This day was getting worse by the hour.

First, a kidnapping. Now one bed.

“Go back and demand a room with two beds,” I ordered. Me in the same bed as Sasha was bad news. My body had a mind of its own when it came to this man.

“Why would I do that?” he retorted.

“Because there are two of us,” I said flatly.

“Worried you won’t be able to keep your hands off me?” he drawled lazily, his tone deceptively light.

I snickered. “I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole.”

His presence filled every corner of this crappy motel room, making it feel even smaller. The heat radiated from his body, burning my skin. And the look in his eyes had sparks dancing across every inch of my skin.

A smug, knowing smile curved his lips. I suspected he might have gotten one bed on purpose. I wouldn’t put anything past him.

“The bed is big enough,” he pointed out. “For the two of us.”

“Sasha, I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you,” I gritted. “And what is it with you stopping at this shithole? You can’t afford a Holiday Inn at least?”

Ignoring me, he shut the door behind us, kicking it with his leg.

Dropping me on the bed, my body bounced on the mattress. Once. Twice.

“I really dislike you,” I muttered.

He didn’t miss a beat. “You’ll learn to like me.”

My gaze settled on the tattoos on his fingers. My captor. This was a scenario I never could have imagined.

“No, I won’t.”

Sasha’s eyes narrowed on me and an unpleasant tension sucked up all of the oxygen. I thought I saw something obscure pass through his eyes. My chest squeezed tight as Sasha remained silent, watching me. As if he was contemplating how to tear me down.

Little did he know, I wasn’t a little girl. “Sasha, release me,” I attempted to reason with him. “Let me go back. I’ll tell my brother that I owed you something and we settled it. He won’t come after you if he sees I’m back, safe and sound.”

“Tell me, kotyonok,” he continued like I hadn’t spoken. “Has he touched you?” My eyes flickered to find his pale blue ones studying me. I pressed my lips into a thin line, refusing to answer.

“Has. He. Touched. You?” His voice was cool, but darkness crept into each syllable.

I refused to answer again. His jaw ticked and he leaned closer, his big body towering over mine. His hand fisted in my hair and he gripped it, tilting my head back.

“He will pay if he has touched you.” I exhaled as he tugged my head back further so I’d look him in the eyes. “I’ll skin him alive if you have touched him. And when I’m finished with him, his head will sit on my mantle.”

I swallowed. “You’re crazy.”

“Kotyonok, you haven’t seen crazy yet,” he said, his mouth against my ear.

I couldn’t believe I actually found this man attractive at one point. He was disturbed.

I attempted to shift away from him. He followed. He took both my wrists into his big hand and raised them above my head.

“What are you doing?” I asked, following his movements.

He smiled harshly. “I can’t have my bride running away in the middle of the night.”

His bride? He didn’t mean that literally. Right?

“Wait,” I stopped him. “I need to use the restroom. And I need a shower. Won’t you at least give me something to eat? You can’t starve me.”

His gaze found me, containing a warning. “You try to run and I’ll make you regret it.”

Jesus Christ.

This man was more than just disturbed. He was certifiably insane.

My eyes flashed with resentment, but I pressed my lips together, holding my response between my lips. He pulled me up into a seated position. The mattress dipped under our weight. I shot out of bed, ignoring the pain between my thighs, while Sasha was right behind me.

For someone so big, he moved with surprising grace. I rushed to the bathroom, but before I could close the door in his face, his palm came to press against it and he stopped the door from closing with his foot.

“I’m not going to the bathroom with you watching,” I protested.

He studied me, like he was reading my mind and plans. I kept my expression blank, my heart thundering hard in my chest.

“Don’t make me regret it,” he warned, releasing the door and moving his leg out of the way.

Without another word, I slammed the door in his face.

I relieved myself, then washed my hands and face. I left the sink running and I quickly dried my hands off, then surveyed the small bathroom. There was a single window behind the yellow tub. It wasn’t big but I could squeeze through it.

Probably. Maybe.

My heartbeat drummed in my ears and adrenaline rushed through my veins. If Sasha caught me, he’d be mad. Furious.

I didn’t give a shit. I wouldn’t just sit and take whatever he dished out. I gave my word to Killian and that was that.

Sasha could go fuck himself. I waited for him. He didn’t wait for me. He broke his promise.

Two way street, fucker.

The asshole was crazy if he thought I’d just go back to him like nothing had happened. All was fair in love and the mafia. So yeah, go to fucking hell, Satan’s spawn.

The images of Wynter Flemming and Sasha rolled through my mind. Like an addict picking at a sore, I looked them up more than I cared to admit. They always seemed familiar and happy together. The pain radiated throughout my chest and spread until it wrapped around my lungs and squeezed. Agonizingly tight.

No, I wasn’t jealous. Sasha didn’t wait for me and my everything unhinged mobster induced haze has cleared. I couldn’t forgive him for leaving me behind too. For making me wait, only for me to find him with Wynter.

Sasha should have waited for me too. It was too late now. He’d lost me.

Climbing into the bathtub, I opened the window. Slowly and as silently as I could. Then I pushed off the edge of the tub and jumped up. My hand grabbed the window frame, the sharp ends digging into my palm. Ignoring the pain, I pushed off the wall and rose higher and higher, until my body was hanging out of the window.

I eyed the ground as I hung upside down. It was the only way. I’d have to let myself fall and hope I didn’t smash my face. Hoping for the best, I pushed myself further out and then started falling. It seemed I was falling for forever, but in fact it was only a second or two.

I twisted my body so I’d fall on my shoulder rather than my face. The moment my body hit the ground, a grunt escaped me. That fucking hurt.

“Going somewhere, kotyonok?” The voice was low and soft, but it scared me more than if he would have shouted. My heart trembled and my breath shook, but I kept my cool.

Everything with Sasha was like playing Russian roulette. One wrong move, one wrong word, and I’d be dead.

Rolling onto my side, I found him casually leaning against the building, his arms folded across his chest.

I held his stare stubbornly, refusing to cower. If my father hasn’t succeeded in breaking my spirit, neither will this pale blue eye devil.

“Yeah, running away from you and your unhinged, psychotic ass,” I grumbled.

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