Perry said, "Sophie's right. Mr. Burke, there's really no need for you to lower yourself to come pick her up from the Russell family. Sophie won't be going back with you."

"Honey!" Jessica gently tugged at Perry's sleeve and said, "Let them sort it out themselves. Why are you meddling in their affairs?"

Turning to James with a smile, Jessica said, "Mr. Burke, you come all this way to pick up our dear Sophie so late at night, it really shows you care deeply for her. Come on, Sophie, don't be mad anymore. Go back with him, will you?"

Jessica tried really hard to signal Sophie with her eyes, but Sophie seemed oblivious.

James moved closer to Sophie, crouching down to meet her gaze as she sat on the sofa, his eyes brimming with affection, "I had her sent to prison."

Sophie replied indifferently, "What are you trying to prove by telling me this, Mr. Burke?"

"I know everything she did. She killed her friend and took her place. From the start, my involvement with her was a mistake, Sophie. I could never betray you again. That night, it was Nichole who drugged me. She made me believe she was you, so..."

"Enough." Sophie coldly interrupted, "I have no interest in whatever happened between you two. You don't need to confess anything to me. After all, we've had this conversation before. You and I are nothing more than a business marriage. I don't care how many women you have outside."

James found himself at a loss for words. She never cared, from the beginning to the end.

The atmosphere between James and Sophie turned cold. Jessica quickly stepped forward, nudging Sophie, "Sophie! Have you lost your mind? Mr. Burke has already broken it off with that girl. Why are you stil upset? Listen to me, go back with Mr. Burke. Don't make him angry."

Sophie remained unmoved. Jessica was as anxious as a cat on a hot tin roof. She immediately turned to James, "Sophie is just stubborn. Don't worry, I'll take care of this. Sophie will go back with you tonight." Bang!

Sophie suddenly slapped the back of the chair, her sharp gaze making Jessica too scared to speak. "You take care of this? Since when did this family come under your rule?"

Jessica closed her mouth, stepping back quietly without any confidence, "I... I am your aunt-in-law after all, and I've only got your happiness in mind. Offending Mr. Burke doesn't do you any good."

"I respect you as an elder, but that doesn't mean you can make decisions for me. Do you understand?"

"I... I understand."

Though Jessica was reluctant, she couldn't argue when Sophie was the Russell family's lady, and the current head of the family.

The rules of the Russell family were strict. Jessica, merely a second wife without much status, could only stand beside Sophie, unable to voice a single word.

"That's the situation, Mr. Burke. As you can see, my family is no less significant than the Burke family. I'm quite comfortable here. Whenever you're ready to sign the divorce papers, that's when you can come looking for me."

Sophie stood up, ready to stop this confrontation and head upstairs, but James reached out, grabbing her arm, his eyes showing a hint of plea, "Sophie, don't go."

Perry angrily said, "James! This is the Russell family estate!"

Sophie looked down at James holding her arm, and with a cold laugh, she said, "What? Mr. Burke, trying to kidnap me from my own family?"

James was silent for a moment, then said, "Don't push me."

"Your power may be formidable, Mr. Burke, but thinking you can run wild in the Russell family is quite bold."

James gripped her arm tighter, "You know very well whether I can 'run wild' in the Russell family. If you come with me now, I can still ensure you leave with dignity."

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