Shadows of Destiny
Chapter 31

31 Confessions.

– Sylvester-

Hearing what Larry had to say made me

know Dominic had a hand in this.

Intercepting Avery’s letters were wrong.

The fact remained that the women were no longer prisoners, but our mates.

It was wrong to treat them like this. I did not

care what the rules said.

If I do not protect them, the council will destroy them.

“Your Eminence, we have laws. A mated wolf

cannot be luna,” Larry said, and I laughed.

“Do I look like someone that goes by the rules?” I asked Larry, who seemed a bit


“I do not care. Tamia will be my Luna by the

blue moon. Avery is marrying Beta Marcel too, so it would be wise to stop trying to pin shit on them and

disgracing them simply

because you think you can.” I said sternly.

“I will object, sire. Only northerners can rule the north.” Larry said, and I laughed.

“Like I said, the council isn’t above me. The council is here to help the lord deal with matters so he can

focus on other things. I have stated what will happen. You all should accept it. The women belong to

my pack

now, and I have chosen who will rule beside

1. Let this be the last time this council will

send Dominic to my home and humiliate the people living in it in the name of

investigation. I allowed this hearing simply because I wanted to know the council’s

intent, but it is obvious this council is not

interested in finding who the true culprit is. This council is only interested in solidifying

the enmity between the north, south and

east. I refuse to go after Bane or Leonardo

Albert on this matter. One thing I know is

Elder Jenny wasn’t important to the east or

south, and I doubt those soldiers truly went to get Tamia from my mother’s house. I also

want to know who intercepted Avery’s

letters without my knowledge. Acting

discreetly without informing me can be seen as an act of planned mutiny. I want to know who did it and

why.” I said and signalled that

Tamia and her friend return to my Loge.

“It was I,” Dominic said, standing up.

One thing I knew was that Dominic was too

dumb to do something like this. He must

have had help from someone or gotten the

Idea from someone.


“I asked my brother, and he nodded.

“I may not be Lord, but I have the right to

protect my province and people. If I notice that you are losing focus, it is my duty to

make sure the system is running as it should,

“he said, and I smiled.

“And who appointed you as my second in command? Who gave you the right to

describe me in such a manner?” I asked him,

and he was silent.

“Dominic, you are my only sibling, and I love you very much. But you will stand trial

for treason the next time you act without my consent.” I said, and there were murmurs in the hall. Tamia

sat down on the chair beside


“I want real suspects with motives within two months. I want to know why anyone would want to kill

Elder Jenny. Let this be the last time any of you will try to pin this on my mate again simply because

she used to be married to the Alpha of the east.” I said

with command, and they were afraid.

I rarely used my alpha command because I felt I was bullying people, but they left me

no choice. I was tired of their bullshit, and I

knew that if I did not force them to accept, others thinking like Larry would have

something to say.

We discussed other matters that did not need my presence, and soon I decided to leave. Just then,

Vino came to see me.

He was a young man about my age. His family has headed the council since its


His father died several months ago, so he

had to take over as the first son of the

Lawrence family.

He had been trying to be my friend for a while, but I couldn’t relate.

Being the head of the council, I knew it was wise to keep him close, but I doubted we had

anything in common.

With what had happened now, I believed it. was best to keep him close because of vicious

people like Larry.

Larry had supported my brother when my

name was put forward for ascension.

He would have succeeded in instating my

brother as Lord if it weren’t for the fact that

Dominic was not an Alpha and lacked the

strength of a true lord.

“Hello, Vino,” I said with a smile, and he bowed to greet Tamia, giving her the respect.

I had requested of them.

“Congratulations on your engagement. I

wish you two a happy and blissful married

life together.” He said, and I thanked him.

“Tamia, meet Vino Lawrence, the head of the council,” I said so she would not feel left


She was going to be luna soon, so it was important she got acquainted with everyone important in the

government of the north.

“Nice to meet you, Vino,” Tamia said, and I felt her voice was too lovely and seductive that I coughed,

which made her laugh. I couldn’t help my jealousy; it was just how I was wired.

