"S-Sean," Angeline stammered. Her ears were filled with the thunderous noise of her blood racing, paralyzing her brain.

Sean gazed into Angeline's eyes, admiring her delicate, sharp nose and lustrous lips. His eyes finally rested on her slightly trembling pupils. His slender fingers gently caressed the corner of her lips. Angeline clasped Sean's strong wrist as her eyelashes fluttered even more intensely.

"Shane..." Sean's prominent nose touched Angeline's. He slowly leaned in and nearly made her stop breathing.

"My real name is Shane Kingston," Sean revealed. His Adam's apple moved as he spoke. His rich voice filled the air, and his lips almost touched Angeline's. Those words carried a seductive charm. Angeline felt her heart pounding. It threatened to burst out of her chest. She grabbed Sean's vest tightly, attempting to pull away. Sean held her by the back of her head.

He pressed his lips down on hers, causing her body to shiver with goosebumps.

Angeline found solace in Sean's arms despite the turmoil in her mind.

Angeline's hold on Sean's shirt grew tighter as her lips parted. She pushed him away suddenly. "Sean, don't... Please don't do this."

Sean grazed her lips with his fingertips. He removed his glasses and started to unbutton his vest. He kissed her again as he pinned her down on the couch.

Angeline placed her arms between them, pushing against Sean's shoulders. She struggled to move him away.

His familiar scent enveloped her while his lips and tongue dominated hers in a kiss. It felt like he was consuming her.

Their lips and saliva mixed in an intimacy that left Angeline powerless. Her body went limp, and her spine tensed with the intensity of the moment.

The silence was broken by the ringtone of Angeline's phone. Sean stopped his movements.

As if snapped out of a trance, Angeline pushed him away.

She fixed her clothes hastily and avoided his gaze as she reached for her phone on the coffee table.

It was a video call from Yasmine.

Angeline's heart raced as she answered the call after quickly fixing her hair.

"Mommy!" Yasmine's happy face appeared with a teddy bear. "Look, Mommy! Beautiful Ms. Lawson and Xavier won this prize for me! Isn't it super cute?"

Angeline smiled at the sight. "Yes, it's super cute! But it's not as cute as you, Yasmine."

"Mommy, why is your face so red? Are you sick?" Xavier's face appeared on the screen, too. His concern was evident in his furrowed brow.

Angeline touched her hot cheeks

and laughed it off. "I'm not sick. drank a bit too much at the dinner


with Mr. Reilly. It's okay. I'll be fine Soon."

Xavier's keen eyes caught the shifting shadow behind Angeline and a glimpse of a suit jacket, and he furrowed his brows worriedly.

"Mommy, are you sure you're okay? Do you feel like throwing up? Did you take any hangover medicine?"

Yasmine asked with conce

setting down her teddy bear

"I'm fine, sweetie. There's no need to worry about me. Both of you know Mr. Reilly can hold his liquor well."

Taking advantage of the conversation, Xavier slipped into the bathroom. He dialed Sean's number on his phone watch.

As expected, there was a phone ringing from Angelin's end.

Sean saw Xavier's name on his phone. He glanced at Angeline, who was still on the video call. Sean then stood up and walked to the balcony to answer the call.

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