Chapter 68 

“Atack!” Chen points his 

sword in our direction. 

The men that remain with 

them hesitate but not for 

long. Soon they run in our 


They clash with us and the rest of the prisoners who fight on our side. It feels like a dance for me, I dodge as I slash, taking two down. But the enemies keep coming. 

Chen’s men and Ezras 

combine. Together, they are 


We continue to fight and as I 

take enemies down, it does 

seem to get easier. The 

fighting, the anticipating 

their movements; the dodging, parrying, and countering it all gets easier. 

“We are not going to make it!” Sheril shouts. “They are 

too many!” 

“Throw me!” Maribel says to 



“Just like you did Casseopea. 

Throw me, I can take a few 


“I know. Just get me as close 

as you can.” 

“Alright!” She doesn’t even 

give me a moment to get ready. I feel her hands on 

my back and then I am flying through the air. 

I see Ezra and his image gets 

closer but I know I won’t be 

landing near him. 

I close my eyes and connect 

with my wolf. 

“You want him dead just as much as I do. So go get him.” 

I open my eyes as I am about to land. I shift and 

immediately my wolf takes 


We fall on an enemy halfway towards Ezra, ripping his throat with our bare fangs. 

We start running, trying to doge as many enemies and people who fight. My frustration peaks when it seems like we can’t get to 

him fast enough. 

When finally we have an opening, we zone in on him. 

He is distracted looking in 

Chen’s direction and doesn’t 

see us coming. Excitement 

rises in me, itching to have 

his neck in my jaws. Just a 

few feet away, I can almost 

taste the victory. 

“Over my dead body!” The 

witch Sienna steps in front of 

  1. us. 

She holds a sword up and if not for my wolf dodging just in time, we would have been impaled by it as we ran at the speed that we did. 

We turn back to face her and 

start circling her. 

The sword in her hand 

shakes just a little. She’s 


My wolf takes a step towards her but she starts swinging the sword left and right. 

There are no skills in her 

movements but as she does 

this, distracting us, she grabs 

a flask from her satchel and 

throws it at us. When the 

flasks break, a smoke–like 

substance scatters 

everywhere, engulfing me 

and those around us. 

Unwillingly, I suddenly shift back to my human form. 

“What did you do?!” I shout. 

“You can’t shift, it only lasts 

for thirty minutes or so but it is enough time.” She 

swings her sword. I slide 

back but I am unarmed. It is 

not hard to dodge her 

attacks, she doesn’t know 

what she is doing. 

“Get out of my way!” I warn 


“No!” She shouts. 

“He can fight me himself!” 

“No, he can’t! Despite him saying how much he wants to end you, deep down, he 

doesn’t! He can’t! Because he 

is in love with you!” 

“Obsession is not love! He is 

a monster!” I shout. 

“Shut up! He might not love 

me but I love him!” 

“You fell in love with him 

that easily?” I laugh. “How stupid.” 

“It did not happen overnight. 

We have known each other for many years. He had laid with me many times before 

all this started. Back when he 

was training.” 

“Oh, I see. So you are the 

whore he hurt me with.” 

“It wasn’t personal, dear. It 

was what it was.” 

I am furious when I look 

behind her. 

“You are so loyal to this 

man…but look at that…he left 

you here to die!” 

Ezra is nowhere to be seen. 

She doesn’t look surprised. 

“He left me because I told 

him to.” 

“You would die for him?” 


“Why?! What is wrong 



“You know, he told me of 

what he did. How he killed 

your sister. You deserved it after what you did.” She says. 

“…what I did?…what I did?! 

You hear half of the story and quickly believe what he tells you! Did he not tell you 

what He did!? What he had 

done to me all of our lives?!” 

I am furious. “And you think that taking my sister’s life is worth what you believe what 

I did to him?” 

She swings her sword and I dodge again. “Shut up! You will not turn me against 


“If you believe what he told 

you, then you deserve to die 

with him!” 

Without holding back 

anymore, I effortlessly move around her. I grab the back of her neck and push her 

down. She has no choice but 

to kneel. As she does, her 

sword falls to the ground and I pick it up. 

“You are prepared to die for 

him, then so be it!” 

She starts thrashing but she only has human strength 

and as Honora had told us, a 

witch is not really that powerful in a fight. 

You really are weak when 

you are not hiding behind someone else. 

“I–I am with child!” She 

screams out. 

She is…pregnant. Is this true? 

“I don’t believe you.” I say. 

“It is his…Ezra’s.” 

“… And why tell me this? It 

makes no diferetnce.” 

“You do not have it in you to 

kill me. He told me you were 

too good. Don’t let yourself 

be tainted by this.‘ 


I listen to her but I don’t 

agree with anything she says. 

I lift the sword up and she 


“Please! I am pregnant! 

I lean into her ear. “And so 

was my sister when he cut 

her head clean from her 

body. But you just celebrated that, didn’t you?” 

I might regret this later but at this moment, I don’t. 

