Sophie's phone was already in her hand. She browsed through the trending news headlines. James wanted to speak but hesitated upon seeing the seriousness of the situation unfold on the screen. [Divorce papers leaked... Sophie's affair with a young heartthrob...]

Sophie scrolled through the news feed, a chuckle escaping her despite the gravity of the situation.

One comment caught her eye, claiming that even though only a silhouette of the mysterious man was shown, his poise and figure could easily make him the modern-day Casanova.

"I'll handle this, don't worry about it."

"I'm not worried." Sophie placed her phone aside, her voice firm, "But I want to know how this got out."

"Colt mentioned he saw Nichole with my grandmother."

At the mention of Nichole, the smile on Sophie's face vanished instantly.

The nightmare she had just woken up from left her in a cold sweat, a premonition linking her past demise to Nichole.

In her past life, Sophie had always believed Nichole to be the innocent damsel and even doubted herself for taking Nichole's place. But all signs since her rebirth indicated that Nichole was far from innocent; Nichole was the one who wanted to take everything from her.

Sophie's tone was icy, "This is your mess. You deal with it. According to our contract, neither of us can leak this, and since the problem is on your end, I won't be involved."

"I understand."

"I'm tired." Sophie lay on the bed, no longer wanting to engage in conversation.

Gordon had rented a beachfront apartment. The director stood before him, awkwardly explaining, "Mr. Gordon, we're really stuck here. This scandal broke out, and Mrs. Burke fell ill, forcing us to halt filming. Please, Mr. Gordon, help us... We can't let the show end before it even begins!"

Their hard work couldn't just go to waste.

Gordon smiled slightly. "This is an opportunity."

"An opportunity?" The director couldn't see how.

How could this scandal be an opportunity?

Gordon elaborated, "Our show is about divorced couples. Now that the divorce scandal has leaked, why not release a teaser and host a live stream to maximize the situation? I believe it could generate significant buzz."

Realization dawned on the director. This was about leveraging the scandal for ratings.

Given the current viral status of the scandal, if they launched a live stream for Once Upon an Ex and focused on Sophie and James, they could indeed make a substantial profit.

"Mr. Gordon, you are right! I'll get on it immediately!"

The director left the study, buoyed by the plan, only to brush past Colby. He recognized the familiar silhouette and froze.

How strange... It looked remarkably like the modern-day Casanova from the news.

"Hey, wait up, Colby! Damn it!" Adler was following him.

The director saw Adler and was left in a cold sweat again.

Wasn't that Mr. Adler? Had he just called out... Colby?

Could it be... the fearsome Colby was the very Casanova the internet was abuzz with?

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