Liz was still young and had always been the apple of your eye. It's normal for her to have a bit of a temper.

I'm fine. You should go after her, especially since she's carrying your child. We don't want anything bad happening.

It's been ages since I caught up with your mom, so we can have a chat here."

Remi nodded and marched off in pursuit of Liz.

"I swear, I don't know what kind of spell that little vixen has cast on him!"

Hanna fumed, while Stella watched the man hurry away, and got lost in thought.

Lizetta stormed out of the café, quickening her pace.

But the sound of Remi's footsteps was catching up, prompting her to speed up even more.

In the next second, he had grabbed her by the shoulder.

Turning around in irritation, Lizetta snapped, "What? Mr. Dashiell can't stand it and wants to drag me back to apologize to your childhood sweetheart?"

"No need. I've already apologized on your behalf."

Lizetta scoffed and shrugged him off, "I don't need your apologies!"

Her movements were so forceful that her nails scratched across his neck, leaving a red mark.

Remi's face darkened, "Liz!"

She let out a light laugh, "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

She had refused to apologize just moments ago.

Now, when he didn't need her apology, she acted out on purpose, just to irk him.

Remi's face turned grim, but Lizetta had already turned away; it looked as if her back was bristling with spikes.

Remi felt a headache coming on and stopped in his tracks, but then his expression suddenly changed.

"Watch out!"

Lizetta turned around upon hearing his stern warning from behind.

But before she could see Remi clearly, everything went black as he forcefully pulled her into his embrace.

At the same time, a loud thud sounded, followed by the noise of something heavy hitting the ground.

"Ouch, a billboard fell and hit someone!"

"I'm so sorry, are you okay? We'll take care of it."

People exclaimed in shock, and some rushed out to apologize.

Lizetta, shielded by Remi, saw the fallen billboard at the bottom of the stairs.

It was huge, made of steel, and looked very heavy.

It must have hit Remi's back, as she heard him grunt in pain.

Lizetta looked up at him from his embrace. His face was pale, his expression pained, but his eyes were fixed on her with concern. "Are you alright?"

At that moment, Lizetta's heart felt heavy with mixed emotions.

"The injury is bleeding, sir. We're really sorry. Please, hurry to the hospital to get it treated."

The store owner kept apologizing profusely.

Lizetta shook her head and crawled out from Remi's embrace, noticing that blood had soaked through his dark suit on the right shoulder. "Let's go to the hospital."

In the emergency room, Remi's jacket was removed, revealing not just the fresh wound on his shoulder, but also a series of bruises across his back. They looked like they were inflicted with a bat, blue and purple, covering a large area.

Lizetta bit her lip, "Did grandma do this?"

"Yeah." Remi merely responded.

"Over the wedding?" Lizetta asked again.

She hadn't known that Fiona had hit Remi, assuming that the injuries were from the day of the wedding.

As soon as Remi met her inquiring gaze, he slightly turned away so she couldn't stare at his mottled back anymore, simply saying,

"Because of the wedding, and because I refused to divorce."

Camille had seen him take Lizetta away from the civil affairs office and called the old lady.

Fiona had rushed to Oakridge Heights while Lizetta was unconscious.

Fiona told him that keeping Lizetta against her will would only push her further away and advised him to let go.

Of course, Remi refused. So, the old lady made him kneel and gave him a beating.

Hearing this, Lizetta remained silent for a long time, then looked into Remi's deep eyes and said bitterly,

"Remi, why put yourself through all this?"

Four years ago, Fiona wanted Remi to marry her, and he refused, earning himself a beating.

Now, Fiona wanted him to get a divorce, and again, he refused.

When she was there, he wouldn't come to her.

When she wanted to leave, he pursued her relentlessly.

An untimely love was doomed to be star-crossed.

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