Sophie stood her ground, looking at Skye with a 'what are you going to do about it?' expression.

During the day, Wendy and the others didn't get a satisfactory answer from her, and it was only a matter of time before they took their grievances to Skye.

It was up to Skye to offer them an explanation.

Such blatant favoritism was unsettling to Sophie as well.

"This is the company's decision. You have no right to interfere, and I am under no obligation to answer your questions."

The male trainees walked into the staff cafeteria.

Johnny noticed the tense atmosphere and immediately walked up to Skye with a grin, placing a hand on Skye's shoulder, saying, "Hey Skye, who's got you all worked up? Lighten up." "Get your paws off me." Skye didn't give Johnny any face.

Johnny reluctantly withdrew his hand as Skye coldly surveyed the room, declaring, "Sophie's treatment is different from yours. If anyone else has a problem, step forward now!" "We all have a problem!"

Jean and Shirley stood up, along with other trainees, all showing their discontent, saying, "Skye, we're all trainees here. Why does Sophie get so many privileges? On what basis?" "Yeah, on what basis!"

"I bet it's because Sophie is the mistress of some big sponsor, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes. Sophie got picked up by a luxury car! A bankrupt heiress is down to her last dime, so how could she afford such extravagance?"

The crowd openly voiced their dissatisfaction, but Sophie didn't bother to explain, casually pouring herself a glass of water and waiting for Skye to handle the situation. "Wow, this is juicy," Johnny whispered to Julian. "I thought Sophie was just here because of connections. I didn't realize she actually had such a background."

"Why ditch a solid backer like Burke International to find another sponsor?"

"Do you think her sponsor could be someone from Aldridge Global?"

"Hey! Wendy! Think about it. Could her sponsor be your dad?"

One of the guys shouted, and the room burst into laughter.

After all, who had more sway in Aldridge Global than the chairman?

Aside from Aldridge Global's chairman, it would only be the head of Aldridge Global's headquarters!

It couldn't possibly be Mr. Gordon, could it?

Sophie responded with approval, "That's a logical guess. I'm almost convinced it's true."

"Sophie! Shameless! How old are you, and how old is my dad? How could you even think of seducing my dad?" Wendy panicked, clearly taking the previous comment seriously. Sophie smiled, saying, "I was just making a remark. No need to get so worked up. My taste isn't that bad."

The crowd found this explanation reasonable.

After all, the CEO at Burke International was definitely more prestigious than the chairman of Aldridge Global.

Rather than being a mistress to the chairman of Aldridge Global, it was better to be the wife of Burke International's CEO!

James, the CEO of Burke International, was even more handsome than a movie star.

Sophie was no fool.

Hearing this, Wendy calmed down.

Sophie had always known Wendy wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she didn't expect her to be this clueless.

"Enough! If you continue to gossip recklessly in the future, there will be consequences." Skye moved to Sophie's side, saying, "Let's go to the cafeteria and eat."

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