Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta )
Shattered Illusions: Love Lies and Redemption ( Lizetta ) Chapter 325

Chapter 325 

With one arm, he cradled Lizetta’s head, steadying her gently 

Lizetta was deep in sleep, showing no signs of waking. Hogan hesitated for a moment before removing his coat and draping it over Lizetta. 

He sat down next to her, pulling out his phone, only for his shoulder to suddenly feel heavier. 

Hogan’s breath hitched as he slowly turned his head to find Lizetta asleep again, her head now resting on his shoulder 

Her soft hair brushed against his neck, carrying with it a faint scent of jasmine, unsettling his heart. 

Hogan tensed, fully aware that she was asleep and oblivious to everything. 

He knew he should move away or wake her up. 

But in that moment, he couldn’t bring himself to do either. His fists clenched on his knees, he allowed himself a moment of selfish indulgence. 

When Remington stepped out of the hospital room, he was greeted by this sight. 

On the bench across the hall, the slender, beautiful woman lay in a peaceful pose, resting on the shoulder of the refined and composed man, covered with his coat. 

Remington’s handsome face darkened instantly, his voice sharp as ice, “Lizetta!” 

Startled awake, Lizetta, in her drowsiness, heard Remington’s voice. 

Feeling someone beside her, she instinctively thought it was Remington. 

She reached out, wrapping her arms around the man’s waist, her voice muffled, “Hmm, you’re back. Ah!” 

Before Lizetta could finish, she was forcefully lifted from the bench by her arm and stumbled into Remington’s stern embrace. 

The coat she was wrapped in fell to the ground, 

Fully awake now, Lizetta opened her eyes, her gaze slightly bewildered. 

Looking at Hogan standing up not far away, then up at the particularly upset Remington, Lizetta seemed to realize what had happened. 

Before she could explain, Remington looked down at her coldly. 

“Who were you just hugging? Can’t even recognize your own husband?” 

When Remington thought of how she had just made her way into another man’s arms right in front of him, jealousy raged in his heart, his irritation barely containable. 

Lizetta frowned, feeling unjustly chastised. 

Before she could defend herself, Hogan, frowning, intervened. 

“Mr. Dashiell, don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh and rough with her? She’s pregnant, and yet you left her to sleep on a bench in a hallway. Do you have any idea how troublesome it can be if a pregnant woman catches a cold? Mr. Dashiell, if you can’t take proper care of her, maybe you shouldn’t have brought her back in the first place!” 

Hogan’s words only added fuel to the fire. Remington’s eyes stormed with fury as he circled Lizetta’s waist. 

“My wife and child don’t need your concern. Seems like I was too lenient with that punch last time!” 

His grip on Lizetta’s waist was iron–strong. 

His fingers pressed against a spot where Lizetta had been hit earlier, causing a wave of pain. 

Thinking back to the scene in the hospital room, Lizetta felt a surge of anger, compounded by Remington’s baseless fury. She felt even more wronged. 

Hearing now that Remington had hit Hogan, Lizetta looked towards Hogan and indeed noticed a bruise on Hogan’s right cheek that hadn’t yet faded. 

Lizetta, infuriated, pushed Remington away, frowning. 

“Remi, have you said enough? I just fell asleep by accident, and Hogan just covered me with his coat because he was worried I’d catch a cold. Is that really necessary? The thing at the airport last time was also me asking Hogan for help. If you have to blame someone, blame me. Why drag him into this?” 

Lizetta felt aggrieved. If only Remington had remembered her waiting outside and come out earlier, she wouldn’t have ended up falling asleep on the bench. 


Why was it that he could embrace Evelina right in front of her without a second thought, and yet he was so angry over an unintentional 


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