Chapter 365 

Colin was wearing a suit and a tie. Despite his bony cheeks, he looked dapper and walked in broad strides, 

Behind him was a meek woman carrying a stack of documents in her hands. She was chatting with him shyly. She looked to be around 18 or 19 years old–the age when one felt fearless. Colin’s maturity and dependability attracted women around that age. 

Colin was expressionless, but he didn’t quicken his pace either. He maintained the delicate balance where he was just slightly ahead of her. 

I didn’t know if he saw me or not. But when he turned around, he had this condescending look on his face. The grin he wore was taunting me. 

Why was he taunting me? Because I made the selfish decision to agree to Felix’s nonsensical demand? 

But I did it for him. Couldn’t he see that? 

I froze on the spot. My heart felt like it had been put through a meat grinder. It hurt. 

Had he found a new love this soon? Were all his sweet promises empty and fake? I had expected this to happen one day, but I thought it would only happen after a very long time. We loved each other deeply. Surely he’d need time to lick his wounds before he could date someone else. 

Besides, my agreeing to Felix’s demand was but a temporary solution. I merely wanted to give him the courage to continue living. 

A sentence I had seen in a romance novel came into my mind–the best way to get over an ex was to start a new relationship. Was this how Colin planned to bury our relationship? 

I was brokenhearted. 

I went to Professor King’s office, distraught. He gave me the proposal and uttered coldly, ” Think it through. This is a very precious opportunity. Seize it. The world can be unfair. But remember this, don’t forget who you are, what you want, and how to chase after your goal.” 

His words were a confidence boost. The doom and gloom from the past few days, and the jealousy bottled up from earlier, all disappeared in an instant. 

Indeed, the whole situation wasn’t irredeemable. I shouldn’t give up this easily. 

The compromise was just a temporary solution. My love, my relationship, my freedom, and my happiness were things worth striving for. 

Seeing another woman with Colin was enough to make me jealous. If Colin stopped abstaining 


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one day and he found another woman he liked… If he hugged, kissed, and even went further with her… I believed I’d go crazy. 

To make sure I wouldn’t be driven mad by jealousy, I decided to find the perfect solution to solve the current predicament. I would take back the promise I had made to Felix. 

Yes, I regretted it. Even though it was just a white lie, I regretted it very much. 

Still, I wasn’t a virtuous saint. I couldn’t care less if someone said I wasn’t a woman of words and that I had broken my promise. I’d suck it up. 

my own 

I was ready to give my life to Colin. Verbal insults wouldn’t break my 


On Saturday morning, my parents and Colin’s parents came. 

I wanted to hide Felix’s suicide attempt from them, but they heard about it and rushed here. 

I wasn’t told that my parents would visit me, so when I saw my parents before my faculty 

entrance, tears came gushing out of my eyes uncontrollably. 

I would’ve been fine if they weren’t around. But when I saw them, the misery and the 

grievances I had been feeling overwhelmed me. I hugged Mom and cried for a very long time. 

That noon, we didn’t stay at the apartment. We found a quiet place and dined together. 

+15 BONUS 

Chapter 366 

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