"Mr. Gordon mentioned that there's to be a masquerade ball tonight, and he wants Mr. Harold to attend on his behalf," the servant relayed carefully. "However, it's imperative that your identity remains concealed. No one must know the Aldridge family was present."

"What a coincidence," Harold murmured, puzzled as he glanced at Sophie.

Earlier that day, Sophie had expressed her desire to attend the ball. It seemed the event held some enchanting allure, enough to capture his elder brother's attention.

Sophie herself was a bit baffled. Gordon rarely attended social gatherings, let alone send Harold in his stead.

Why would Gordon suddenly entrust the badge to Harold, with strict instructions for anonymity?

Beside them, Jenna noticed Sophie's concern and whispered, "Don't overthink it. We should head out soon, or we'll be late."

Sophie nodded in agreement. Now was not the time to dwell on uncertainties. As long as Harold could get them into the event, their goal would be achieved.

Meanwhile, in the office of Burke International, James stared at the badge that had been delivered to him earlier, lost in thought.

"Mr. Burke, S Corporation has organized a masked ball tonight at the gala, and everyone is required to wear a mask," Colt reported. "Rumors are Blake might also appear. Would you care to attend?" James furrowed his brow. He had assumed S Corporation had no further tricks up its sleeves, yet here was this unexpected maneuver.

"Have we not yet clarified Blake's profile?" James asked.

"Not yet," Colt admitted. "We haven't found any photographs or solid information on Blake. His identity is a mystery, which might draw various business magnates to the ball, curious about the enigmatic owner of this rising corporate entity."

Colt hesitated before adding, "Mr. Burke, this ball could be our chance to uncover more about Blake. If we miss this opportunity, who knows when another will arise?"

"Where is Sophie?"

Colt hesitated. "Last night, she and Ms. Jenna visited the Aldridges and haven't left since."

James frowned, digesting the information.

"Also, I've tried negotiating for Ms. Nichole's release, but Mr. Gordon has made things difficult. It appears she might be detained for a few more days."

James rubbed his temples, then decided, "Let's head to the ball first."

"Yes, Mr. Burke."

By this time, Sophie and Jenna had changed into their extravagant gowns, applied bold makeup, and donned their masks.

Harold's distinctive red hair was impossible to fully conceal, so Sophie thoughtfully prepared a cloak for him to help maintain his anonymity at the masquerade.

An hour into the masquerade ball, the guests had already had several rounds of drinks. Sophie watched the badges worn on their chests and couldn't help but smile with amusement. Despite knowing that S Corporation and James had become adversaries, they all still showed up.

"Sophie, I'll cover for you. Go change into your costume."

Sophie nodded, "Thank you, Jenna."

"What are friends for? Hurry along."


With Jenna's assistance, Sophie quietly slipped into the crowd. The noise and lights nearly blinded her, but suddenly, a firm hand grasped her arm.

Sophie looked up to see a man dressed as a vampire. Instinctively, she tried to pull away, but he drew her close. Colby's calm and steady voice came from above, "It's me."

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