Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta )
Shattered Illusions: Love Lies and Redemption ( Lizetta ) Chapter 351

Chapter 351 

Lizetta descended the stairs, where the maid had prepared breakfast 

She took a sip of milk and asked, “Is Granny not home?” 

“Two years ago, Mrs Fiona went to St. Mary’s Chapel to pray for you and Mr. Dashiell’s happiness and for you to have a child soon. Now that you and Mr. Dashiell have reconciled, and you are expecting, Mrs. Fiona went early this morning with Tina to fulfill her vow. The cherry blossoms at St. Mary’s are about to bloom, and she plans to stay in the hills for a few days” 

Lizetta’s grin on her cup tightened. 

It seemed Fiona would be celebrating too soon. 

After breakfast as Lizetta was about to leave, Hanna came in with Wilma. 

“Liz, I made you a stew. Have it while it’s hot 

At Hanna’s signal, Wilma opened the thermos she had brought, ladled out a bowl of stew, and placed it in front of Lizetta. 

Lizetta looked up, “I’m full already.” 

Hanna frowned, “It’s just a bowl of stew, you can eat it You’re pregnant now, you can’t keep a tiny stomach to maintain your figure like before! Drink up.” 

Hanna pushed the bowl of stew into Lizetta’s hands, urging her 

The stew, filled with meat egg, vegetables, and beans, didn’t look appetizing, and it tasted off. 

Lizetta knew Hanna meant well for her unborn baby. 

The stew wasn’t poisoned, but she was already full, and she had a dance rehearsal soon. Eating too much would make it uncomfortable 

She put down the bowl. “Sorry, I really can’t eat anymore, I’m in a hurry to leave.” 

Hanna wouldn’t give up, “Block her! She’s not leaving until she drinks this stew today!” 

Wilma immediately stepped in front of Lizetta, “Mrs. Dashiell, you’re being unreasonable. Madam made this with love early in the moming, how can you dismiss her effort?” 

When Remington was abroad, Hanna was always keen on making Lizetta drink various concoctions and stews, which were quite bothersome. 

Lizetta was pressed for time, and arguing would only delay her further, 

She pursed her lips, picked up the bowl, and began to drink. 

Hanna’s expression softened, “I took special care in selecting the ingredients, make sure to eat them all ” 

Lizetta stirred the stew and fished out something odd. 

What’s this?” 

It looked wrinkly like a mushroom, but it was clearly meat. 

“It’s placenta, Mrs. Fiona went through a lot of trouble to get it. They say it’s more effective when fresh” 

Fresh placenta? 

Lizetta felt a wave of nausea, and before Wilma could finish, she rushed to the trash can, vomiting violently. 

“Oh no, why did she throw up everything?! Wilma panicked. 

Hanna’s face darkened, signaling Wilma to ladle another bowl. 

Lizetta vomited until she was empty, but the hausea persisted. 

She stood up, and another bowl of stew was presented to her. 

“Get that away from me!” Lizetta pushed if away forcefully. 

The bowl crashed to the floor, shattering. 

Hanna was furious, “Lizetta, they say like cures like I’m trying to help you heal, don’t be ungrateful! I’ll bring this stew every day, and you have to finish it.” 

Lizetta wiped her mouth with a tissue, flinging it away with a clang. 

The thermos too was knocked to the floor, the stew spilling everywhere. 

Stew splashed on Hanna, who jumped back, “Lizetta!” 



Chapter 351 

“Are you trying to heal me? You’re only interested in the placenta inside mel Let someone else drink this stew. The next time anyone dares bring it in front of me, I’ll dump it on their face!” 

Lizetta pushed past Wilma, who had tried to block her way. 

Wilma grabbed her, but Lizetta’s cold glare made her retract her hand, “Careful, or you’ll harm the golden goose inside me. 

Wilma backed off, and Lizetta left with her bag, Hanna’s angry curses echoing behind her. 

Lizetta quickened her pace towards the door, but then she overheard two bodyguards whispering behind a tree 

“Didn’t Ray go on a blind date during his days off? How did that go?” 

“No luck. What ordinary woman could catch Ray’s eye?” 

“True. If Ray hadn’t been off duty, could Mr. Remington have been so easily hurt by Iris?” 

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