Colt eventually replied, "Yes, Mr. Burke."

He ordered his men to take stacks of dollars out of the trunk of the car one by one.

Meanwhile, the kidnappers on the boat had a knife pressed against Sophie's throat and climbed to the top deck, shouting, "Bring all the money aboard! No funny moves, or I'll kill her!" Colt instructed his bodyguards, "Load all the money up!"

The crew carried bag after bag of cash onto the boat under Sophie's watchful eye.

Once the money had been transferred onto the boat, Colt used a megaphone to announce, "You have the money now! Let her go!"

The kidnappers opened the bags of money, verifying that all the notes were real, and their smiles were wide with glee. "Alright, release her!"

A sinister smile crept across the face of one of the kidnappers.

At that moment, Nichole also arrived at the coast. She hid in an unnoticed corner, watching nervously.

Suddenly, the ship started moving, and James tensed up immediately. He ran towards the shore, disregarding everything. Colt stepped forward to stop him. "Mr. Burke! You can't go there! It's too dangerous! Please!"

"Let me go!" James yelled hysterically, his veins bulging with tension.

The next second, a figure was thrown overboard from the ship that was now several hundred meters out. A guard shouted, "The kidnappers threw the hostage into the sea! Rescue teams, initiate the rescue operation!"

Immediately, the guard team deployed, but there was no sign of Sophie in the vast sea.

James felt as if his blood had turned cold. He trembled as he ordered, "Set sail! Go now!"

"Yes, Mr. Burke!" Colt personally took the helm.

The guard team pursued the kidnappers while rescue teams were dispatched into the sea in search of Sophie.

Nichole's hanging heart finally settled. "Sophie, you never thought you'd see this day, huh? Haha."

After confirming Sophie had been thrown into the sea, Nichole quickly left the scene to avoid detection.

Night fell, and after six hours of searching the sea, there was still no sign of Sophie.

James had been adrift at sea for six hours, gradually breaking down.

"Mr. Burke, let's head back. The rescue teams are here, and our people are on it. Mrs. Burke will be fine."

Although Colt said this, he knew there wasn't much hope. How could someone survive after being in the sea for six hours? "Keep searching! We must find her!" He refused to believe that something could happen to Sophie.

She was so smart. How could she just be thrown into the sea by kidnappers?

James grabbed Colt by the collar, demanding, "What about the kidnappers? Have they been caught?"

Colt looked down. "They escaped quickly. And the sea is so vast, we have no idea where their ship could have gone."

James felt as though all his strength had been drained. "Why? Why? They got the money but still decided to kill Sophie! Get someone on it. Investigate thoroughly!"

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