Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta )
Shattered Illusions: Love Lies and Redemption ( Lizetta ) Chapter 332

Chapter 332 

“I can handle this small load Edith dropped me off and had to head back Grandma called this moming asking me to spend a few days with her at the family home” 

Just then, Cedric pushed open the door 

“Mr. Dashell, even things ready 

Remington gave a slight nod, and Latta, seeing he was indeed buty, knitted her brows and asked 

Ts a bit of a situation with the West family. There’s a press conference scheduled this morning for a joint venture between the Starlight Group and the West family, I need to be there in pertan 

Upon hearing it was about the West family. Lizette knew it was pointless to argue 

“Oh but did the doctor say you could be discharged 

“What about breakfast? Aren’t you going to eat 


Before she could finish, Remington gently pinched her cheek and said. 

Tm running late, darling. Do me a favor and help me with my be” 

He handed his fir to Lizetti, who took it from him. 

Instinctively, he started to bend down to make it easier for her, but Lizetta, not wanting him to aggravate his injury, pulled him towards the bed to su 


Remington’s lips curved into a smile, his deep eyes fixated on Lizettas face. 

As Lizetta leaned over to adjust his collar before starting on the tie, the morning sunlight bathed the room, warm and gentle, not at all 

harsh or scorching: 

de the city hall on their wedding day. 

Lizetta thought back to the last time she tied his tie, which was in the car outside the 

Back the 

she hadn’t imagined there would be more moments like this. 

As a wife, she was tying her husband’s tie in the early moming, sending him off to his day. 

Her lips couldn’t help but curve into a smile. 

“What are you smiling about? Remington’s soft voice chimped from above her. 

Lizetta looked up meeting his gaze, close and intense. His deep eyes, reflecting the warm sunlight, appeared a gentle amber, soothing 

and tender 

Her heart raced, and she smiled again, saying. 

“You wouldn’t understand 

Women often find emotion in the little things, picking up 

bits of excitement, warmth, and romance in the mundane 

They believe happiness is in the details, that these little joys make even an ordinary life blossom brightly. 

But men, always rational, might see happiness more tangibly wealth, career success, a devoted wife, children 

If she told him why she was smiling, he might just laugh at her for finding joy in such trivial things 

Thinking this, Lizetta felt Remington wrap his arms around her waist 

He rested his forehead against hers, then kissed her deeply and passionately, his hand gently caressing the back of her ear 

When they parted, his voice was husky 

“Liz, I’m very happy today too 

Lizettas lashes fluttered, and she smiled, feeling a thrill as if her secret happiness had been recognized and echoed 

Then, Remington gently played with her earlobe and said

“The earrings look good on you. Keep them on” 

Lizetta paused, then realized he was referring to the happiness about wearing the earrings. 


hapter d52 

The night before, she had put on the pair of daisy earnings he had given her after returning to Oakridge Heights. 

Remington then took Lizetta’s hand, squeezing it. 

“Put on the ring, and ill be even happier.” 

Lizetta rolled her eyes, pulling her hand back as she continued with his the “Dream on We’ll talk after you pass the trial period? 

Remington raised an eyebrow, smiling. “You’ll want to wear it yourself soon enough!” 

Just like with those earrings 

Lizetta didn’t linger on the topic. She finished tying his tie and reminded him, 

“Be careful with your injury. And are you sure you don’t want to eat anything?” 

She had made breakfast with her own hands, hoping her efforts would be appreciated 

Like Joseph, who always enjoyed her cooking, she felt rewarded knowing her hard work wasn’t in vain 

Remington, however, ruffled Lizetta’s hair, “No, I better go” 

Lizetta felt a touch of disappointment, but she hadn’t mentioned to him that she would be bringing breakfast 

She nodded, watching Remington head towards the door, then called out, 

“Remi, can you come back home early after you’re done?” 

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