Liz burst into laughter, turning around to stuff a debit card and the deed to the house into Yolanda's arms. "Come on, take it! Who in their right mind would refuse money that's literally being handed to them?" "Can I really keep it? But didn't you, like, wear yourself out paying off that $300,000 debt to Remington?" Yolanda clutched the debit card, somewhat surprised by Liz's change of heart.

Liz cut her off, "I was a fool back then, but things are different now. You've saved a life and got yourself hurt in the process. This is what you deserve. Why on earth would you say no? If it makes you feel better, there's something I need to ask of you."

Liz had made up her mind to leave, and she was sure she couldn't take Thaddeus with her this time.

Yolanda accepted the money, and Liz hoped that if Remington, in a fit of rage, decided to ignore Thaddeus, Yolanda could look after her big brother for her.

She shared her wishes with Yolanda, leaving her utterly shocked.

"Look after Thaddeus? Of course, I can. But where are you planning to go? You're pregnant with Joy, heading off to some unknown place is going to be tough." Liz just offered Yolanda a faint smile.

"I'm not afraid of hardship, just heartache."

She was exhausted. Refusing to let go, Remington constantly pressured her without considering her feelings.

Stella was always lurking, and Hanna's glares made Liz feel like a walking blood bank, constantly fearing what madness Hanna might unleash next.

Trapped in this hopeless marriage, Liz felt like she was suffocating.

Yolanda was worried, but seeing Liz's weary but gentle smile, she had her eyes welled up with tears, and she embraced Liz tightly.

"Alright, if you want to leave, then leave. I believe in you. But do you really think Stella will help you?"

"She will." Liz said with conviction.

And Liz's judgment was proven right a week later.

She returned to the dance troupe, just finished with rehearsal, when her phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number.

[Need half a month to arrange]

No introduction or conclusion, but Liz knew who it was and what it meant.

She quickly replied and deleted the message.

Putting her phone away, Liz headed for Jerome's office.

Jerome had given her the chance to join the troupe, and she had promised to stick with dancing until the baby was born next year before leaving.

But now.

Liz felt terribly sorry. Standing at the office door, she raised her hand but hesitated to knock.

But she had to face what she had decided.

With a grimace and eyes shut tight, she knocked hard.

Unexpectedly, the door opened from the inside, and Liz's hand, still in motion, landed forcefully on the chest of the man behind it.

"What are you doing?" The man's casual, slightly amused voice came from above.

Liz suddenly looked up, her finger still pressed against Jerome's chest.

Her face turned red with embarrassment, and she instinctively rubbed the spot where she had knocked.

Jerome grabbed Liz's wrist, stopping her fumbling hand.

Liz shifted awkwardly, feeling Jerome's gaze on her as if she were some kind of hooligan.

"It wasn't on purpose!"

"You planned on making it on purpose?" Jerome raised an eyebrow.

Liz's face flushed even more.

Jerome let go of her hand, and Liz quickly hid the offending hand behind her back.

The other hand pinched her palm hard.

That's for acting crazy!

"Did you need something?"

Perhaps seeing Liz's near-tears of embarrassment, Jerome asked.

"Mr. Madden, were you heading out? I have something to say, but if you're busy, I..."

Liz felt like she had picked the wrong moment, having just acted like a fool, and now trying to talk about leaving seemed utterly ridiculous.

She was thinking of making a quick exit and finding another opportunity later.

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