She had already invited these three individuals here, and if she couldn't come up with the money, who knew what these desperados might do?

After careful thought, Nichole said, "It's just a million dollars? As long as Sophie is out of the picture and I become Mrs. Burke, how could I possibly be short on money?" She approached the three men and said, "I'll give you $100,000 as a down payment. If you can take care of Sophie, I'll pay you the rest once I become Mrs. Burke."

The men exchanged glances, and one of them couldn't help but sneer. He stepped forward, pinning Nichole against the door, which instantly drained the color from her face. "How do we know you can actually become Mrs. Burke? Cash upfront is the rule around here."

The man said menacingly, "$100,000 for the down payment, not a penny less! Otherwise, I'll start chopping off your fingers one by one!"

Nichole's face turned sour, but she tried to remain calm. "I've only got $100,000 on me right now! Do you know the Burke family? If you kill me, you're killing the future heir of the Burke family in my womb!" Hearing this, the man hesitated.

Nichole continued, "Think about it. James and his wife have been at odds for a long time and should have divorced by now. If you take care of Sophie, I can use the child in my belly to secure my position as Mrs. Burke! How could I not have money then? I promise you, once I become James' wife, not only will I pay you a million dollars, but I'll add another million on top!"

"Words aren't enough. We need it in writing!"

The man released Nichole and then pulled out a piece of paper. After writing something on it, he put it in front of Nichole.

It clearly stated that if the money wasn't paid in the agreed time, she would pay with her life.

Nichole turned pale, but soon, she steeled her heart. To take down Sophie, she had to be willing to pay the price!

High risk for a high reward. That was the lesson she had learned over the years.

With that thought, Nichole quickly signed the paper.

Katy was standing by, trembling all over. This was a gamble with their lives! One wrong move could be fatal.

"Where will you get the $100,000?"

That was already a lot of money, and they couldn't possibly come up with it!

The next second, Nichole opened the nearby drawer. Katy tried to stop her, but it was too late. Nichole took out a bundle of cash from the cabinet and handed it directly to the three men.

Katy's face changed, and she hurried forward. "No, no! That's my safety money! How can you use my safety money for a hit?"

Nichole forcefully pulled Katy back and then said to the men, "Take the money and make it quick. I want Sophie gone!"

The men looked at each other and then walked out of the apartment.

Katy wanted to chase after them but was pushed to the ground by Nichole. Nichole coldly said, "It's just $100,000. Once I take my place as Mrs. Burke, I'll have more money than you can imagine. Do you want to clear your debts or not?"

Katy heard the words 'clearing debts' and was immediately lost for words. Now, they could only rely on Nichole.

Katy's voice trembled. "If you can't become Mrs. Burke, then I..."

"I'm carrying James' child. Once Sophie is gone, the position of Mrs. Burke is definitely mine." A cold light flickered in Nichole's eyes.

In the evening, a message popped up on Sophie's phone, a message from James. [Get ready. I'm sending someone to pick you up.]

She casually asked, [Where to?]

There was no reply, so Sophie could only get ready. Just as she stepped out of her room, she saw a black car, but Colt wasn't the person who stepped out.

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