Sherryn saw Ingrid sitting in the living room as soon as she entered the Fletcher residence. Sherryn vented on Ingrid, "Why are you here?"

Ingrid quickly put down her glass of water and stood up to greet, "Hello, Mrs. Fletcher."

Ingrid thought Sherryn was mad at her because of the Yates family and explained, "I went to Fletcher Corporation, and Ned wasn't there. I thought he was back home, so I came to wait for him.

"I wanted to know if there's anything Yates Group could help since it's Tommy who screwed up to begin with. I'm worried that something would go wrong with Ned's and Vitality Biotech Group's contract." Shocked, Sherryn shouted, "What did Tommy do again?"

The confused Ingrid stared at Sherryn and stuttered, "I-It's about Yates Group's fund. Something went wrong with our working capital."

Although Sherryn wasn't involved with the company's affair anymore, that didn't mean she hadn't caught up on its situation.

When Fletcher Corporation signed the contract with Vitality Biotech Group, Fletcher Corporation was short of funds. Thus, they collaborated with Yates Group and shared the profit.

Sherryn had always objected to this idea. However, Ned convinced her to share the project with Yates Group because he found a loophole in the contract and managed to get help. As the contract involved confidentiality of the formula, Yates Group was the only one Ned could trust.

Though they never expected Yates Group to make such a mistake!

"Mary, call Ned and tell him to come home now!" Sherryn shouted at Mary.

"Ma'am, Mr. Fletcher is back!" Mary reported.

Sherryn walked quickly to the entrance and saw Ned tiredly taking off his shoes while holding onto the wall.

Sherryn yelled at Ned's face, "What did I tell you? I've always objected to collaborating with Yates Group. Look at the mess they've brought to us!"

Ned looked up and saw Ingrid standing behind Sherryn. Her eyes filled with tears as her lips pressed together.

"Now it's not the time to hold anyone accountable. We must find a way to deal with this problem," Ned replied. "Since I'm in charge of Fletcher Corporation, you don't have to worry about it."

Ned sounded harsh. He decided not to enter the house and took off the slippers that he had put on. "Come, Ingrid. We're leaving."

Clutching her chest, Sherryn said, "Yeah, yeah. All of you should just leave! You always bring me worries anyway. Go as far as you want!

"But before that, you'd better find Angeline and her kids for a paternity test. It's fine if they're not your kids, but if they are, I don't want the kids to have a mother who frequents the casino!"

Sherryn went upstairs afterward.

Suddenly, Ned thought of something and said, "Wait a minute, casino? Why would Angeline go to the casino?"

Sherryn took out the photos taken by the private investigator from her bag and shoved them at Ned. "See for yourself!"

The photos depicted Angeline leaving the casino.

Ingrid walked closer to Ned and looked at the photos together. She was confused when she saw the casino was the one Tommy frequented. Suddenly, Ingrid came up with a bold assumption.

She wondered if Angeline was involved in making Tommy addicted to gambling.

"Mom, do you know where Angeline is?" Ned asked.

Ned knew that someone's life would

be over if they were addicted to gambling. He must find out if

Angeline was merely passing by, or if she was gambling for quick cash, or if she too was addicted to gambling.

Sherryn gave Angeline's address to Ned and advised, "You'd better quickly get your paternity test done!"

Ingrid quickly followed as Ned left the house. While Ned was opening the car door, Ingrid grabbed his arm.

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