Chapter 49 

That was simply…

“What’s going on here?” that man thought.

That man looked at the amount transferred and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

He realized his account balance was still so high, not a single cent less.

“10, 100, 1,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 1,000,000…” When the man counted to the end, he was stunned by the increased amount

He immediately turned to look in the direction where Oscar and Lee had left.

Then, he knelt with a plop and kowtowed three times in the direction.

“They must be Gods. They must be Gods who have descended to the mortal world!”

“Mom, I have money for your hospital bill!” After getting up, the man wiped his snot and ran into the hospital.

At this moment, Marina’s hands tightly gripped the steering wheel as she stared straight ahead.

The cool sports car sped ahead in the traffic like she was not in the traffic jam.

Twenty minutes passed.

Marina’s car stopped at the entrance of a five-star hotel.

When the valet saw her, he immediately greeted her. However, Marina did not look at him and threw the car key in his hand.

The valet caught it in a hurry. Looking up, he realized the unbelievably beautiful female guest had disappeared.

Marina went up to the top floor with a murderous aura.

She had been here before, so she easily found the presidential suite on the top floor and pressed the doorbell.

A moment later, footsteps came from inside.

Chapter 49

The moment the door opened, Marina immediately attacked.

She clenched her fist and attacked at lightning speed.

Before Gavin, who opened the door, could react, he was suddenly punched in the abdomen.

Instantly, his facial features crumpled in pain.

However, Marina grabbed his arm again before he could catch his breath. Then, she borrowed the force from her grip and turned sideways.

She threw Gavin, who was nearly 5.9 feet tall, to the ground.

Gavin immediately felt dizzy. He was momentarily paralyzed.

However, Marina did not even look at him. She walked past him and stared at the man sitting on the sofa fiercely.

He was still calm and composed, looking extremely noble.

His slender fingers gently held the wine glass. There was a faint smile on his devilishly handsome face.

“Why are you so angry today? Who provoked you again?” Simon asked slowly.

“You’re Simon Hernandez?” Although Marina’s words were a question, her determined gaze showed she already knew everything.

Simon froze momentarily before gently placing the wine glass on the coffee table before him.

“You went to Robert’s place?” There was no surprise in his tone.

It was as if he had already expected this.


Marina snorted coldly. “The current head of the Hernandez family appeared in such a remote small city. You even disguised your identity and deliberately approached me. What are you up to?”

“If the Bailey family’s Miss Bailey can be in such a remote small city, why can’t I?” Simon asked leisurely.

Just as Marina was about to speak, Simon changed the topic. “However,

I have to correct you on one point. I have never deliberately concealed my identity to approach you. After all, you have never asked about my identity.”

Marina instantly frowned and stared at the person in front of her with a burning gaze as if she wanted to confirm the authenticity of his words.

“Little girl, I remember you were soft and squishy when you were young. Why have you grown up, and your temper has worsened?” Simon stood up and slowly walked forward.

However, just as he was about to approach Marina, Marina suddenly stepped back and prepared to fight.

“Do you think I want to fight with you?” Simon glanced at Marina’s actions and said, “little girl, you said you would marry me in the past. Are you trying to murder your future husband now?”

Marina was annoyed.

“How dare you bring up the matter when I was three! Look at how shameless you are! Besides, who wants to marry an old man like you?” Marina was frustrated.

Previously, she had guessed that this guy’s identity was not simple.

After all, the fact that he could escape from her villa unscathed that night was not something an ordinary person could do.

Later on, she found out about Robert. She initially thought that he was, at most, a descendant of the Hernandez family.

Unexpectedly, Robert’s reaction showed that Simon was the head of their family.

Robert could be considered to be of the same generation as her. He was also the young heir of the Hernandez family.

When she went to the hospital with Simon to look for him that day, he was probably not afraid of her. Instead, he was scared of Simon, who stood behind her.

At that time, she doubted it but was still worried about the matter and did not pursue it.

wasn’t until she went to the hospital to look for Robert to confirm that everything was connected that she knew Simon’s identity.

The shameless guy before her was the head of the Hernandez family.

Originally, she wanted to confirm this guy’s identity and see if she could kidnap him and make him her bolster

However, she did not expect to be deceived by him!

This guy was indeed despicable!

“Little girl, what do you mean by saying I’m old? I’m only six years older than you” Simon disliked the word “old” very much.

“Isn’t being six years older still considered old? Uncle Simon!” Marina emphasized the word “uncle”

Simon squinted his eyes. He raised his hand and gently knocked Marina’s head. “Little girl, you’re really vengeful”

“Not only do I hold a grudge, but I will also take revenge!” Marina did not expect this guy to dare to touch her. She immediately covered her head and glared at him.

You’ve already beaten up my secretary to this state and still haven’t vented your anger?” Simon glanced at Gavin, who was still curled up on the ground.

“I’m still angry!” Marina’s tone was firm.

Other than the three years she lost her memory, she had never been tricked like this.

You’re the one who didn’t ask me, and now you’re blaming me for hiding it from you. Forget it. What do I have to do for you to vent your anger?” Seeing Marina’s angry appearance, Simon felt it was adorable.

“If you want me to vent my anger, you must stand here and let me beat you up!” Marina said as she moved her wrist.

The joints of her fingers cracked.

Simon could not help but lift his eyebrows. He had witnessed this girl’s strength several times.

Moreover, it was not his style to get beaten up.

“I can see the dark circles under your eyes. Have you not slept for a few days?” Simon’s tone was calm.

Marina did not answer him.

“Why don’t I lend you my body for another night? Don’t be mad at me anymore, okay?” Simon continued.

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