fireplace must be broken; it's letting smoke into the room," Dora said, frowning as she tried to light the living room's fireplace.

Lizetta sat cross-legged on the carpet, following a video tutorial to knit a beanie, a new hobby she had recently fallen in love with. She wanted to make a cashmere beanie for Daisy, smiling at Dora when she heard her comment.

"Let's just put it out; it's not that cold. I'll wear an extra layer. Oh, and don't forget to deliver some of the cookies I baked to Nolan."

Nolan was a neighbor's young boy who often visited Lizetta. With Lizetta's beauty, gentle personality, and knack for baking delicious treats, she quickly became a favorite among the local children. Nolan and his pet forest cat, Daisy, were regular visitors.

"I'll head over now, better than having him come over in the snow."

As Dora got up, Lizetta also stood up to help her fetch a down jacket and scarf.

Watching Dora leave, Lizetta's gaze fell on the two trays of heather in the yard. The plant was cold-resistant, but perhaps not enough to withstand such heavy snowfall.

She put on her coat and stepped outside, reaching for the flower pots when she heard the crunch of footsteps in the snow.

Thinking Dora had returned, Lizetta turned with a smile, only to freeze at the sight of a tall, imposing figure.

The man's short hair, illuminated by the indoor lighting, was a stark black, unlike that of the locals.

Startled, Lizetta's grip loosened, and a flower pot fell from the shelf, heading straight for her.

"Watch out!"

The man's deep, mellow voice rang out as he quickly closed the distance, pulling Lizetta away from the shelf and blocking the falling pot with his hand.

The pot shattered, and Lizetta's heart raced as she looked up to see his handsome face, her expression shifting from shock to surprise. "Mr. Madden?"

It turned out to be Jerome, not the person she had initially thought.

With her heart still fluttering, Lizetta managed to say, "What brings you here?"

He lowered his gaze with a smile, "You should wear a scarf when you come out. Where's Dora? Let's go inside and talk." "Right, let's go inside."

Despite the snowy night, Lizetta was happy to have an unexpected visitor.

She smiled, nodding eagerly as she led Jerome inside.

After making Jerome a cup of hot tea, Lizetta turned to find his gaze upon her, deep and contemplative in the dim light.

"You look well," Jerome said, breaking the silence and dispelling any awkwardness.

Lizetta nodded, her tone light yet polite. "Dora has been taking great care of me. Thank you, Mr. Madden. Without your help, I don't know where my baby and I would be." Placing the coffee in front of Jerome, she maintained a courteous distance.

Jerome sensed her formality and said after taking his coffee, "You've thanked me enough. If you're truly grateful, treat me as a friend and call me by my name, not Mr. Madden." Sitting there, his demeanor was relaxed and inviting, effortlessly making Lizetta feel at ease.

"Jerome? That's a nice name. What brings you here all of a sudden?"

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