Nonetheless, Tommy had done everything of his own volition because he didn't want the loan shark to harvest his organs.

On his way back home, Tommy broke down when he saw his sex videos playing on the big LCD screen in front of the nightclub. The road was filled with crowds taking photos of the LCD screen, commenting on his moaning and flexibility.

Although some of the videos were censored, everyone could tell Tommy had sex with a man.

The worst part was he wasn't even gay.

Feeling sick as he thought about this, Tommy rushed toward the toilet and vomited.

Everyone saw his adulating look in front of the men. He was so embarrassed that he wished to vanish from the earth.

The thoughts of people worldwide talking about and mocking him flooded Tommy's mind. He curled up and hid between the gap between the toilet bowl and the basin while pulling his hair.

Tommy never thought that the method he had used to blackmail and torture the women had now inflicted upon himself.

Soon, news of Ingrid's cousin's pornography debut, Ingrid's cousin's sex tapes, and Ingrid's cousin having sex with seven men quickly flooded the Internet.

Ingrid almost dropped her phone when she saw the videos.

She tried calling Tommy, but it didn't get through. And she only found out he had hidden himself in the bathroom after she called home to ask his whereabouts.

While Linda prevented Ingrid from having contact with Tommy to avoid scandals, Ingrid still went to the Yates residence to see him.

Ingrid knocked on the bathroom door. "Tommy, don't be scared. I've asked Ned for help to delete the video. You can come out now. We can settle everything together! "Did those people coerce you with the videos? We should call the police!"

"No!" Tommy yelled from the bathroom in panic. "Don't call the police! Please!"

Tommy knew the loan sharks had some raunchier videos. If Ingrid made a police report, they would post those videos, then Tommy's life would be over.

"Okay, okay! I won't call the police. So please, will you come out now?" Ingrid calmed Tommy down with a soft voice.

In just a moment, Ingrid heard a shuffling sound in the bathroom. Tommy then exited the bathroom in a bathrobe to cover his scars.

Tommy looked haggard and said with teary eyes, "l-Ingrid, I'm doomed!"

Ingrid reached to hug Tommy. "It's okay. I'll get you out of this!"

"It's no use. Those people have more videos with them. They said they won't give me the videos if I don't pay my debt! And I still owed them a lot Tommy sobbed. Content

"Is it people from the casino?" Ingrid said while grabbing tight on Tommy's arm.

Tommy kept sobbing without saying a word.

"How much do you still owe them?" Ingrid asked.

"I don't know." Tommy shook his head. "Their interest rates went up too quickly."

Ingrid suggested, "We should call the police. After all-"


"No, don't call the police!" Tommy was frightened out of his skin and

turned toward the bathroom. "I won't

admit it! I'm not going to tellwon't

anything to the police!" S

Tears ran down Ingrid's face as she saw Tommy's reaction.

Suddenly, Ingrid remembered the photos Sherryn had taken of Angeline. She then remembered Henrietta, who had taken her own

life after she was filmed with some


Seeing Tommy's tragedy, Ingrid couldn't help but wonder if this was Angeline's revenge on Tommy.

"Hey, Tommy." Ingrid followed Tommy into the bathroom. Kneeling beside him, she asked, "Did you see Angie when you were in the casino?"

Tommy looked up at Ingrid with teary eyes.

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