With wide eyes–sensing her 

demise and how much she 

screwed up trying to plea to my kind side–she stares up 

at me as the sword comes 

down. With no friction 

whatsoever, her head easily separates from her body. 

I hold the head by the hair 

while the body falls to the 

ground. I look back, unable to spot Ezra but I see some of 

his men running out of the gates. I follow, leaving the fight behind and once out, I see Ezra in a car. He gives 

orders to one of his men 

through the opened window. 

I stride in his direction, 

hoping he doesn’t see me but he does and stops talking when he sees me. I stop and dangle the head in front of 

  1. me. 

“If you think that I won’t kill you or that I am playing games, here is your proof that I am not. I will kill you! I 

will end you, Ezra!” 

I throw the head in his 

direction, trying to aim for 

the window. The severed 

head hits the edge of the window but doesn’t go in. It 

falls to the floor in front of 


He looks at the head and 

then at me as now I continue 

to run in his direction. I 

swear I can see a bit of fear in 

him or maybe is just my 

wishful thinking. 

His window closes and the 

car speeds away. 

I take a leap and jump on the two men who stand in my way, falling on top of one of them. I sink my teeth into 

his neck and then I turn to 

the other as he tries to grab me, twisting his arm and 

wrapping myself behind 

him. I hold on to his neck 

and snap it. 

As I stand there, I watch the car speed in the distance. It is 

too far and too fast for me to 

catch up to it but I do not lose hope. I will kill him. 

“You are min, Ezra. Mine to 

kill. It takes a monster to kill 

another and that is what I am 

slowly becoming in order to kill you.” I look at the men I just killed and the witch’s 

head. “I have become a 


Kanda, in her feline form, 

stands next to me and shifts. 

“It is done. The pack is ours.” 

“It is?” 

“Yes. Marina killed Chen and 

the men put down their 

arms. It is done. That pack is 



I nod. “Good but ours whos?” 

I ask. “Watch how they all 

turn on each other now. 

Some of them are going to try and take control.” 

“Not while I am around. 

Come. Assert your 



“Yes! You told me you are to be Alpha of your pack! Start here! These people will be 

lost and many are without a 

home…as I am. Come!” 

She takes my hand and pulls me back inside where they 

all cheer. 

“Kill all these sons of a 

bitches!” A man shouts 

pointing at Chen’s men.” 

“No!” I shout. “These men are 

mine now!” 

I can’t let this go to waste. There are too many of them 

to just kill. I am taking a page 

out of my father’s book here. They are more useful alive. 

“They worked for Zao! They 

deserve to die!” 

Kanda suddenly puts a 

draped fabric over my n*ked 

b*dy, to cover me and I am grateful. 

“I said they are my men 


“And who the f**k are you?!” 

Another man stands 


“I am Casseopea! I am the daughter of Warrick, Alpha of the Dark Fang Pack!” 

The whispers start and the 

defiant men look at each 


I continue. “And I am next in 

line to be Alpha, unless he is already dead…that would 

make me Alpha already 


“You all saw what she did!” 

Kanda chimes in. “She tells 

the truth! That makes her 

the most powerful among us. Do you really wish to have a taste of her power?” 

I hope not cause I don’t have 

it now. 

I touch the cold pendant on 

my chest. It has no power. 

The man–to my 

surprise–suddenly looks down and steps back. 

Kanda looks at me and gives me a nod. “Go ahead. Time 

to shine and wind them 


Easier said than done. Public 

speaking is not my forte. 

I put on a brave and strong 


“Excluding Zao and Chen’s men, I will not force you to join me. 

“Those of you who don’t 

have a home, then I welcome 

you to mine. You will have a 

place in my pack as long as 

your loyalties lie with me. 

Those of you who wish to 

leave and go back to your 

families–if you have 

any—then you are welcome to. But this place will not exist anymore. Never again!” 

Behind, the small arena 

burns as the fire that we 

started eats it all up. 

“So many lives lost for mere 

entertainment of those who 

coveted power. Let it burn 

and take down what 


Kanda raises her fist and 

cheers along with everyone else who copies her. 

I turn to Maribel and Sheril. “What about you two?” 

“I have some business to take 

care of. Someone is going to pay for selling me.” Sheril 


“I am going back to my city and find a nice bed to sleep 

on comfortably. No more 

floors for me.” 

I almost laugh. All she ever 

does is sleep. 

“Well, my pack is always 

open to you both.” 

Sheril smiles and hugs me. “Thank you. I might come to 

visit sometime. Now order 

one of these men to give me a car. I am itching to get 

these hands on someone’s 

neck.” She looks at Maribel. 

“Want a ride?” 


Kanda and I see them off. I 

wish they had stayed. They 

were strong women and I 

could use more like them 

with me. 

“I wish to stay by your side.” 

says. “I have nowhere 

Kanda says. 

else to call a home.” 

Watching Sheril drive away, I 

smile and nod. “My home is 

your home now.‘ 


My eyes zone into the 

distance where we can see 

the brightness of the sun make its way out of the 


Colt. I am coming home 


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