Chapter 73 

I kneel between his legs as he 

demands while he relaxes on 

the armchair, watching me. 

“Good girl.” He says, 

fumbling with his pants until they come undone and his member peaks out. 

I lick my lips in a subtle motion anticipating the taste. I make myself 

comfortable between his legs 

as I pull his pants down just a 

bit more so that his 

engorged stick can be 

completely seen. 

It is starting to harden but it 

is not enough just yet. softly grip it and then lay my lips with k*ssing motions, 

sliding from the tip to the 

shaft. I haven’t taken him in 

my mouth yet but he still hisses with pleasure. 

When I reach the bottom, I 

k*ss up again until the tip is on my lips. That is when I open my mouth and take him. My hand slides up and down on his shaft while my lips and mouth pay special attention to the tip. I suck while my tongue dances 

around it. My other hand 

touches his soft balls and that 

makes him cough a little. 

He moves strands of hair 

from my face and then his hand slides to the back of my 

head where he caresses until 

his fingers tangle in my hair. 

I hear him sucking deep breaths through his teeth and moaning. 

That’s when he holds my head in place and starts thrusting his hips up, filling my entire mouth with his 

cock. I hold my breath and 

try my best to hold my gag 


He moans and hisses until he 

finally pulls away so that I 

can breathe. I take in a deep breath and then go at it 


It has become much easier to 

do and I enjoy it too. It is fun to see how I can make him 


“Enough.” He suddenly says. 

He pulls me up and turns us 

around, setting me on the 

armchair as he settles in 

between my legs. With heated eyes, he takes my pants down and once they 

are completely off, he kneels 

and latches his mouth on the 

entrance between my legs. It 

catches me by surprise so I 

gasp. My b*dy wants to 

squirm around but he holds 

me in place. 


I moan loud, unable to 

control myself. 


After blissful pleasure, he 

starts kissing up. His lips 

caress my stomach, and 

breasts and then he ki*ses my l*ps. 

He holds his member on my 

entrance softly massaging 

me with it but then 

suddenly, he turns us around again and now he sits while I 

sit on his lap. 

“Sit on me and fuck me, 

baby.” He says gripping my hips. 

Indulging him and me, I sit on his member, taking him 

all in. 

We both moan in unison. 

I move, rolling my hips sensually. 

“Just like that.” He whispers. 

As it should, we start slow 

and slowly build up to a 

faster pace feeling the 

excitement rise inside of us 

until he can’t take it 

anymore. He turns us over. I 

kneel on the armchair, 

bending over it as he takes me right there. He grabs my hair and holds it tight but does not pull, just holds me in place. 

I can feel his breath on my 

ear. “Mh…my little mate. Mh, you feel so good, now take it like a good girl.” 

The moment he says this, he 

starts to pound into me. I grab the chair scared that I am going to go over and fall but he does not lead up and I 

don’t want him to. A mix of 

roughness but also it feels so good. 

He pulls on my hair. He is rough but he makes sure not to really hurt me. It is 


His hands then settle on my 

shoulders and he starts 

pulling me hard against him making me slam into him. It 

is fast and raw and soon he 

has me almost drooling, 

feeling an orgasm ripple 

through my b*dy. I can’t help but slump over the 

chair as he continues his 

thrusting. I do my best to stick my behind out to make 

it easier for him and it 

works. I hear him cursing as he moans and hisses. I can 

hear the excitement in his 

voice and I know he is about 

to come. 

“Fuck…mhm so good…MH!” He grunts loudly and then I feel him unloading himself 

inside of me. 

He slides down and sits on 

“Mh…I…I never thought 

about it. Is this what you 


“Yes. I don’t want to do it 

alone. Then you won’t. I’ll always be here for you.” 

Smiling, I hug him. 

We take the rest of the day to rest and spend time together. The more I am with him, the 

harder it is to not tell him 

about our baby. I know he will be so happy and I can’t 

wait to see that. But I hold it 

  1. in. I am not sure what it is 

that I want to do just yet. 

The next day, I woke up early to train with Victor. I know I have Alpha 

responsibilities now but I 

need to keep training. 

However, it is hard to train 

when all I want to do is 

laugh. Kanda joined us and 

decided that she wanted to 

spar with Victor. So I am 

here just watching their 


“We can spar later if you 

wish but now we need to 

train Cass.” 

“We, yes.” 

“No! I mean I have to train 


“Nonsense! Two trainers are 

better than one. Use me as 

an example, in fact, use me for anything you want.” Her 

tone at the end is seductive. 

Victor is caught off guard. He stares at her with a lifted 

eyebrow but I can tell that he doesn’t know what to say. 

Kanda slaps her ass. “I am all yours.” 

Still, Victor is silent but now 

his mouth is opened in a 


Kanda does not stop there. 

She clears her throat and 

lowers her voice. “You know, 

I’ve always wanted to sparr 

with a werewolf in my 

shifted feline form.” 

