Remington's breath turned heavy, his deep gaze fixed intently on the woman's pale face. His fists clenched and then relaxed as he finally spoke, his voice soft and soothing. "Liz, you're in a bad state right now. What you need most is some rest! We can talk about everything else later, okay?"

He reached out to pull Lizetta into his embrace, but she dodged away, irritation written all over her face.

"At this point, Mr. Dashiell, do you really think our marriage stands a chance?"

Without a moment's hesitation, he replied, "Yes, it does!"

It was then he realized she loved him, and he hadn't yet had the chance to tell her that he loved her too.

How could they end things like this! He wouldn't allow it!

He said with a grave tone; his handsome face slightly shadowed. His gentleness shattered like a mask, revealing a cold, dark gaze filled with obsession and madness. He stepped forward, intent on pulling Lizetta into his arms.

"Enough!" She pushed him away fiercely, her slender body stumbling.

Seeing her on the verge of falling, Remington froze, hesitating to approach her again.

At that moment, Hogan, changing from scrubs to his white gown, quickly came over and supported Lizetta.

Remington darkly glared at Hogan's right hand. But Lizetta, who looked agitated, grasped Hogan's arm in return.

This scene deeply wounded Remington's eyes.

"Mr. Dashiell, she's been through a lot today. A pregnant woman shouldn't be continuously stressed like this. If you truly care for her, stop pushing her!" Remington's temples throbbed twice, "This is between us married couple. You're overstepping!"

"As a doctor, I must intervene! And as Liz's friend, Mr. Dashiell, you missing the wedding and embarrassing her like that, you've let her down and hurt her."

Remington cut him off coldly, "Oh, as a friend, or perhaps with other intentions? Hogan, don't act all high and mighty about our issues. You're nothing here! My patience has limits; don't think I won't take action! Lizetta, observing Remington's stern demeanor, suddenly curved up her lips, "If Hogan don't have a say, surely I do."

Despite trying to appear strong, Lizetta was physically weak, having relied on Hogan's support. Finally steadying herself, she turned to Hogan.

"Hogan, this is indeed between him and me. Could you please take care of Yoli for me? I need to talk to him alone."

Hogan looked worried, but seeing Lizetta's determination, he didn't press, nodded and turned to head into the ICU.

In an instant, the corridor was deserted, leaving only Lizetta and Remington standing opposite each other.

A beam of light from above cast a shadow on the ground, creating a rift between what should've been a sweet newlywed couple.

Lizetta gazed at the silent Remington, "Remington, you are the one who skipped the wedding, who gave up on me. Why bother pretending now? Let's end this gracefully for the sake of decades of being together, and divorce amicably, okay?"

Lizetta truly didn't understand what Remington was holding onto.

A pang of pain flashed in Remington's eyes; his throat felt as if it held a knife, making his voice hoarse, "Liz, I didn't miss the wedding. I'm sorry I was late; I can explain."

His voice was anxious, his composure lost.

Lizetta lowered her eyes, offering a bitter and sarcastic smile, "Explain? Explain that while I was eagerly looking forward to our wedding, you were busy searching for Stella behind my back?

Or explain that when I was waiting for you to try on the wedding attire, you were rushing off to meet Stella?

Or perhaps explain that when I faced our wedding day alone and vulnerable, you were returning with Stella in your arms?

Should I also thank you for eventually showing up at the wedding? Yes, you did come, but I didn't need it anymore!"

Lizetta found the situation absurd.

Recently, he'd been in a surprisingly good mood, and she thought he was as excited about the wedding as she was. But as it turned out, he'd found a clue about Stella.

He said he was going on a business trip, and she believed him. He promised he'd return, asking her not to cancel the wedding, and she believed that too.

He did return, but it was too late. Too late that all her anticipation, trust, and love had been exhausted.

"You knew." Remington looked at her desolate and indifferent face, feeling a sense of defeat in his clenched hands.

"Yes, I know everything. So, there's nothing to explain. Please, Mr. Dashiell, respect my wishes this time. I'll be waiting for you at City Hall."

Lizetta walked past Remington.

As their clothes brushed against each other, Remington suddenly grabbed her, "Liz, I'm sorry; you know my issues. I just wanted to find Stella as soon as possible, to settle my past and move on.

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