Whatever the scenario was, it wasn't something Lizetta wanted. But why only these two?

"Maybe he just didn't want to waste police resources over something so trivial? After all, my husband could solve it in a heartbeat. Stop trying to drag me into your little fantasy world," Lizetta replied, her gaze icy as she locked eyes with Evelina.

Seeing Lizetta's calm and serene demeanor, Evelina clenched her fists, a mocking smile creeping onto her face.

"Oh, how naïve you are. Do you really trust Remington that much? The thing with the West family was a huge deal for him. Barbara was nearly killed because of that letter. Do you think he'd consider it a small matter? That he'd be worried about wasting police resources?"

"Evelina, cut the drama. You're trying so hard to sabotage our relationship, and it's almost pitiful. Especially since we're about to have our wedding. But don't worry; you're not invited.

As for who's behind today's incident, we both know the truth. Evil deeds will always backfire. It's getting cold; I'd advise you to retreat to your burial and cover more earth on you to keep warm, okay?"

Lizetta gave Evelina a brief glance before turning away, no longer engaging with her. As Evelina watched Lizetta's departing figure, her eyes darkened. Remington escorted Martin to the side room before coming back to Lizetta, "I need to head back to Starlight Group. Want the driver to take you home?"

Lizetta nodded, "I'll go check on my brother first, then head back."

Remington, habitually, reached out to gently pat Lizetta's head. Standing anxiously to the side, Eileen stepped forward, her expression a mix of apology and worry.

"Mr. Dashiell, I really had no idea how this happened. It wasn't me who leaked it. About my husband's illness."

Eileen was genuinely concerned that with the secret out and Barbara's near miss, Remington might not keep his promise.

But Remington's gaze remained calm as he nodded at Eileen.

"This isn't on you. Your husband's kidney transplant is scheduled, latest by next week. Since there's no need for you here anymore, I'll arrange for someone to take you and your daughter back to Celestia." Overjoyed, Eileen bowed deeply in gratitude to Remington. She also thanked Lizetta politely.

"Thank you for your care, Mrs. Dashiell. I need go back to take care of my husband, so I won't be able to stay for your wedding. But I wish you both a lifetime of happiness and fortune. If you ever visit Celestia, please let me be the host then."

Lizetta shook Eileen's hand, "I wish your husband a speedy recovery and your family all the best."

As Eileen hurried off, her relief and happiness were palpable. Lizetta turned to Remington, "She and her husband must be very close."

Remington lowered his gaze to hers, "Yeah, close. Makes me wonder why someone would get so jealous for no reason."

Lizetta shot him an annoyed glare, "Well, if you didn't keep secrets from me! Come on, spill it. What have you been hiding lately?"

Remington thought about the investigation into Stella's last known whereabouts. But without concrete information yet, and considering they were outside Barbara's hospital room, he hesitated before replying. "I wouldn't dare now."

His voice carried a mix of teasing and affection, making Lizetta laugh and squeeze his hand.

"I'll go see my brother first. Don't stay out too late; come home early."

Her tone and look were those of a sweet, obedient wife, eyes filled with love for him. Remington felt a warmth spread through him, and he kissed her forehead before letting go.

Evelina, standing not too far away, watched their affectionate exchange, her nails digging into her purse out of frustration. She was curious to see what kind of disaster Lizetta's wedding would turn into. Back at Starlight Group's CEO office, Remington pulled open a drawer under his desk as soon as he arrived.

He took out an old diary and spread open a confidential letter received that day. The handwriting on the letter mirrored that of the diary.

He was familiar with Lizetta's handwriting, having taught her himself. Handwriting habits are hard to change, and Lizetta's slanted slightly to the left.

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