She felt like she was sinking into a solitary deep sea, engulfed by the deathly waters of isolation, unable to hear any sound or feel any warmth around her, that was until Yolanda's loud shouts pierced through her numbness.

Lizetta slowly came back to her senses, her hand subconsciously reaching up to touch her face. She thought she would be in tears, yet, there were none.

Her cheeks were dry, her eyes scratchy and sore, as if they were about to ignite. Her chest felt numb, as if it had been hollowed out.

She thought, so this was what true despair, disappointment, and sorrow felt like - utterly desolate, without even tears to show for it.

"Really, how could she break the gift?"

"Guests should be treated with respect, but this is just rude."

Lizetta blinked back to reality, and when she did, she was met with the stares of a few guests, looking at her disapprovingly under Evelina's tearful accusations.

Lizetta stopped Lucian, who was about to confront them with displeasure, and offered a polite, yet firm smile.

"I apologize for the disturbance, but while guests are to be treated with respect, those who come with malice shouldn't expect the same courtesy, right?"

"Sis, how could I come with bad intentions?" Evelina attempted to protest further.

Lizetta cut her off, "Wearing black to someone else's wedding, and gifting two things are bad, didn't you know? What excuse do you have?"

Suddenly, everyone's condemning gaze turned to Evelina.

Caught off guard by Lizetta's composure even after hearing about the reason of Remington's absence and her graceful handling of the situation, Evelina was at a loss for words. Her face flushed, and she quickly turned to leave.

As the commotion died down, Lizetta closed her eyes for a moment. Seeing her pale, Lucian thought it was because of Remington's delay and said in a deep voice. "Liz, don't worry. I'll go check for you."

He reached for his phone, stepping towards the door, but Lizetta grabbed his arm. Turning back, Lucian saw Lizetta offering a faint, pale smile. "Luc, no need. Please, apologize to grandma and the guests for me. The wedding is off," with those words, she forcefully pulled off her veil.

Her hair cascaded over her shoulders as the pearl tiara meant to secure her veil hit the ground hard.

The pearls from the tiara's back chain scattered across the floor, like the tears of a mermaid princess.

Lucian stood in shock as Lizetta began to walk towards the stairs.

"Liz? What's going on? Think of something!" Lucian's face darkened, his brows furrowed as he turned to Yolanda.

Yolanda, snapping out of her shock, shrugged and said with a cold laugh, "A groom who misses his own wedding doesn't deserve a second thought!"

Heart-aching for Lizetta, she hurried after her. Just then, a commotion started in the banquet hall.

"What's happening in there?"

"A scandal, a huge scandal! The bride apparently had a thing with, well, better see for yourself. It's always chaotic with the rich."

People coming out of the banquet hall were stopped and questioned by those wanting to enter, with murmurs spreading fast.

Lucian frowned, and paused as he took a glance at Lizetta, who was going to leave; then he turned and headed to the hall, only to notice people coming out from it gazed at him in an odd way.

Lucian's brows furrowed tight, a gut feeling that something related to him had happened. He quickened his pace, but before even entering the banquet hall, he saw his mother Camille walking out, looking anxious.

"Mom, what's going on inside?"

"Lucian, where's Liz? What's this about Liz's diary?" Camille questioned hastily, clutching Lucian's arm.

At that moment, a black Maybach skidded to a perfect halt in front of the hotel.

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