Chapter 93 

“Grandpa, you are still very weak. If you have anything to say, wait until you recover. We can talk about it then.” Gordon’s eyes were still red. 

Earl shook his head. “This can’t wait. I don’t have much time left.” 

“Grandpa, don’t say that. You will definitely live a long life!” Gordon quickly replied. 

“I’m already grateful that I’m able to live until now. It’s just that… the Campbell family has been able to survive until now because of all the blood that was shed in the past…” 

“Gordon, your father is just an ordinary man. He’s not that capable. He can’t protect the Campbell family. This is why, I can 

only hand this burden to you…” Earl’s eyes were filled with heartache W 

“If we were just an ordinary family that’s rich, I would have fulfilled your wish a Unfortunately, you were destined to not be able to do whatever you want in 

Who Wand let you 


do whatever you liked. 

Earl’s tone was filled with endless sorrow. 

When Gordon heard this, he could not help but have a strange feeling in his hea 

Earl looked up at the old butler who was standing at the side. 

The old butler nodded and then handed an exquisite wooden box to Gordon 

“What’s this?” Gordon’s eyes were filled with surprise. 

“Have you heard of the Akister Treasure?” Earl spoke slowly. 

“The Akister Treasure? Are you talking about the legendary treasure that was rumored to rival a country’s wealth?” Gordon was stunned for a moment before asking. 

“That’s not just a myth. It’s true.” Earl raised his trembling hands and opened the wooden box. 

There was a golden nugget 


“This is one of the five keys to open the Akister Treasure.” Earl enunciated each word clearly. 

When Gordon heard this, he immediately looked up in surprise. 

“The people out there think that I only have one key in my hand, but in fact, I actually have two,” Earl said slowly. 

I’ve already given the other one to Simon. He’s the man you saw last time. He’s the current head of the Hernandez family. He is certainly powerful and influential.” 

“With our current strength, the Campbell family can’t protect these two keys by ourselves. That is why I used that key to exchange ten years of the Campbell family’s peace and safety.” 

“Gordon, all of our lives are on you. We’re counting on you.” Earl stared at Gordon with a burning gaze. 

“If this thing is really that dangerous, why don’t we just give it up?Gordon had always thought that the Akister Treasure was just a myth. He did not expect it to be true. 

“It’s not that I’m ambitious, but you have to find the Akister Treasure. This concerns the fate of the entire Campbell family…” Earl enunciated each word clearly. 

On this day, Gordon stayed in the ward for a long time, 

When he came out from the ward, his entire aura had changed drastically. 


06:40 Wed, 21 Jun 

Chapter 93 

He already had a composed and indifferent attitude before this but now, there was even more coldness and killing intent on 


When Jacob saw Gordon in this state, he could not help but be stunned. 

At that moment, he seemed to have seen Earl’s face when he was younger. 

It was actually a little daunting. 

“What did he tell you?” It took Jacob a while to regain his senses. He quickly suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and stepped forward to ask. 

Grandpa is already asleep. Stay here. I have some things to do.” Gordon did not answer his question. He only said coldly and left. 

“You… What’s with your attitude? How can you talk to your father like that?” Jacob was a little shocked at first, but when he came back to his senses, he immediately shouted at Gordon with a cold expression. 

However, Gordon did not stop at all. 

In the presidential suite. 

Marina had a good sleep. 

When she woke up, Simon was no longer beside her. 

However, there was still his scent on the blanket. 

Marina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It would be great if she could wake up like this every morning. 

Marina stayed in bed for a while longer. When she washed up and went out, she found Simon sitting at the dining table waiting for her. 

There were all kinds of breakfast on the dining table. 

“Come and have breakfast.” Simon heard the commotion and looked up to call out to Marina. 

Marina naturally sat beside him. 

“I’m indeed a little hungry after sleeping.” Marina picked up the fork and prepared to eat. 

At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang. 

Simon and Marina didn’t care. The two of them just continued eating. 

Gavin, who was standing at the side, immediately opened the door. 

When he saw the person standing outside the door, there was no surprise on his face

He said calmly, “Mr. Hernandez and Miss Bailey are still eating. You might need to wait a while.” 

Alright, I’ll wait outside. Once they have finished their meal, please inform me.” Gordon did not feel angry at all. Instead, he nodded respectfully. 

“Alright.” Gavin looked at him in surprise before closing the door. 

It seemed that Gordon finally understood the situation. 

After Gavin closed the door, he did not disturb Simon and Marina. 

After they finished eating, Gavin went forward. 


06:40 Wed, 21 Jun 

Chapter 93 

“Mr. Hernandez, Miss Bailey, Gordon Campbell is waiting outside.” 

Is he here for you?” Marina turned to look at Simon. 

It’s also possible that he’s here to look for you.” Simon elegantly picked up a napkin and wiped his hands. 

Marina raised an eyebrow, then glanced at Gavin. “Let him in.” 

Yes.” Gavin then walked towards the door again. 

This time, after opening the door, he moved aside. 

Gordon, who had been waiting outside the door, walked in. 


When he saw Marina sitting side by side with Simon, his eyes flickered for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal. 

“Miss Bailey, it’s my fault for not knowing my place. I thought I could compete with you. Today, I’m here to apologize to you!” Gordon slowly lowered his head. 

At that moment, Gordon’s jawline tightened a little. 

He never thought that one day, he 

Wod bow his head in front of Marina. 

He had never thought that things would turn out like this between them. 

“Mr. Campbell, I recall how arrogant you were before this. What’s wrong? Why did you come over to apologize to me after just a day?” Marina’s slender fingers tapped the table casually. 

It was obvious that she was mocking him. 

Gordon clenched his fists by his side. “I was stupid. I thought that I was strong enough to go against you, but I was wrong. Please don’t hold it against me. I hope that you could spare the Campbell family.” 

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