On the other end of the phone, the man remained silent. But Lizetta could hear background noises, loud and bustling like a crowd.

It didn't sound at all like the environment where Remington worked.

"Where are you? Is something wrong? Talk to me," Lizetta's worry started to spike.

But just as her anxious words fell, she heard a clearer announcement through the phone. She was taken aback; it was unmistakably the sound of an airport announcing flight information.

"Liz, don't worry. I'm fine. It's just that, I'm sorry, something came up and I need to go on a business trip right away. I won't be able to make it back to try on the suit today."

Finally, Remington's familiar deep voice came through.

He really was at the airport. Relieved that he wasn't in any trouble, Lizetta still felt uneasy knowing he was leaving Zion City.

"Is it something really important and urgent? Does it have to be you going in person, can't someone else..."

Lizetta thought of the upcoming wedding and unconsciously gripped her phone tighter.

Remington had promised her he'd wrap up his work early to spend the last couple of days before their wedding together with her. Now, not only was he not coming back to be with her, but he was also leaving Zion City.

However, her plea was cut off by Remington, "Liz, it's important; I have to be there in person. I'm sorry. The suit is tailored to my measurements; it'll fit perfectly. I'll wear it for you when I get back, okay?" His voice was soothing, yet his stance was clear.

He wasn't going to stay. But from what he said, the trip wouldn't take long.

"Does that mean our wedding has to be postponed?" Lizetta asked uncertainly.

"No need, I'll be back the day after tomorrow at the latest, and our wedding is the day after. How could I miss our wedding? I have something very important to tell you then. Just wait for me, okay?" Remington replied with a smile; his tone was light, with a hint of caution.

Knowing he wouldn't delay the wedding, Lizetta gradually felt more at ease.

She figured the business trip wasn't by his choice. There must be a really urgent matter that needed his personal attention. Although she was still a bit upset, she was understanding and considerate. "Okay, then I'll wait for you. Where are you go..."

Before Liz could ask where he was off to, Remington seemed in a rush and hung up.

Lizetta took a deep breath, turned to Sophia, and gave an awkward smile, "He had to leave on a sudden business trip, but I guess the suit size won't be an issue. We don't need to try it on." Sophia looked surprised, "Leaving for a business trip now?"

Lizetta's smile carried a hint of helplessness, her disappointment unconsciously showing. She was never good at hiding her feelings.

Sophia, having dealt with many brides, knew all too well that Remington leaving for a business trip at this time would upset Lizetta, despite her attempt to appear nonchalant.

She quickly changed the subject, trying to comfort her, "Men are all the same, always avoiding trying on outfits and such tedious tasks. But luckily for Mr. Dashiell, he's naturally dashing. This is the tailored suit, and even if the size doesn't fit, he'd still be the most handsome groom you could imagine. Don't worry."

"Thanks, Sophia."

After Sophia left Oakridge Heights and got into her car, she thought about what happened just now and called Cassius.

She went straight to the point, "Did something big go wrong with the Starlight Group? Mr. Dashiell has to leave for a business trip now?"

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