The wound in the palm of his hand, which was left untreated, began to bleed again, the congealed blood dripping down along his fingers.

"Remington, what happened to your hand? My God, you're bleeding a lot."

Stella hurried over, reaching for Remington's bleeding hand.

But before she could touch him, Remington abruptly raised his hand and pushed her away.

Stella nearly stumbled backward, her face turning pale.

"Remington." Her eyes reddened.

But Remington didn't look at her, his gaze fixed on Hanna, a cold sneer pulling at his lips. "I was hesitating whether to bring her back or not. But now I think it's better she's gone, so our baby won't be treated as a blood bag even before it's born."

Remington stepped forward, walking past Hanna, his voice cold. "I've decided to respect Liz's wishes and not search for her anymore. As for your own son, you figure out how to save him. It's not Liz's responsibility!"

With that, he strode upstairs, commanding Lina, "Please ask them to leave and don't just open the door to anyone next time."

He climbed the stairs, and only then did Hanna react, her voice filled with shock and anger. "What do you mean by figuring it out myself? That's your brother! Remington!"

But Remington didn't turn back, and when Hanna tried to follow, Lina stopped her.

"Ma'am, you know the young master's temper. Please, you and Ms. West should leave now."

Hanna glared at Lina while Stella stepped forward to soothe, "Aunt Hanna, let's just go for now. Liz has left, and Remington is in a bad mood. He didn't mean to upset you."

Hanna held her head feeling dizzy, "Stella, do you think Remington has really given up on finding Lizetta?"

Stella supported Hanna as they walked outside, comforting her gently. "No, Remington cares too much about Joseph. Even if Lizetta has left, Remington will surely find another match for Joseph. Don't worry, Aunt Hanna, I will also mobilize all of the West family's resources to help find a suitable match."

Stella's eyes were filled with fervor, pondering Remington's words. Could it be he's genuinely disheartened and troubled, deciding to let Lizetta go and not search for her anymore?

"You're so kind, unlike Lizetta. Joseph trusted her so much, and the Dashiell family took her in; but the one time she could be of use, she heartlessly ran away."

Stella pursed her lips and smiled, then glanced back at Oakridge Heights.

Tonight, Remington had sent her away, but it was because Lizetta had just left, and the man was drowning in regret and resentment.

But men can't stand loneliness, she believed. As long as Lizetta stayed away, she would eventually take her place, becoming the new lady of this house. Upstairs.

Remington stood before the floor-to-ceiling window, silently watching Stella and Hanna leave the courtyard.

As their car drove away, he picked up his phone and instructed, "Twenty days ago, Liz and Stella had coffee together at the café across from the hospital. Check the surveillance footage from that day and ask if any of the staff overheard their conversation."

At that time, Remington hadn't thought much of seeing them together for coffee.

But now, considering Lizetta always seemed to keep her distance from Stella, it was odd for them to share a coffee. It dawned on him that it was after that day that Lizetta's attitude had changed somewhat, When she spoke to him, there were no longer barbs in every sentence, as if softening little by little.

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