Chapter 65 

Suddenly, I am scattered. I 

am so in shock that I don’t know what to do, say, or 


“Cass… Cass!” Kanda brings my attention back to her and 

the fight that is about to start. 

“What is wrong? Get your head in the game!” She 

motions to three men and 

two women who come out of 

the opposite barracks. 

Five?! We are fighting five 


The announcer starts 

presenting them as they walk 

towards the middle. But 

before the announcer can 

present the second man, I hear Maribel whisper 

“Human” with a bit of 

desperation. Maribel 

suddenly rushes by me and jumps on one of the girls. The girl falls backward with 

Maribel on her, her mouth 

latched onto the woman’s 


She…is biting her? 

Kanda and I are shocked and 

so are the other contestants. 

The crowd has gone just a bit quieter too excluding some 

that cheer. 

Maribel suddenly stands, leaving the girl dead on the floor. Maribel’s lips run red with blood, dripping down her chin and fangs exposed. She wipes her chin trying to get all the dripping blood back in her mouth, licking her fingers with desperation. When her eyes meet mine, they are glowing red. 

Everyone is stunned. 

“Eh…” The announcer 

doesn’t know what to say. 

“A…vampire…ladies and 

gentlemen…our Maiden is…a vampire.” He suddenly cuts 

off and whispers to someone. 

“No one told me we had a 

vampire.” We can still hear 



I knew other supernatural creatures were real but I had 

never seen a vampire. They 

are rare creatures. 

The other female opponent suddenly swings her sword at Maribel. Maribel dodges, picks up her own sword, and starts fighting. She swings 

the massive sword 

effortlessly as if it were a piece of plastic and did not weigh a single pound. 

I take one last look at Ezra 

hearing Kanda start fighting 


He stares down at us. 

Does he know it’s me? 

I can’t tell if he does or 

doesn’t. My wolf is itching to get out. I do my best to hold it in. But I suddenly imagine myself somehow climbing up the wall of spikes and jamming my dagger into his 

chest. That puts me in a good mood even though I 

am not able to do that. 

I turn to meet my opponent who rushes in my direction. 

I do not want to kill this man 

but I also don’t want to be 

killed by him. 

Immediately I can tell that 

this is a rogue. He has a sword and quickly swings it. I dance around him, slashing at his back with my daggers. The man grunts but turns around and swings his 

sword. I am not able to get 

away fast enough. I get a 

Victor has really helped. He 

swings at me and I 

immediately move. 

He slashes his sword 

sideways and I dodge again. Excitement rushes through me. I am able to keep up. It is like a dance at this point. He 

continues his assault while I 

move around him. Suddenly 

he takes momentum and 

crashes his sword down at 

  1. me. I block with one of my daggers and slash with the other at his stomach, 

opening his abdomen. The 

man lowers his sword as if he 

is giving up but I can see that 

he is just trying to trick me. When he is about to lift it up and swing it at me, I twirl around him and jam my dagger into his back. 

The man takes a few steps and falls to the ground. 

I was excited that I was able 

to fight but now I don’t feel so good about it. I killed him…I killed a man 

again…an unnecessary death. 

“I…I’m sorry.” I whisper. 

I don’t want to look at him. I 

know that if I do, it will stay 

with me forever. Instead, I 

watch Kanda. She fights the other two men. She already 

has one on his knees with her weapon impaled on him. 

When she turns, the other 

man is shifting. Like Kanda, 

he does not have a collar. 

Kanda also shifts. I am 

unable to look away. She 

turns into a big cat like a cheetah but just a bit bigger. Also, her fur is dark but 

there are some sort of prints 

on her that I can’t make out. 

When they are both done shifting, they run at each 

other and clash. Wolf growls and piercing large cat 

screeches can be heard in an 


The wolf is vicious and tries 

to bite at her n*ck while she 

also bites and claws. 

Maribel is suddenly next to me also watching. I look back and see the girl she was fighting, impaled with Maribel’s big sword. 

I come back to Kandas fight. 

She is right, they have an agility that we werewolves don’t possess. She somehow jumps on his back, latches on 

to his n*ck, and with her 

back legs, she starts kicking down, clawing at him. 

If this was a skilled werewolf, 

he would probably be able to overpower her. But this guy is unable to fight back at this 

point. She claws at his n*ck 

as she holds him and that is 

  1. it. The fight is over and people cheer 

The cheer reminds me how 

messed up this all is. They 

are cheering at us for killing. It’s disgusting. 

“Ladies and gentlemen! We 

have our winners!” 

Kanda shifts back, 

completely n*ked while people cheer even louder 


Giving one last look at Ezra, 

the three of us head back to 

the barracks. Kanda and I 

tend to our wounds but my 

attention now is on Maribel. 

“You are a vampire?” I ask but 

I am not sure this is true. She 

has been in the sun with us 

and has eaten normal food. 

If I recall, stories are that she 

wouldn’t be able to do any of 


“No.” She responds. 

“Then what are you?” Kanda 


“I am a hybrid. Half human, 

half vampire.” 

“Oh? What is the difference?” 

Kanda asks. 

Maribel sighs. “I don’t 

require human blood for just 

survival. Not having blood 

weakens me but I do not die 

because of it. I can eat 

normal foods to help with 

the weakness–as I have been 

doing all this time— and the sun does not kill me but it 

does bother me, burns my skin easily.” 

