Nichole was in a rush to leave, but just as she was about to walk out, she heard a classmate shout from the doorway, "Nichole! The dean is calling for you." Her heart tightened upon hearing this.

At that moment, the dean came out, pointed at Nichole, and commanded, "You, stop right there."

Nichole stiffened, turning around cautiously and replied, "Yes."

"Are you from dorm room 317?"

Nichole nodded, puzzled by the question.

"Is Krystal in your dorm?"

"Yes, she is."

Nichole instinctively glanced at Krystal who was not far away.

Krystal froze, and the dean turned to look at her. "You are Krystal?"

With a rigid posture, Krystal nodded.

The dean looked down at a complaint letter in his hand and declared, "Someone reported that you've been spreading false information on campus, seriously disrupting the school atmosphere and infringing on a female student's reputation."

He then placed a flyer in front of Krystal showing a revealing photo of Sophie, "Did you do this?"

Krystal was flabbergasted. She hurriedly explained, "It wasn't me! I didn't do this! I swear!"

"After investigation, we found the photo was photoshopped, and the content promoted is not factual. Please cooperate with our investigation."

Krystal opened her mouth to speak, but Nichole cut in sharply, "Krystal! How could you do such a thing? I know you meant to defend me, but you can't just fabricate photos and frame someone else." Krystal stared at Nichole in shock. She hadn't done it.

Tina immediately stood up and interjected, "It couldn't have been Krystal. We're together all the time. She had no chance to pin this up on the school's bulletin board." "This is just a verbal warning, but if it happens again, we will contact the local police," the dean announced before leaving the classroom with his entourage.

Krystal felt all her strength drain away, collapsing into Tina's arms, muttering, "I didn't do it. It really wasn't me."

Then, looking up at Nichole across from her, Krystal asked, "Nichole, why did you say that earlier?"

"I... I really thought it was you," Nichole replied, her voice filled with a tone of self-pity.

Tina glared at Nichole and said, "That was too much, Nichole! You could have made everyone think it was Krystal's doing, do you realize that?"

Nichole's tears began to flow freely after Tina's rebuke.

Krystal didn't speak up for Nichole this time.

"Let's go." Tina said angrily, pulling Krystal along.

Though Nichole looked distressed, she was relieved inside that the incident was over and no one would know it was she who had done it.

The news of the dean's inquiry quickly spread and also reached Sophie's ears.

Sophie was eating in the cafeteria. She asked, "Did you do it?"

Harold, slurping a big spoonful of soup across from her, replied, "Of course not. Why would I engage in such a trivial act? And it ended with just a verbal warning. If I were to do it, I'd make sure she was expelled."

Indeed, that was Harold's way. He wouldn't act unless he could ensure his actions had definitive consequences.

"So, who did it?" Sophie frowned.

It was meant to hit Nichole, but someone had deliberately thrown dirt on Krystal. In the end, it was just a storm in a teacup with Krystal getting a verbal warning and Nichole off scot-free. Just then, Sophie noticed Adler walking past, with a bread roll in his mouth and a plate full of food in his hand.

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