"It might only make for about seven or eight minutes of footage..."

Everyone fell into a thoughtful silence.

A staff member nearby spoke up, "If it's really not working out, maybe we should just let it go. We can't afford to upset Mr. Burke."

"How long until midnight?"

"Five more hours."

"Let's wait a bit longer!"

As soon as the director finished speaking, another crew member burst into the control room, whispering something into the director's ear. "Mr. Gordon has sent something over. He says it's for later..." The director nodded in sudden understanding.

Meanwhile, Sophie and James were sitting on a couch, silently facing each other.

Just as Sophie was feeling sleepy and wishing she could go upstairs to sleep, James sparked a conversation. "We have to get up early tomorrow. How about we call it a night?"

Sophie's mind was preoccupied with how she would interact with James, especially if they needed to reshoot for more footage tomorrow.

She pulled out her phone and enlarged the script on the screen. Damn it! There were no specific instructions on how to interact.

It couldn't all be left to genuine feelings, could it?

"Sophie?" James called her name again.

Sophie snapped back to reality, glanced at James, and asked, "What did you just say?"

Realizing that Sophie hadn't been listening, James rubbed his temples and said, "Never mind."

"How about... we watch a movie?"

Sophie's suggestion took James by surprise, and before he could respond, Sophie had already turned on the TV, leaving no room for refusal.

Sophie asked, "What do you like to watch?"

Before James could answer, Sophie suggested, "How about 'Bizarre Worlds?"

James was momentarily taken aback when he heard the name of the movie. Why did Sophie know his favorite movie?

Sophie didn't notice James' reaction. She casually selected the movie and turned to see James staring at her with suspicion.

She then remembered that James had mentioned this movie to her before she was reborn.

On the day before her rebirth, they celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Bea had always been pushing them together, so she had insisted James and Sophie go on a movie date.

Sophie was thrilled at the time, and when she asked James what he wanted to watch, he had casually mentioned 'Bizarre Worlds,' which had just been released. It was James' first smile after leaving the cinema, and he said that the movie wasn't bad.

However, in this life, James had never mentioned his favorite movie to her.

Facing James' skeptical look, Sophie quickly explained, "I remember Colt mentioning you really liked this movie, so I thought I'd ask."

James saw right through Sophie's lie. The movie had only recently been released, and he had watched it alone at home before its official release, as Burke International produced it. Colt couldn't have known about it.

Moreover, Sophie's evasive gaze clearly indicated she was hiding her true thoughts.

Though James didn't voice his suspicion, he was definitely puzzled.

Sophie sat next to James, having already seen the movie far too many times before her rebirth. James said he liked it in her previous life, and she felt the need to embrace his interests, hoping to grow closer to him. So, despite not enjoying the genre, she endured it multiple times.

Feeling nervous, Sophie watched the first half of the movie until, at a relaxed moment, James suddenly asked, "What happens next?"

"The main character dies." Sophie regretted her words as soon as they left her mouth.

James asked indifferently, "You've seen it?"

"Of course, I saw it in the cinema. How else would I know the plot? Right?"

Sophie's heart raced, noticing James' gaze on her becoming more peculiar. At that moment, she couldn't afford to lose her composure. James asked, "Who did you go with?"

Sophie was at a loss for words when suddenly, the sound of fireworks erupted outside, illuminating the dim living room with their light. The sound of fireworks eased the tense atmosphere.

"I'm going to have a look outside."

Sophie made to leave, but James grasped her arm, frowning. "I'll come with you."

They were in an unfamiliar place, and James was concerned Sophie might get lost. "I'm just going to the doorway."

Sophie initially wanted to go alone, but with James' insistence, she didn't protest further. Outside, fireworks bloomed one after another in the dark sky, a sight rarely seen by Sophie. "It's quite beautiful." Sophie turned to look at James and asked, "Did you arrange this?"

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