Chapter 2 

Listening to his wife’s words, Carlos couldn’t help but feel a wave of guilt wash over him. 

Back when Elena had called off their engagement and his right hand had been rendered useless, he had been exiled from Colmar, discarded like a stray dog. 

If it hadn’t been for his grandfather’s relentless search, he might have frozen to death on those unforgiving streets. 

Years ago, his grandfather had vanished under mysterious circumstances, leaving behind nothing but a marriage contract for him, telling him to marry into the Jones family. It also told him that after one year of marriage, he’d be free to stay or go as he pleased. 

Carlos didn’t quite understand why his grandfather had insisted on this arrangement, but he couldn’t refuse the man who had saved his life. 

Nevertheless, Carlos knew that his journey towards revenge in the future would be steeped in bloodshed. 

Fearing that his actions might harm the Jones family, he had put on a façade of laziness and indifference after getting married, appearing like a carefree glutton. His motive was to avoid getting emotionally entangled, ensuring an easy detachment when the time came. 

But then came Ashley, this perplexing woman who had entered his life without rhyme or reason. 

She had tirelessly plotted their future, pushing him to excel at work time and again. 

No matter how late he returned home every night, a hot meal was always waiting for him. She had even endured isolation within the Jones family, all for the sake of her so–called “good–for–nothing” husband. 

Yet she, with her cutting words and tender heart, never acknowledged her sacrifices, silently bearing the burden alone. 

Carlos observed it all, unable to express his gratitude. 

Even the most inanimate object can’t remain heartless. 

Could he truly let her go now, especially after the recent car accident? He had spent nearly half a month in bed, and Ashley had tirelessly cared for him, day in and day out, often falling asleep exhausted at his side. 

She, who had grown up in luxury, pampered and delicate, had lost weight for him. 

It was only today, upon his being discharged from the hospital, that she mentioned divorce. 

Though Ashley’s words may have sounded cold, Carlos couldn’t ignore that her once passionate heart had long been wounded by his past actions. 

Could he truly provide her with a better future? 

In any other circumstance, he wouldn’t hesitate to disentangle himself, severing those emotional ties. 

But Ashley had just crossed paths with Elena, and with Elena’s vengeful nature, Ashley was destined for trouble. 

How could Carlos leave her at a time like this? 

Lost in thought for a moment, he quickly regained his composure. “The reason? Just because of what happened earlier?” 

Ashley replied coldly, “I’m sorry, but you’re overthinking it. The Jones family has recently run into some business troubles, and there’s only one person who can help me–Joan Lance. You must have heard his name before. 

“He was my college classmate, and his father is a big shot at the Governor’s Office, wielding immense power. 

“And he’s been pursuing me for years. He’s also promised to assist me with this business deal, and I’d like to give him a chance.” 

Carlos’s heart skipped a beat, but he kept his tone composed as he said, “In such a hurry?” 

Ashley furrowed her brows. “We’re not divorced yet. How can I give him a chance? 

“Do you think I’m capable of doing what you did, fooling around with others?” 

Carlos tried to explain, “It wasn’t what you think-” 

Ashley had no interest in hearing it. “No need to explain. I’m not interested. Just one question for you: are we getting a divorce or not?” 

Carlos, slightly irritated, conjured up a reason to decline. “There are still three months left on the marriage contract. I don’t agree.” 

Ashley was puzzled. “After everything that’s happened, does the contract still hold any meaning? 

“Carlos, I’ve given you many chances. 

“But what about you? You’ve been stuck in the Jones family for nearly half a year. You have no skills and simply live off the family’s wealth!” 

Carlos frowned, correcting her, “Let me set the record straight. I haven’t been living off their wealth. My grandfather founded Greenell Psychiatric Hospital. In his absence, I serve as the acting director and make my own way.” 

Ashley chuckled bitterly, scoffing, “Director of a mental hospital? How prestigious. 

“Do you know that every time someone asks what my husband does for a living, I’m ashamed to answer? 

“Enough of this. I won’t stand in your way of pursuing your grand ambitions. But don’t hinder my path forward. 

“You heard what happened earlier. Joan can help me out of my business predicament, and he’s a thousand times more capable than you. 

“If you don’t want a divorce, do you still plan on staying in my family and subjecting yourself to humiliation?” 

Carlos snatched up the divorce papers, didn’t bother to read them, and ripped them to shreds before tossing them into the trash can. It’s just some business hassle; I can handle that.” 

Ashley widened her eyes, taking a couple of steps back, suddenly feeling like the man she’d been living with day in and day out was a complete 

stranger. “Carlos, did the car crash affect your head? 

“Or have you spent too much time around those mentally ill patients to the point where your own brain is all messed up? 

“But we’re talking about the Maredar Group here, the business giant in Nantes. How could you possibly help me deal with them?” 

Carlos lifted the quilt and said, “It’s my business how I settle it. Just go back and wait for the good news.” 

Then he simply shrugged out of his hospital gown, revealing a physique that, while not b*dybuilder–level, was well–proportioned with no excess fat in sight. His masculine presence was undeniable. 

Ashley was taken aback. They had already been married for nearly a year, yet this was the first time she’d seen her husband’s b*dy. 

For some reason, her gaze seemed a bit uneasy. “And what if you can’t?” 

Carlos turned his head to reply, “Then we’ll get divorced. I’ll talk to your father myself, and I won’t let it affect you.” 

Ashley couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes. She didn’t know why, but her typically timid husband seemed different today. Even his gaze had an unusual intensity contained within it. 

Could it be because of that woman from earlier? 

Ashley decided not to dwell on it. “Fine, you said it. Carlos, don’t make me lose respect for you.” 

Downstairs, her best friend, Caroline Shaw, waited in the car. Ashley slammed the car door shut, saying, “Just like you suggested, I used a firm tone and even brought up Joan, but he still won’t agree to a divorce.” 

Caroline looked bewildered. “Seriously? He can tolerate all of this? Is he even a man? Looks like we’ll have to come up with a plan!” 

Ashley was shocked. “What’s your plan?” 

Caroline arched an eyebrow suggestively. “You create an opportunity, and I’ll find a way to get him into bed!” 

Ashley was floored. “You want to seduce Carlos? I can’t believe you’re even considering that!” 

Caroline shot back, “What’s the problem? Are you jealous?” 

Ashley concealed her underlying anxiety. “Of course not. I’d have to be out of my mind to get jealous over a guy like him!” 

Caroline chuckled. “Then what’s holding you back? Do you doubt Carlos’s resolve? Are you afraid he won’t resist temptation?” 

Ashley found herself in a tough spot, so she pretended to be nonchalant. “Just a heads–up, don’t actually follow through with it. He’s the type of guy with no backbone. If he gets involved with you, I won’t lift a finger to help!” 

Caroline had a mischievous grin on her face as she said, “Don’t you worry, my dear. I’ve been through all kinds of trials and tribulations. I won’t let a single bit of trouble stick to me. 

“When we get the evidence of his cheating, let’s see if he still stays in the Jones family! 

“Get ready. I’ve arranged to have dinner with Joan tonight. Freshen up on 

your way. 

“Whether we can secure the Maredar Group’s deal depends entirely on Joan’s infatuation with you!” 

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