At the Cloude family's villa, Julian's interview was playing on the computer. In just a fortnight, Julian had already secured the best resources in the industry, and his popularity was skyrocketing. In the past few days, he had been trending continuously, and his fanbase had reached the tens of millions.

Booker knocked on the door to the study, and Ricardo, sounding impatient, said, "Come in!"

Booker stepped inside, taking in Ricardo's irritated face. He said, "Mr. Ricardo, our company has been facing significant losses lately. Do you think it might be time to head back?"

Ever since Colby had tricked him out of five billion, and Sophie had swindled another five billion, Ricardo's company's funds had been reduced by a staggering ten billion. Furthermore, losses from Aldridge Global had depleted even more. Despite the Cloude family's vast wealth, reallocating such an amount in a short time was not feasible.

"We have hundred billion in assets. We might not be as affluent as the Burke family, but this amount is not a big deal. Find a way to reallocate the funds," Ricardo said dismissively.


Before Booker could say more, Ricardo cut him off. Ricardo slid the laptop towards Booker, "Take a look at this first."

On the screen, Julian's fan count had surpassed ten million, an achievement less than a month after his debut. Aside from Reece, who had been specially promoted by Russell Entertainment, Julian was the first trainee to reach such heights among the newcomers.

After a moment of silence, Booker said, "Julian is now a public figure. It's not wise to take action against him, especially since this is James' territory, and... the Russell family..."

Mentioning Sophie made Ricardo's head ache. Where did that woman even come from? Why was she always involved in trouble?

Taking a deep breath, Ricardo said, "Find a time. I need to have a talk with Sophie."

"Mr. Ricardo, we should think this through carefully, especially given Sophie's relationship with James..."

"James gave up a great asset like the Freeman family for a woman, and Colby is willing to die for Sophie. These two men at the top of the Devonport pyramid are so bewitched by Sophie. I want to see what's so different about her. After all, she's just a woman. Whatever she wants, I can surely provide."

Ricardo read Julian's information on the computer and sneered. He didn't care about anything else, but Julian was off-limits!

He would never allow that woman's son to become a star adored by millions! Never!

That afternoon, Sophie received a message at S Corporation' office. It was from Ricardo, and he was requesting a meeting. Tricia thought Sophie's previous mention of giving Ricardo a "big gift" was just a joke, but Ricardo had indeed reached out within half a month.

Tricia said, "We've already purchased several new plots in Bloomsbury for new developments as per your instructions, Ms. Sophie. The Cloude family must have heard about their lands being taken. Why is Ricardo still in Devonport?"

"Ricardo is focused on Julian and expanding his influence in Devonport. He wouldn't care about such minor losses."

Sophie chuckled. The Cloude family had reigned supreme in Bloomsbury for so long that they had grown complacent.

With Ricardo focused on Devonport, Sophie planned to extend her reach into Bloomsbury. By the time Ricardo realized Bloomsbury would have a new ruler.

But first, she needed to stabilize Ricardo.

"Contact the Cloude family. Tell them I got the message. Tonight at 8, Regent Hotel."


That evening, a banquet was set up at Regent Hotel. Sophie, dressed in a sleek black gown with silver diamond tassel earrings and her long hair flowing, captured everyone's attention at first glance. Ricardo, who arrived before Sophie, was momentarily stunned by her beauty.

Indeed, Sophie was beautiful, especially her eyes, which seemed naturally bewitching. Bloomsbury had many beauties, and he had seen plenty, but none quite like Sophie.

When Ricardo came to his senses, Sophie was already sitting across from him. Only then did he remember the purpose of their meeting.

Sophie smiled and said, "Mr. Ricardo, you've been in Devonport for a while now. How are you finding it?" "Other than the people being difficult, I'm adjusting well," Ricardo hinted at more beneath his words. Sophie merely smiled and replied, "People here are very easy to deal with, depending on who you are." "Dealing with someone as clever as you, Ms. Sophie, I suppose I can skip the pleasantries."

"Oh? What did you want to discuss, Mr. Ricardo?"

"Since we're both in business, let's talk about a deal."

"A deal..." Sophie appeared to be contemplating, then said, "Well, I'm just an employee. My boss is Blake. If you have any business proposals, you should discuss them with Blake, not me." "If Blake were easy to reach, I doubt I would need to trouble you."

Ricardo had never taken female entrepreneurs seriously, but Sophie was an exception. It wasn't so much because Sophie was incredibly talented, but rather the man by her side made him wary.

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