Sophie suddenly woke up from a dream, in which she vaguely saw events from her past life. In her dream, Devonport eventually became Colby's domain. Rubbing her temples, Sophie dismissed it as just another dream.

It was already morning outside, and her phone had been blowing up with notifications.

She returned Tricia's call and heard her say, "Ms. Sophie, Aldridge Global has requested your presence, Mr. Devin specifically."

"Right now?"

"Yes, Mr. Devin tried reaching you last night, but you didn't pick up."

"Alright, I understand." Sophie asked, "Did he mention why he wants to see me?"

Tricia replied, "It seems to be about the trainee program."

Ever since Sophie left Aldridge Global, she publicly announced her position as the general manager of S Corporation. It was no surprise that Mr. Devin was in a hurry. Without James' sponsorship, a large number of trainees had terminated their contracts, and the program was facing a hefty compensation fee. It was likely that Ricardo's millions had gone down the drain by now.

At noon, Sophie entered Aldridge Global, but not as a trainee this time. She was there as the general manager of S Corporation.

Mr. Devin was already waiting in the lobby. He saw Sophie and came over with a welcoming smile. "Ms. Sophie! You look stunning today."

Sophie offered a slight smile, noticing Jean and Wendy, two trainees reluctant to leave, nearby.

Jean was always Wendy's lackey, and even after being betrayed by Wendy, she had no choice but to follow her as she couldn't pay the penalty fee.

"Sophie! You actually came back!"

Wendy rushed forward, intending to teach Sophie a lesson, but Mr. Devin intervened before she could get close. "What are you doing? Have you lost your mind!" Wendy was furious and glared at Sophie.

Sophie smiled. "What's the matter, Miss Wendy? Why are you so mad?"

"Sophie, I've figured it out. It was you who persuaded the other trainees to leave Aldridge Global! How does sabotaging Aldridge Global benefit you?"

Wendy had a few lackeys among the female trainees, who, before leaving, were cornered by Wendy at Aldridge Global. Under Wendy's coercion, they pointed fingers at Sophie.

Sophie raised an eyebrow. "Miss Wendy, you can't just say whatever you please."

"Stop pretending! You just want to return to S Corporation, so you lured away so many of Aldridge Global's trainees to gain favor!"

Wendy spoke without thinking, and upon hearing these words, Mr. Devin's face turned sour. He slapped Wendy across the face, angrily saying, "Who allowed you to make a spectacle of yourself here? How dare you speak to Ms. Sophie like that! Apologize to her this instant!"

Wendy, in disbelief, covered her half-stricken face. "Dad! Why are you taking her side? She's nothing but a lapdog for S Corporation! Russell Enterprises is bankrupt, and yet she's still so arrogant! She's just.....' Another slap landed, this time with all of Mr. Devin's might, sending Wendy staggering, nearly falling to the ground.

Jean quickly went to support Wendy, turning to Mr. Devin. "Sir, Wendy was just worried about Aldridge Global's affairs. Please don't take it to heart."

Then, Jean approached Sophie and took her hand affectionately. "Ms. Sophie, we were part of the same team. You know what Wendy is like, so please don't mind her."

It was clear to everyone that Sophie was not to be trifled with. Though she was only the general manager of S Corporation, rumors had long circulated about her special relationship with the company's owner, Blake.

Considering the luxury cars that had been picking up Sophie, Jean naturally assumed Sophie had become involved with Blake.

Sophie withdrew her hand from Jean's grasp, leaving Jean awkwardly standing there.

Mr. Devin stepped forward. "Ms. Sophie, let's talk upstairs, shall we?" He fawningly invited Sophie upstairs.

Wendy watched her father dote on Sophie and felt both angry and helpless, her face flushing with frustration.

Sophie followed Mr. Devin inside. He closed the conference room door before turning to Sophie anxiously. "Ms. Sophie, Mr. Gordon approved the departure of the trainees. I know you and Mr. Gordon must have your plans, but you have to help me!"

"Mr. Devin, what do you mean by that? How can I possibly help you?" Sophie feigned confusion on her face.

Mr. Devin hurriedly said, "I've caused the company to lose so much money that even Mr. Ricardo's investment has gone down the drain. If Mr. Ricardo comes after me for this, then I..."

"Mr. Devin, you know that Mr. Gordon and I made the decision to let the trainees go, so you should realize we don't care how much money the company has lost. So, the position of the chairman is still yours. As for Ricardo... investment always comes with its risks. If he comes knocking, Mr. Devin, you know exactly what to say."

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