The way she says this tells me that she does not really mean sparing and I know 

Victor notices this too. 

Victor looks at me in shock. 

have been biting my lip 

trying not to laugh. 

He crosses his arms and 

narrows his eyes at me. “Don’t enjoy this too much. 

There will be no training if I 

can’t concentrate.” 

I can’t hold it any longer. “Okay! okay!” I say laughing. 

“Kanda! I need to train with 

Victor. Maybe you can spar 

later with him when it’s 


“It’s a date!” She says and 

walks off looking at Victor. 

“I’ll see YOU later.” 

When she is out of sight, he 

finally turns to me. 

“Are you fucking serious?” 

“You’ve never had a girl 

come on to you so strongly, 

have you?” 

He just stares at me with an unamused expression and I can’t help but laugh again. 

Thankfully we are able to start and complete our training. He ended the training a bit sooner than he usually does and then I saw him sprinting away. 

It was about a minute later 

that I realized that he was 

trying to leave before Kanda arrived. I had a laughing fit 

all the way to the dining 


Colt waits for me there. 

“How was it?” He asks. 

“Good training. It was fun 


My attention is captured by 

Dash’s voice. “Because that 

bald head of yours can be 

seen from a mile away. Go dress up like a genie or something and leave me the 

fuck alone.” 

“You fucking prick!” Beck 


Dash and Beck argue but 

neither of them attempts to actually hurt each other. 

Colt and I laugh at their bickering. Then I see Kanda 

rushing in and coming 

directly towards me. 

“He wasn’t there.” 

“Oh…yeah, I think he had 

something else to do…but 

you also came onto him 

pretty strong.” 

“We female werecats are like 

that. If we like or want 

something, we let it be 

known.” She says. 

“That is an interesting way of 

doing things.” 

She nods but suddenly her 

eyes land on someone. “Who 

is that?” 

I look in the direction she 

stares and see Serge. 

“That is Serge. He’s a good 


“Good one…he is…” She looks 

him up and down. 


“Girl…are you like in heat or 

something?” I whisper. 

“Not at the moment.” 

I blink a few times. It was a 

joke but does she really 

mean it? 

As if she is reading my mind, she looks back at me and 

smiles. “No, it’s not a real 

thing. Just a joke.” 

“Good to know.” 

She looks back at Serge. “But 

he is delectable. I could eat 

him all night.” 

“I’m dilectable too.” Dash 

suddenly says. 

Kanda looks at him and then 

looks away uninterested. 

“Too short.” 

Dash gasps. 

Beck, who is opposite from 

us laughs. 

Dash squints his eyes and 

points at him while he 

speaks to Kanda. “How about 


Without even looking at 

Beck, Kanda responds. “Not enough hair.” 

Dash almost breaks, 


“It’s a fucking hairstyle! A 

buzz cut! I’m not bald!” Beck 


“I really missed all of this 

craziness.” I tell Colt. 

“It’s crazy to say but…this is your family.” 

I nod with a big smile and then motion to the people that walk in. Bryn and Miles. Miles looks a bit upset 

though and even Colt 


“What’s wrong?” Colt asks. 

“She won’t stop hitting me!” 

Bryn immediately starts 

writing on her board. “He 

started it!” 

“She hits me for everything!.” 

“Because I can’t yell at you!” 

She writes and stomps the 


“Maybe take a break from 

each other?” I say. 

Now that I think bout it, they 

have barely been apart at all. 

Neither of them says 

anything else. They grab 

food and sit. 

As much as they fight, I have a feeling that they feel safer when they are together. 

My eyes suddenly go to 

Kanda who is now across the 

room sitting next to Serge. 

To my surprise, he doesn’t 

seem to want to run away. At 

least not just yet. 

“She’s direct.” Colt says. 

“Yeah. Certainly knows what she wants and goes after it.” 

He puts a hand behind my n*ck. “How are you? How are you feeling with all these new responsibilities?” 

I remember that after we are 

done here, I have to attend a 

meeting as the Alpha with 


“A bit stressed just by thinking about it.” I tell him. 

“Well, then let’s go upstairs. I 

can help you destress. We 

still have a bit of time.” 

I giggle. “I like that idea.” 

“What are mates for.” He 


He takes my hand and leads 

me upstairs. 

“You know…I sometimes 

forget that we are officially 


“I know. We’ve been 

inseparable for so long that-” 

“What…is that?!” 

“Looks like blood.” Colt says. 

We are paralyzed looking at one of the doors of a pack 

members room. It has blood 

smudged all over it and we 

can smell the blood. 

“It is strong. It can’t be just the smudges on that door.” I 

tell him. 

He nods and starts walking towards the door. I go with 

him but he keeps me behind 


When he opens the door, there is the image of a man tinted in red. He lies face up 

on the bed that is stained 

crimson red. 


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