Dimitri’s POV

Her birthday was tomorrow and I was going to explode with happiness!

I glanced at the watch on my wrist and my smile widened. Only four more hours and she would know that she was mine. Only four more hours and I would kiss her until we both couldn’t breathe. Only four more hours and I would get to tell her that I loved her more than anything in this world.

“Holes are forming in your cheeks,” Will mumbled, making me look up at him.

He was looking at a map on the desk and he had a small smirk on his face.

“Shut up,” I mumbled, looking back down at the papers in front of me.

“Where will she go to shift?” Will asked, making me shrug.

“She didn’t say,” I responded. “I am picking her up after she is done with work and I will ask her where she wants to go.”

“There is a wonderful clearing near the Wishing Pond,” Will said. “Maybe you could take her there.”

I put the papers on the desk and smiled. That was a great idea actually. That place would be perfect for her first shift. It would be a perfect place for her to realize that every piece of my body and soul belonged to her.

“That’s a great idea,” I said, grinning widely. “I will take her there.”

I was so fucking excited. I kept imagining the moment she realized who I was to her. I kept imagining her jumping into my arms and smiling widely. I kept imagining our first kiss.

Everything I imagined was perfect and I would make sure that it happened just the way I imagined it. I would kiss her just as softly and I would caress her body just as gently. I would make it perfect. I would make it a day she would never forget.

Skol was a nervous wreck. He was the happiest he had ever been, but his nervousness made him stir all day and I wanted to strangle him. I kept trying to calm him down, but no matter what I said, he couldn’t stop freaking out. I understood him, though. He would see his mate for the first time today. I was as excited to see her wolf as he was.

‘Impossible,’ Skol said. ‘You have no idea how excited I am to shift and hold her in my arms. She will be beautiful, just like Maddie is.’

I smiled and shook my head.

“Skol?” Will asked, making me look back at him.

“He is excited,” I said, giving him a small nod.

“I can imagine,” Will chuckled. “I am surprised that he survived nine months without telling her.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“I had to stop him a bunch of times,” I mumbled, making Will chuckle again.

The hardest time for Skol was when Savannah claimed that her pup was mine. Skol was terrified that Maddie would never forgive me for sleeping with Savannah. He was terrified that Savannah would somehow prove that her pup was ours. He was on the verge of exploding.

I took a deep breath to try and calm down my excitement. I had work to do. The meeting with the Alphas of my Kingdom was scheduled in seven days. I had to focus a bit more on work. I still had time until Maddie got off work.

I stood up and walked around the table to get a better look at the map.

“So these are the places most attacks happened,” Will mumbled, pointing at the red dots on the map.

Most of those places were at my borders. Others were mostly in my most powerful packs. They were definitely trying to take my throne, but what I couldn’t understand was who was behind it all. Who was powerful enough to unite the rogues and claim that they could take me down?

I tightened my jaw and looked at the blue dots. They indicated possible locations of the next attacks.

“Did you talk to Peter about sending more wolves to these locations?” I asked, pointing at the blue dots.

“Yes,” Will said. “I am hoping that we will have more wolves available after the meeting.”

“The packs will have to cooperate and send their warriors to defend the territory,” I said. “This is their kingdom as well.”

Will nodded and glanced at the watch on his wrist.

“There isn’t much left to do, Dimitri,” he said, looking up at me. “Go to Maddie.”

My heart raced and I couldn’t help but smile. Will chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully.

“Go,” he said. “It’s annoying to see you this happy.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “I can’t wait to see you this happy, man.”

Will looked up at me and smiled.

“Mind-link me if anything happens, okay?” I said as I put my jacket on.

“Don’t worry,” Will said. “Enjoy your time with your mate. I can handle everything for a night.”

“Thank you,” I told him as I walked out of my office.

“Be careful!” Will shouted after me. “You are too young to have pups!”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Will was joking, but the thought of having pups with Maddie made me smile. I imagined her pregnant with my pup and my heart exploded with happiness. I knew that Maddie wouldn’t be ready right away, but I was hoping that she would want to have pups soon.

I didn’t even realize that I had a huge grin on my face until I ran into Mike on my way out of the packhouse.

“What’s with the smile?” Mike asked, smirking at me.

I stopped smiling immediately. I didn’t want Mike to suspect anything. I had three and a half hours left and I wasn’t going to screw it up.

“Will said something funny,” I answered, making him furrow his eyebrows a little. “How was practice?”

“Good,” Mike said. “We have really talented wolves in our pack.”

“Great,” I said as I walked through the front door. “See you at home, Mike.”

I didn’t wait for his response. I didn’t care. All I cared about was Maddie. I was so fucking happy and I couldn’t wait until midnight.

I couldn’t wait to tell her how fucking much I loved her. Tomorrow would be the best day of my life and I would never forget it.

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