Shadows of Destiny
Chapter 23

23 Mother and Son


The altercation at the club got to me.

I was worried that Tamia would believe Dominic.

She had just come out of a serious heartbreak, so it was normal that she would

be guarded.

I wanted the evening to be fun and an experience for Tamia, but they ruined it.

I respected how Tamia took it, but Dominic was wrong, and I was determined to put him in his place.

When Tamia wrapped her arms around me and told me she trusted me, I was relieved and determined

never to break that trust.

I might not have confessed my feelings, but I wasn’t confused about them.

I was sure, and I could see it in her eyes too. Loving her will be easy.

I woke up very early to go and see my

mother in Lucland. I could not disregard the


Although I was not enthusiastic about it because I would see Dominic, I had to see my


I got out of bed, and looked at Tamia sleeping peacefully in my t-shirt.

I was tempted to wake her up and make love to her before leaving, but I decided against it

last minute.

I knew she might be tired and needed her energy. So I kissed her gently and went to get ready to


I needed to arrive at Lucland for breakfast. I hoped I wouldn’t have to spend the night there so I could

come home to Tamia.

Our relationship was new and young;

distance and time apart won’t help it blossom.

I dressed quietly and headed out of the house. I linked Marcel on my way out.

“Hey, I am on my way to visit my mother. I didn’t tell Tamia I was going out; please apologise on my

behalf and tell her where I

went,” I linked him.

“Alright, she is in good hands,” he assured me, and I thanked him.

I left the estate feeling giddy.

I haven’t been in a serious relationship since Susan, but what I had with Tamia, however short, was

mature and real.

She understood me. Knew when to act, how

to act and speak. She was strong and

determined. She was resilient and wise. She

was perfect.

I drove with a smile, remembering all we did yesterday. Her moans, her response, her

grinding against me in the club, and even her responses to Dominic.

I arrived at our house in Lucland, and I was in time for breakfast.

I entered the room and greeted my mother. She did not respond, and I knew Dominic

must have told her shit because she was mad.

Dominic wasn’t with her.

“Mother?” I said and went to sit next to her.

I served myself a glass of juice, and she

looked at me.

“I thought you wouldn’t come,” She said, and I kissed the top of her head, but her

countenance made me sense she was angry.

I sat beside her and served my food, bracing

myself for the coming argument.

“Look at where I live.” She finally spoke,

and I frowned at her.

“I was Luna of the north, wife of the wolf lord, and now I live in a duplex because of

Bane. Instead of you hunting him down, you are busy fooling around with the whores you took from the

east,” She said, and I balled my fist.

“When did you lose your way, Sylvester? Did I not raise you right? What happened to your sense of

duty and leadership? What happened to your morales?” She asked, and I was silent.

“Mother, why do you always take his side?” I asked her, and tears welled up in her eyes.

“Because Dominic is responsible. Because he knows and understands my pain. I am alone, Sylvester,

because of Bane,” She said, and I shook my head.

“Don’t speak like this; you have Dominic and me,” I said, and she shook her head.

“I have no one,” She said, and I sighed.

“Mother, father did this, and you know it. You say you feel alone? What about all the Alphas he stripped

of their lunas for no

reason? Children that grew up without their mothers? What about all the Alphas he killed and left their

Lunas without companions because he felt he deserved to rule the world? What about them? Does

their happiness not matter? Who got justice for them? Father got what he deserved,” I said, and she

slapped me.

“How dare you? If I didn’t give birth to you, I would have called you a bastard,” she said, and I stood up.

“Where do you think you are going?” She asked me, and I controlled my temper.

“Home. I can’t do this,” I said, and she held

me, digging her claws into my skin.

“You dare not walk out on me,” She said

through gritted teeth.

“What have you achieved for the north since

you became lord?” She asked me.

“You have not expanded our land or

increased our wealth. The north depends on

old glory, and you are proud of yourself?”

She said, and I balled my fist.

“Why haven’t you taken over the east? Instead, you and your officers are bedding their whores and

taking them to nightclubs. Where is your head? No one is saying you shouldn’t screw your prisoners,

but getting emotionally involved is out of the question. Your father screwed a lot of prisoners, and he

did it to further his cause.” She said, and I

started laughing.

“He didn’t have to screw them to further his cause. He was just a sick man,” I said, and she tried to slap

me again, but I caught her

hand this time around.

“Don’t do that again,” I told her, and she dropped her hand.

“I want you to step down as lord for your brother. You can be Alpha but not the wolf lord,” She said

calmly, and I started to laugh.

“You have no power or right to ask that of

Do not push my patience, mother,” I told her, and just then, Dominic walked in.

“Or else what, Sylvester?” he said, picking up an apple from the kitchen Island and

biting into it. He was dressed to go out.

“You have turned the family name into a joke. Bane sent his soldiers to get his bitch. from you, yet you

haven’t retaliated,” he

said and wondered how he got that


“You are weak,” he said, and I laughed.

“Says the man that went to war and lost,” I

said, and he became mad.

“You can never be me, Dominic. I will go

after Bane when I see fit,” I said, and my

mother looked at me.

“Bane’s woman is in your care?” She said

with a wicked smile.

“I do not have Bane’s woman in my care,” I

told her.

“Whatever you say, but it seems this person was important enough for him to send

kappas to attack and retrieve her. Tamia

Albert, they say,” He said, and my eyes widened.

