Chapter 81 

Just as Richard’s hand reached for Jessica’s pants, the tightly shut door behind him was suddenly kicked open from the 


Before Richard could react, he was sent flying. 

Then, Richard fell heavily to the ground. It was so painful that he lost his voice on the spot. 

When Marina saw Jessica’s state, the killing intent in her eyes intensified. 

However, Marina quickly took off her coat and wrapped Jessica up. 

Jessica leaned into Marina’s arms, her entire body trembling. 

Jessica’s teeth had already bitten through her lower lip, and blood flowed down her lips. 

However, Jessica did not seem to feel it at all. She continued to increase her strength. 

“Jessica, hurry up and let go,” Marina whispered worriedly. 

However, Jessica did not seem to be listening at all. She curled 

em to be 

There was no focus in Marina’s eyes. 

up into a ball. 

“Jessica, it’s me. Look up at me.” Marina immediately straightened Jessica’s body. 

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However, when Jessica saw Marina, she immediately retreated in fear. 

“No, don’t touch me!” Jessica’s voice was filled with fear.. 

“Jessica, don’t be afraid. It’s me. I’m Marina.” When Marina saw how afraid Jessica was, she wished she could cut Richard into pieces. 

“Marina?” When Jessica heard Marina’s name, her eyes paused slightly. 

“Yes, it’s me! I’m here!” Marina replied heavily. 

Jessica slowly raised her head and looked at Marina. Her eyes slowly regained focus. 

After confirming that the person in front of her was really Marina, Jessica suddenly couldn’t hold on anymore and threw herself into Marina’s arms. 

Then, Jessica hugged Marina tightly. 

“Marina, Marina!” Jessica repeated Marina’s name over and over again. 

It was as if this would give Jessica more courage. 

“I’m here! I’m here!” Marina answered every time Jessica called out her name. 

It didn’t end until Jessica calmed down a little. 

“Jessica, I want to take you away from here.” After listening to Jessica’s cries becoming soft a little, Marina helped Jessica stand 

  1. up. 

“Alright.” Jessica nodded in a hoarse voice. 

However, after Marina helped Jessica out of the room, she suddenly stopped. 

06:34 Wed, 21 Jun 

Chapter 81 


way, your glasses and phone are still in the room. Wait for me here. I’ll be right out.” Marina’s voice slowed down as much as possible. 


However, when she heard that Marina was still going in, Jessica immediately grabbed Marina’s wrist, her eyes filled with 


“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” Marina smiled and comforted Jessica. Then, Marina looked up at Simon beside her. “Help me take care of Jessica.” 

After saying that, Marina ignored Jessica and turned around to enter the room again. 

As soon as she entered the room, Marina immediately locked the door. 

Then, with a pair of cold eyes, Marina walked toward Richard, who was still curled up on the ground in pain. 

“You… What else do you want?” Richard had already been hit by Marina twice. Looking at Marina now, Richard could only try his best to retreat. 

“Why haven’t you learned your lesson at all? I told you last time that Jessica is not someone you can afford to bully!” Marina looked down at Richard who was lying on the ground. 

It was as if Marina was looking at an extremely dirty dung beetle. 

“You… Don’t do anything rash. If you dare to do something to me, the Grayson family will definitely not let you off, let alone Jessica!” Richard hurriedly shouted. 

“Heh, the Grayson family? Then I really want to see how capable the Grayson family is.” Marina sneered. 

In the end, Marina turned her head and glanced at an antique vase on the cabinet. 

Marina picked it up and played with it for a while. Then, with a bang, Marina threw it at the cabinet beside her. 

The vase instantly shattered. 

Meanwhile, Marina was holding the upper half. 

“Yes, this shape isn’t too good. It might hurt a little when I do it later. Remember to clench your teeth a little. Jessica is timid. and can’t stand the shock.” Marina glanced at the half–broken vase in her hand and instructed in a cold tone. 

“What do you want to do…” Richard was about to ask when Marina grabbed a pillow beside her and covered Richard’s face. 

Then, Marina raised the half–broken vase in her hand and stabbed it at Richard’s lower body. 


A scream sounded instantly, but it was all absorbed by the bolster covering Richard’s face. 

Looking at Richard’s bloody lower body, Marina immediately threw away the half–broken vase in her hand and flipped over the pillow covering Richard’s face. 

After obtaining freedom, Richard instantly curled up like a cooked shrimp, 

Richard wanted to touch his lower body with trembling hands, but it was so painful that he couldn’t even find the right direction. 

After Marina was done, she did not even look at Richard again, just picking up the glasses and phone that Jessica had dropped on the ground. 

Marina turned around and left the 


Ever since Marina entered the room, Jessica had been staring at the closed door worriedly. 

06:34 Wed, 21 

Chapter 81 

Her eyes lit up at once when Jessica saw Marina coming out. 

Jessica sized Marina up from head to toe as if to confirm if she was injured. 

Because Jessica had heard the commotion in the room just now, she wanted to go in and check, but this fierce–looking man blocked her way. 

Meanwhile, Simon was also sizing up Marina. He saw that Marina did not have any new injuries and the bandage on her hand was not untied. 

A trace of satisfaction flashed across Simon’s eyes. 

Marina was quite obedient this time. 

“Don’t worry. I’m not injured.” Marina saw through Jessica’s thoughts and smiled at her. Then, Marina gestured to Jessica to look at the things in her hand. “Look! I’ve taken your glasses and phone back.” 

“You don’t have to risk your life for these things.” Jessica’s voice was hoarse from crying for too long. 

“Didn’t you tell me that this phone is very important to you?” Marina glanced at the phone in her hand. 

Marina remembered that there was once when Richard ruthlessly ran over Jessica’s hand, but she refused to let go. 

Because Jessica wanted to protect this phone. 

That’s not as important as your safety. Don’t do this again.” Jessica did not expect Marina to still remember this matter. Her eyes turned red again. 

“Alright, I’m fine, aren’t I? I’ll listen to you from now on. Don’t cry anymore. I don’t have any clothes to wipe your tears anymore,” Marina deliberately said in a relaxed tone. 

“Marina…” Jessica shouted in a choked voice. 

“Alright. I won’t say anymore. Let’s leave this place first.” Marina stuffed the phone into Jessica’s hand. 

“Okay.” Jessica nodded. 

Marina did not send Jessica back to the Rodriguez family. Instead, she brought Jessica to Simon’s room in the hotel. 

“By the way, how did you know I was there?” Jessica took a shower and wrapped herself in a thick blanket. She finally felt a sense of security. 


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