“I am having a dinner party at my mansion in Woodcreek next week; I would like you and Lady Tamia to

grace us with your

presence. Beta Marcel and Gamma Theodore

are welcome too. They can come with their dates, too,” he said, pleading with his eyes.

The guy had been trying so hard to be

friends that I felt it would be cruel to say no,

so I nodded.

“I am sure my Luna and I will make the time to show up at your party,” I said, and he

smiled and nodded.

“Thank you so much, your eminence. It is an honour,” he said, and I smiled and nodded.

He walked away happy, and Tamia nudged


“You have a fan,” she teased me, and I looped her hand in mine.

We left the place and returned to the Volkov


My mother was going to move in the next. day, so Tamia took it upon herself to ensure

my mother and brother’s rooms were ready.

She also allocated staff to them.

It came to her naturally; I knew it was

because she had been Luna since she was

nineteen. After running the east for five

years, it came to her quickly; her former

Luna friends also chipped in, so she wasn’t


Sometime in the evening, Tamia walked into my office, a bit exhausted.

“Hectic day?” I asked her, and she smiled

and sprawled on the couch in my office.

I left the desk and went to sit on the couch. I asked her to lie down so I could massage her feet.

I knew she stood throughout the process, so I believed her feet would be killing her.

It was nice doing this for her. As I massaged her feet, she moaned with approval.

“Yes, right there,” She said, relaxing in the chair. The sound of her approval wanted me to do other

things to her. I continued to work

on her feet.

“So, is that how they argue with you at the council?” She asked, moaning in between.

“Larry and Dominic, yes. Vino wants to be my friend, and the others are too scared to

voice their minds,” I said, and she laughed.

“With the way you used your command, they are bound to be afraid of you, Sylvester.

You are too damn scary,” She said, and I tickled her feet, making her giggle.

I picked the other foot and worked on it.

“You know they used to tell us scary things about you when you succeeded your father,” She said, eyes

closed, half asleep.

“They told us you were a monster and a

savage. Sometimes women told their

children scary stories about the Dark Alpha

of the north. They said you drink wine with skulls and so on, and people dreaded you.

When news travelled that Bane defeated

your army, there was a tinge of hope that

you might bleed like the rest of us,” She said

and chuckled.

“If only they knew it was Dominic they defeated and not you,” She laughed, proud

of me.

“Then you conquered what was left of the

west, and people got worried that you were

coming to the east too.” She said and

stopped smiling.

“The day of the meeting, I warned them not

to aggravate you. I warned them not to team

up with the south against you because, based on the stories I heard, I figured you

only act when provoked, but they did not listen,” she said and looked at me with

sleepy eyes.

“Never did I imagine that you would be a loving man. A man that would make my heart beat in ways

that I can only imagine. A man that would see my soul and capture it, one that would heal my wounds

and dry my tears. A man that would bring back the fire that heartbreak and betrayal put out. A man that

would give me a reason to try again.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined you would mean so much to me and I would be in

your arms. Never,

Sylvester; but here I am, yours, body and soul,” She said, looking at me with misty


I thought I was the only one who loved deeply, Tamia did too, and I did not need to question how deep

her love for me was. It was deep enough to want to spend the rest of our lives together.

“I love you, Sylvester. With my heart, body and soul. Today you did for me something I did not expect.

You stood up for our love. I

will never forget how you damned the council and honoured me as your luna. Even though they tried to

make me seem

worthless, you added value and dignity to me. I won’t forget how deep and true your love is, Sylvester. I

will keep what happened today with the council in my heart and

always forgive your shortcomings. Love can not be given as much as you have given yours in humility

and complete honesty,” She said, and my heart began to beat fast.

I thought what I had with Susan was deep and genuine, but now I know it was a joke.

Looking at Tamia pouring her heart out while I massaged her feet made me know I had made the right

decision, and somehow

everything that went wrong in our lives had brought us together for this specific purpose so we, too,

could experience true love in its purest form.

I could only kiss her feet and promise never

to hurt her. It was time to burn Susan’s


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