“We can use her,” My mother said, and I pulled away from her.

I was getting to my limits.

“I almost died, and she saved my life. She fought and killed her own people to save my life. She could

have gone with them, and I wouldn’t have been able to stop her, but she fought on my side. Risking her

life,” I told my mother, and she looked at me for a

while, studying me.

“I have never cared about anyone the way I

care about her, and the feeling is mutual. Do

not make me choose because I will choose

her, mother,” I said, and her eyes widened.

“An alpha’s left over. Used goods. Trash that was given up as a tribute,” Dominic said,

and I smiled.

“Well, your information is wrong. Her husband did not give her up. She gave herself up to save his life.

He would have died trying to protect her. It took a lot for him to release her. She has that effect,” I said,

and Dominic laughed.

“Of course she does, she is hot, and her slut meter is high,” he said, biting his apple.

I looked at my mother, getting impatient.

“Was this why you asked me to come?” I

asked her, getting ready to leave.

“I have told you why I called you. I am asking you to step down as lord, and save

this family from any more embarrassment,”

she said, and I laughed.

“If it ever comes to that, know that my

officers and I won’t be fighting for Dominic.

He will have to get his team and lead his war, “I warned her. I wasn’t planning on stepping down, but I

wanted her to know

what would happen if I had to. 1

“Dominic, Leave us,” My mother said

sternly, and my brother fiddled with his car keys and left the house.

My mother led me to the living and asked

me to sit down.

“Bane cannot be trusted; he will come after you,” She said, looking more worried than

the brave face she tried to front.

“I can’t lose you like I lost Marius,” She said.

“That bastard wants to take over the world; we have to beat him to it, Sylvester, or he will be worse

than your father. Your father will be an angel compared to that sick bastard,” She said, and I

understood her fear. 1

“This woman, are you sure she isn’t his spy? “She asked me with fear and concern.

“I am sure. She said they met at a party and danced, and that was all,” I said, and she

shook her head.

“You need to dig deeper, Sylvester. You

don’t meet someone once and risk a war for

them. She is not being totally honest with

you. You need to be careful and investigate.

her. She might be lying to you out of fear or

something else. I do not want anyone to cause your downfall,” She said and gently touched my cheeks.

“Please, investigate. This woman isn’t

telling the truth. Just think about it,” She pleaded with me.

Even though my mother was right, I believed Tamia. I doubt she would lie about something like that.

I knew it was odd that he would risk a war for someone he had only met once.

I planned on questioning her gently about it, just so I would know what to do and how to approach the


“I will dig into it,” I told my mother, and she


“That is good enough for me,” She said,

relaxing and smiling at me.

“Soon, you won’t fool around with your

prisoners anymore. I am trying to get you at

suitable Luna from the north. A virgin, to be

precise,” She said, smiling.

“I am not interested,” I told her, and she


“You can’t remain single all your life. Your

father had Dominic at your age. You need an

heir and a luna.” She said, and I nodded.

“I am working on it,” I said, and she became. angry, understanding what I had just said.

“You cannot make a prisoner Luna. She is

tainted and old. You need someone young..”

She said, and I interrupted her.

“I am tainted and old too. I am not a virgin,

and I am twenty-nine, mother, so we are a perfect fit,” I said, and she shook her head but held her

peace because she knew she

couldn’t win.

“I will wait for you to get her out of your system,” She said, leaning back in her chair.

“Then you will be waiting a long time,” I said and stood up.

“What are you doing?” She asked me, and I


“Leaving,” I said.

“Why?” She asked, and I sighed.

“I left a woman I am crazy about in bed and came to spend time with you. Since I got here, the

reception hasn’t been warm. You have done nothing but berate me and insult my intelligence and

choice. You insulted the very woman that made my heart start

beating again, and tried to make her look like shit. If I stay any longer, you might end up saying things

that will ruin our

relationship, mother. Since you can’t be

grateful that I am happy and have a reason

to be hopeful and smile again, I have no

reason to remain here,” I said, and she

became sad.

“Please stay; I promise I won’t repeat anything bad about your girlfriend. I really missed you. We do not

have to fight about it, ” she said, and I looked at her critically.

“In fact, you know what, I want to meet her, “She said, and I shook my head immediately, knowing how

it would end.

Although Tamia was strong, I wouldn’t want anyone getting into her head or pushing her.

“No funny business, I promise. I will love to meet her. All I know of her is what your brother told me. I

would like to make my observation unbiased,” She said, and I knew she wouldn’t drop it, so I nodded

and sat


“I will think about it,” I said, and she shook

her head.

“No, do it,” She said, and I did not respond.

“Does she have children?” She asked, and I

shook my head.

“Never been pregnant, and before you judge her, there is nothing wrong with her. She married at

nineteen, and her husband

wanted them to take precautions because he wasn’t ready.” I quickly explained.

“So you mean they have been careful for five years?” She asked, and I nodded.

“That is really stupid of the Alpha,” She said, and we both agreed and laughed at that.

“I see you care about her. I will try to like her,

my mother said.

All her anger dissipated. I knew Dominic got into her head and made her say all that nonsense. She

was lucky that even though I am the Wolf lord, I was patient and loved her dearly. I had no choice but

to let it go. She

was my mother, after all.

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