Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta )
Shattered Illusions: Love Lies and Redemption ( Lizetta ) Chapter 321

Chapter 321 

“Remi, you can’t hit the hay with wet hair, trust me, you’re gonna catch your death of cold one of these days, it’ll hurt so bad, bashing your head against the wall won’t even help. Up and at ‘em!” 

Lizetta scrunched up her little face, tugging at him with all her might. 

“Remi, what’s got you down? Why the long face all day? You gotta smile more, like me. If you can’t flash a big Hollywood smile, at least show a couple of teeth. With looks like yours, It’s a crime not to smile! Careful, or next life you’ll come back as something out of a horror show, like this, blah blah blah!” 

With one hand stretching her mouth and the other pulling at her eyes, Lizetta made a goofy face at him. 

And so it went. 

As a kid, Lizetta was always on his case, chattering away like a grandma.. 

But it was comforting, like having a sun around, a ray of light in his otherwise cold and dull life. 

Then he went abroad, and their communication dwindled. 

Coming back, the little girl had grown into a young woman, more mature and, somehow, more distant. 

She was quieter around him, filled with the secret thoughts of a young woman, not as keen to talk. 

Or maybe, she just didn’t feel like talking to him anymore, having found other confidants. 

But now, seeing Lizetta before him, Remington saw glimpses of the little girl she once was. 

He cracked a slight smile and beckoned with a hook of his finger. 

“Come here a sec.” 

Lizetta placed the documents on the nightstand and moved closer, bending down. 

“What’s up?” 

In the next moment, she was pulled into Remington’s embrace. 

“Hey, watch it, watch the wound!” 

Lizetta lifted her head from his embrace, hastily propping herself against his chest, terrified of bumping into his midsection. 

She looked up at him, his cool gaze close enough to reflect her little face, his lips barely parted. 

“Trying to boss me around?” 

Lizetta saw his teasing gaze and her cheeks warmed a bit, feeling slightly embarrassed. 

She bit her lip, retorting, “Is that not allowed?” 

Remington smirked, “Nope, I am not just anyone’s to boss around.” 

A sour feeling welled up in Lizetta’s heart, leaving her a bit disheartened. 

Was she too eager, overstepping her bounds

She was about to apologize when she heard Remington continue. 

“But, if you really want to boss me around, there’s a way.” 

Lizetta’s eyelashes fluttered, “Which is?” 

If you want to boss me around, give me a sweetener.” 

“A sweetener?” Lizetta didn’t catch on at first. 

Remington raised an eyebrow, letting go of her and tapped his lips, arms crossed and resting behind his head, a languid stare fixed on 


Clearly, he was hinting at a kiss. 

Under his intense gaze, Lizetta slowly leaned in and pecked his lips quickly 

As she tried to pull away, he held the back of her head, deepening the kiss. 

He savored the sweet taste between her lips until satisfied, then released her, forehead to forehead, his voice husky. 

“Your wish is my command, but these two reports are from Cedric, got to deal with them ASAP. Mind reading them to me?” 

Catching her breath from the kiss, Lizetta nodded almost reflexively. 

She picked up the documents again, reading them aloud to Remington. 



Chapter 231 

But something felt oft 

Want Remington supposed to be the intern? Why did it feel like their roles had reversed? 

Ah well, Remington was injured, might as well indulge him for now 

Feeling a tad sulky Lizetta finished reading the documents and, as per his dietation, made a couple of amendments. 

Setting aside the documents, she felt parched. Remington already had a glass of water ready for her 

Lizetta looked up meeting his gentle gaze. 

He said “Hand work, babe.” 

It was rare for him to address her so formally as his wife. 

Lizetta’s cheeks flushed, she took the glass, sipping hurriedly, only to choke on her rush 

“Cough, cough 

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