Lizetta's sleep was anything but restful. In her dream, she was transported back to the summer she was eleven.

That day, she had received her prize money from a competition and had dashed off to the mall after school to buy a diamond-encrusted business pen she had been eyeing for a while.

It was meant to be a gift for her brother, but when she returned to their family mansion, she overheard the servants talking and learned that Remington was leaving for studies abroad. That evening, the Temples had thrown him a farewell party.

His departure meant he would be gone for years. She waited on the tree-lined path outside the mansion until midnight before he finally arrived.

As he stepped out of the car, she stumbled over to him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and looked up at him through tear-filled eyes.

"Remi, why do you have to go? There are good universities here too. Why go abroad?"

"I have to. There's a reason I must go."

"But I don't want us to be apart."

"I'm sorry, Liz. I can't watch over you as you grow up."

"Can't I come with you? Food abroad is terrible; you won't like it. I can cook for you, take care of you. I'm really good at it!"

"No. I'll be too busy to look after you."

"But I don't need." she still tried to fight for it.

He gently touched her head, shaking it firmly, "Liz, be good. I have to go."

Back then, she didn't understand why he had to leave. Now, she did. His unavoidable reason was Stella. He had left abroad for many years just to find Stella. The dream shifted abruptly to an operating room.

Lizetta was strapped down on the operating table, while Hanna, with a fierce look in her eyes, urged the doctor, "Cut her open! I need to save my Joseph; it's almost too late!" As the doctor approached with a scalpel, she struggled and screamed.

"You can't do this to me. Remi won't let you hurt us."

"Ha, who do you think you are? Stella's back; she's the one Remington is marrying. She's pregnant, and your child is just a blood bag to save Joseph!"

"No, that can't be true!"

In disbelief, she struggled but then saw Remington walk in, with a pregnant Stella by his side. He tenderly supported Stella, giving Lizetta a cold look before ordering the doctor.

"Do it!"

"No! I won't allow it! Get away!" Lizetta suddenly screamed, flailing her arms in the air. Until a warm, steady force grabbed her, and a familiar voice called out. "Liz, Lizetta! Wake up!"

Her eyes snapped open to see Remington's familiar handsome face next to her, his brows furrowed with evident concern.

"Nightmare? Don't worry; I'm here."

Hearing his comforting voice and feeling his large hand gently patting her back, Lizetta had a moment of disorientation, as if still in her dream.

When she had nightmares as a child, he had comforted her in the same way. If only he hadn't gone abroad, hadn't met Stella, hadn't grown distant, how wonderful it would have been. But even then, she wasn't his first choice. And now, she was even less likely to be.

"I'm okay now."

Lizetta's gaze cleared, and she pushed Remington away, trying to sit up. But Remington wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back into his embrace, murmuring. "Even if you're okay, lie down. The doctor said you need to rest in bed for a couple of days."

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