“How does one come to be a 

hybrid?” Kanda asks. 

“What stupid question is 

that? My human mother and my vampire father had s*x, then I arrived.” 

“So you are immortal?” 

“No. Hybrids have a longer lifespan than humans but we 

age and die after a couple 

hundred years.” 

This is all new to me and 

quite interesting. 

We all rest until the game is finally over and we are taken 

to the dining hall like last 

time. Only this time, we are not displayed on the tables. They have put chairs for us on those middle tables along 

with food but our ankles are 

still shackled to the table. 

“Wait here until the Alpha 

enters with his guests.” The 

guard says. 

“You seem tense.” Kanda 

whispers at me. 

I am really scared that this close, Ezra will recognize me 

if he doesn’t know that it is 

me already. I am not so much worried about my 

scent. I am sweaty and have 

not showered for a few days, 

plus, this whole place always 


“I’m just tired.” I tell her. 

The door opens with a loud 

noise, startling us. 

Zao walks in with Ezra and 

the witch behind him. 

“Come. Sit. Enjoy the feast.” He says to his gets and then 

motions to us as he walks. 

“Our winners up close.” 

Ezra and the witch stare at 

  1. us. I do my best to not look 

so suspicious or nervous. 

They go past us and sit next 

to Zao. 

I am surprised. He didn’t recognize me. So Oliver really didn’t tell him? Of 

course not. He sold me to 

Zao instead of handing me 

to Ezra which is what Ezra 

would have wanted. 

How delightful is this… 

Zao motions for us to sit. We 

take our seats and start 

eating. A few of us are 

civilized while the rest eat 

like pigs. 

I am glad to have better food 

but my attention is all on the 

conversation that starts 

between Zao and Ezra. 

“So do you actively go 

looking for strong fighters?” 

Ezra asks giving us another 


“Most of these men and 

women have fallen to my lap 

on their own at first. Now 

that I am making money 

from this kind of 

entertainment I am actively 

searching for strong men 

and women.” 

“I see. It was a great show today. That one in particular. 

I have never seen one of her 


“Ah, a werecat.” 

“Sounds almost ridiculous.‘ 

The witch laughs. 

“Indeed my dear but they are very dangerous.” Zao 



“And that one is a vampire? To be honest, I didn’t think 

that they were really real.” 

Ezra says. 

“Many don’t. They are so rare after all.” 

He looks at Maribel but I can 

see that he didn’t even know 

what she was until the fight. 

“Is her mask bolted?” Ezra 


I know he speaks about me so I keep my attention on my food. 

“Yes. A beautiful maiden 

whose looks can kill.” 

Oh, goddess! He’s going to 

give me away. 

“Part of the gimmick I 

assume?” Ezra asks. 

My mouth becomes so dry 

that it is hard to chew. 

“Yes. It’s the allure of it all.” 

I calm down so much when 

he says this that I almost pee on myself. 

“So it is my understanding that you wish to do 

some…business with us.” Zao 

changes the conversation. 

Ezra nods. “Yes.” 

“What kind of business? 

Before anything, you must 

understand that I do not do 

alliances. We are a 

free–for–all pack. Neutral.” 

“Mh, I understand that. Our 

enemy has an endless supply 

of men. With their latest 

win, they almost seem unstoppable.” 

“Yes, I heard. Two packs taken in one night.” Zao says. 

Ezra nods looking upset. “The river packs were easy targets but nonetheless, it gives them more numbers.” 

River pack! Did they attack the river pack? Who is in 

control? Is it Victor? Is 


So many questions rush through my head. 

“What is this war about?” Zao 


“It is a war that has gone on 

for years. But recently, it is 

about a woman.” Ezra 


“History repeats. All great wars have been fought over women. It wouldn’t be a war 

worth fighting for if not. So 

what exactly is it that you 


“Men. Give me a steady 

supply of men to fight for 

  1. me. Slaves or whatever you 

wish to call them.” 

“Hmh…that’s difficult. These 

men and women don’t fight 

for me. They fight for 

survival. Given a chance, 

they will bite the hand that 

feeds them. They will turn 

on you.” 

“The dark fang pack has 

system to break their captured prisoners, I have 

my own way to gain loyalty.” Ezra smiles and looks at the 

witch next to him. 


“And what will you offer us 

in return?” 

“That is something that can 

be negotiated.” 

“Well said.” Zao says with 


Zao looks at the witch next 

to Ezra. 

“I do not believe I have ever had a witch in my fighting pit.” 

“Well, you’d be 

disappointed.” She says. “We are not very good when it comes to combat. My kind 

tends to work more behind 

the scenes.” 

“I see. So witches would not 

make for a good show.” 

The diner continues without 

  1. us. We are brought back to our cells after changing. I am able to find sleep but I do 

spend most of the night thinking about Ezra and that witch. How I wish I could get 

out of here and take them 

out in the middle of the 


The next morning, I wake up to run to the latrine. I feel 

like my entrails come out through my mouth as I 

empty the contents of my 


When I am done, I walk back 

to my corner only to see 

Kanda staring at me with a 



“Congrats, but please make sure that Zao does not notice 

your condition.” 


“Pregnant women here are 

taken away and are never 

seen again.” 

“Pregnant? What are 

you…me? No, no that’s not it. 

I’m just…sick…” 

She smiles. “Okay…whatever 

you say…” 

…No way…Shit… 

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