Chapter 53 

“You… You…” Sophia was so angry that her legs turned to jelly. 

Fortunately, Gordon quickly pulled her into his arms and looked at her nervously. 


“Gordon, I don’t understand what I did. Why won’t she leave me 

alone…” Sophia cried. 

Gordon felt sorry for her. Then, he looked at Marina. 

“Ca…” But Gordon had only uttered the beginning of her other name when he suddenly received Marina’s icy gaze. 

He could only swallow back his words. 

“Miss Bailey.” Gordon gritted his teeth and changed his way of addressing her. 

“Mm, if you have something to say, hurry up. I have a meal to finish. I don’t have time to waste on you dummies,” Marina said impatiently. 

Gordon was speechless. 

“Miss Bailey, I’ve always tried to make it up to you. You were the one who refused to accept it. Since you rejected my compensation, don’t throw your anger at Sophia in the future. From the beginning, this was a matter between the two of us. I let you down. It has nothing to do with her!” 

Gordon stared at Marina with anger. 

When Marina heard this, she suddenly laughed. “Don’t tell me you think I’m deliberately targeting her?” 

“Isn’t that so?” Gordon said in his deep voice. 

“Who do you think she is? Do I need to spend so much effort to target her deliberately? I just happened to bump into her and casually teased her.” Marina glanced at Sophia. 

Her gaze was as if she was looking at some extremely lowly ant. 

Sophia gritted her teeth. 

She hated it the most when people looked at her like that! 

It was one thing for those people from the Campbell family to look down on her, but what right did a woman who used her body to seduce men have to look down on her? 

Gordon was about to speak when Marina interrupted him again. 

“There’s one more thing. You should know that my feelings for you back then were just because I lost my memory and happened to open my eyes to see you, the first person I saw, so I had a natural 

dependence on you. 

“This is just the instinctive reaction of a person who has lost her memory. If the person who saved me back then were someone else, I would have treated him like I did to you. 

“So from now on, don’t talk about letting me down. I have no feelings for you!” Marina pointed her finger at Gordon and shook it gently. 

She did not look nostalgic, nor was she admiring Gordon. 

For some reason, Gordon felt as if something was stabbing his heart. 

He could not figure out why, but it felt uncomfortable. 

That feeling frustrated him. 

“Wow, as expected of your girl. How domineering!” Sheldon said to Simon as he looked at Marina in admiration. 

“My girl?” Simon thought. 

When Simon heard these two words, he was deep in thought. 

He lifted his head, and his gaze landed on the gorgeous and dazzling girl before him. 

He suddenly felt calling her his girl was perfect! 

“Hey, be careful. Don’t stare at the young lady like that in front of everyone.” Sheldon couldn’t stand it anymore. 

“How long are you going to watch the show?” Simon immediately retracted his gaze and gave Sheldon a warning look. 

Sheldon was at a loss for words. 

“You’re ordering me around and asking me to do jobs that aren’t mine again. In the future, when you come to my place to eat, I’ll have to charge you double the price!” Sheldon muttered softly and stepped forward to deal with the matter obediently. 

“Gordon, I remember that when I signed the contract with you, a special condition was written on it.” When Sheldon looked at Gordon, the cowardly expression on his face instantly disappeared, and he stood up straight. 

His tone was filled with disdain. 

“You said that if the real boss of your restaurant comes, the terms in the agreement will not count,” Gordon said after thinking. 

“Yes. You have a good memory but bad eyesight, treasuring a bitch like she is some precious woman. Unlike our boss, his girlfriend is a master of both literature and fighting skills. She is talented and beautiful! Why should I flatter a useless fellow who loves a bitch like you instead of him?” Sheldon’s face was filled with disdain. 

“Boss?” Gordon was stunned. Then, he looked at Simon. 

Simon… was the actual owner of this restaurant? 

The restaurant was different from all of Solemwood’s catering places. 

It only had one restaurant, but it had defeated all the restaurants in Solemwood. 

Unexpectedly, the boss of this shop was this man that even his grandfather was afraid of. 

“Previously, I did business with you because I thought you were quite smart. But now, it seems that you’re a fool. Our cooperation will be canceled. In the future, my restaurant doesn’t welcome your presence. Now, take your bitchy darling and get lost!” Sheldon waved his hand impatiently. 

Gordon pursed his lips and bore his anger. 

Meanwhile, Sophia, standing behind him, had an extremely gloomy expression. 

The group of fence–sitters behind her began to mutter again. 

“Oh! So, they had agreed to that before. Then, this is reasonable.” 

“That’s right. Of course, the chef has to attend to the boss first!” 

“Don’t you think this boss is handsome?” 

“What’s the use of being handsome? Didn’t you hear the chef say their boss already has a girlfriend?” 

“Everyone, wake up. Open your eyes and look at his girlfriend’s slender waist, and you will know your position.” 

Gossip continued. 

The topic at the scene was immediately led astray. 

That was how spectators were. They would gossip about anything. 

They couldn’t side with anyone firmly. 

“Why are you still standing here? Are you waiting for me to find a forklift to fork you out?” Sheldon looked at Gordon and Sophia, who did not get out. The displeasure in his eyes intensified. 

“Let’s go!” Gordon looked at Simon meaningfully. Then, he held Sophia’s hand and prepared to leave. 

However, Sophia was unwilling to leave just like that. She shook off Gordon’s hand and looked at Simon angrily. 

“Sir, do you know how scheming this woman beside you is? 

“Last time, I saw her flirting with another man. But in the blink of an eye, she’s with you again. Don’t you find it disgusting to date a woman like this?” 

“Sophia!” Gordon immediately warned her. 

“You know I am not making things up. Weren’t you with me that day?” Sophia said confidently. 

Marina squinted her eyes. Just knocking out Sophia’s teeth seemed not enough to teach her a lesson. 

She pondered about cutting off Sophia’s tongue the next time she punished Sophia. 

Just as Marina’s thoughts became more and more dangerous, Simon 


suddenly approached Marina. 

Then, he lowered his head and looked at her affectionately. “What’s wrong with having a few boyfriends for such an outstanding girl like Marina? It’s fine as long as she loves me the most.” 


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