As the full-time manager of international superstar Ingrid Dalton, Linda had full control over her. In the entertainment industry, she was a respectful figure. Yet, she was just slapped by Angeline. She could never endure this kind of shame.

On her way back from Eddie's place, Angeline received a message from Danny about the location of the restaurant where they were going to have dinner with Simon tonight.

A voice message followed, "You better not stand us up."

After taking the porcelain back home, Angeline sent a message to Sean because she didn't want to disturb him at work. She told him she was going out for dinner with friends that night. Even though Sean said he would be home late tonight, she worried that she might return later than him.

As the night fell, she put on light makeup and changed into a champagne-colored custom-made dress with excellent tailoring. Her slightly curled hair cascaded down over her shoulders, giving her a hint of femininity not seen on regular days.

Although she only wore a wristwatch and none of the fancy jewelry, she looked delicate and elegant-even radiant-when paired with her handbag.

Before she could step out, Danny called.

"I'm just about to leave..." Angeline said, chuckling into the phone.

"Boss, I didn't want to rush you. It's Simon. He said he met you in Dmont a few years ago and had a memorable conversation with you, so he hopes to see you soon. He's not being gentlemanly at all for pressing you," he replied, smirking.

"I've known Simon for many years, and he's never behaved like that in front of other women. It's the first time I've seen him care about someone. Boss, would you consider him? I can play matchmaker for the both of you!"

"Do you want me to call Heather after the dinner tonight?" she threatened.

Angeline noticed a car parked at the entrance of the building the moment she stepped out of the elevator.

Through the open car window, she could see a man with a scar on his face smoking in the passenger seat while staring at her before lowering his head to look at a photo in his hand.

A sudden sense of danger overwhelmed her.

Gripping her phone, she pushed

open the building door while

maintaining her call with Danny. She

walked toward the cab she had

called, opened the car door, and glanced at the driver before getting in? swñ

"I'm doing this for Yasmine and Xavier! I'll stop mentioning it if you don't like it, okay?" Danny pleaded.

"Well, I'll hang up now. I'm almost there. You hurry up too..."

"I spoke with Heather yesterday..." she

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Then, she shifted her gaze to the rearview mirror and noticed the scar-faced man's car was following her cab.

She spoke calmly, "What did you say to Heather that made her not even want to mention your name?"

"What else could it be? A failed confession, that is! Ugh, I'm tragedy itself!"

Danny sighed.

"I'm already on my way in a cab. We'll be passing through Walmesley Drive in a while. Can you meet me at the intersection of Walmesley Drive? We'll go to the restaurant together," she suddenly said.

On the other end of the phone, Danny sensed something amiss.

"Are you in danger?"

"Yes. How many minutes do you need?" she asked.

"Five minutes. I'll turn around immediately! What's the car plate number?" he asked, his tone steady.

"I'm in a black Audi A8. The car plate number is JMT-XXXX."

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