Dimitri’s POV

My whole body was trembling.

Skol was right. I should have taken her away immediately.

‘I told you,’ he growled, his voice trembling.

Both of us were upset. Both of us hated that boy Jasper for flirting with her. Both of us wanted to rip Seth’s arms off for hugging her.

‘I am not going to be able to wait until she turns 18,’ Skol said. ‘I will kill someone before that.’

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down a little. I couldn’t let myself freak out. She was just out with friends. Nothing happened. Jasper flirted with her because she was fucking gorgeous. Seth hugged her because he is happy to have her as a friend. No one touched what only I was supposed to touch. No one kissed her. No one did anything inappropriate.

‘I disagree and I want to pluck Jasper’s eyes out,’ Skol growled.

‘We need to calm down, okay?’ I mumbled as I watched my princess walk back toward the house.

She wasn’t walking toward the front, though.

What the hell was she doing?

‘How the fuck do you expect me to calm down when I can’t take what’s mine?’ Skol growled loudly. ‘Not only that, I have to watch them flirt with her and…’

‘Will you shut up?!’ I interrupted him.

I was trying to figure out what the hell was Maddie doing. She wasn’t walking toward the back entrance either. She was walking toward the tree in the backyard.

‘What is she doing?’ Skol mumbled.

I ignored him and kept my focus on her. She started to climb the tree and I had to hold back a growl.

Was that how she left?! She didn’t tell Mike or my mother that she was leaving?!

‘Goddess, Madeline!’ Skol shouted.

Something could have happened to her and they wouldn’t even know where she was!

‘We are going to have to keep our eye on her all the time,’ Skol growled as his nervousness grew. ‘She apparently doesn’t trust Mike or your mother enough to tell them that she is going somewhere.’

‘I agree,’ I mumbled as I watched her open her bedroom window and climb inside.

How the fuck didn’t my mother or Mike hear anything?! They were two grown werewolves. My mother was a Lycan, for Goddess’ sake! This definitely wasn’t the first time Maddie did this. They should have heard her and stopped her.

‘Just go to her, Dimitri,’ Skol sighed. ‘You can think about all of that tomorrow. I miss her.’

Oh, I missed her too. I couldn’t wait to go to her room, lay down next to her, and wrap my arms around her. I needed to remove Seth’s scent from her body. I already knew it was going to bug the shit out of me.

‘Go, Dimitri,’ Skol growled.

‘She needs to fall asleep first, Skol,’ I sighed.

He whined and I could feel sadness wash over him. I wished that there was something I could do to make it easier for him and me. I wished that I could tell her. I wanted to tell her.

But would she even believe me?

‘She would,’ Skol said. ‘She knows we are her mate. She always snuggles closer to us when we sleep with her.’

I smiled. Skol was right. She always made herself comfortable in my arms. She always smiled a little when I hugged her. Her body knew who I was even before she did.

But it didn’t matter. I couldn’t tell her. I had to wait just a little bit longer.

‘It doesn’t matter, Skol,’ I said. ‘I can’t tell her. I can’t take that discovery away from her.’

Not to mention how scared I was that someone was going to hurt her if the word got out that she was my mate. I couldn’t let that happen. She didn’t have her wolf yet. If someone tried to hurt her, she wouldn’t be able to defend herself.

‘We could teach her, Dimitri,’ Skol whined. ‘We could show her how to defend herself.’

‘A human against a wolf?’ I mumbled.

Skol whined quietly.

I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair. I had to be patient. She would get her wolf soon, and she would find out who I was. I would kiss her and mark her on that same day. I would make her mine forever.

‘I think that she fell asleep, Dimitri,’ Skol said. ‘Go to her.’

I approached the back entrance and pulled the key out of my pocket. I’d done the same thing for the past two weeks and I didn’t even need to think about my next steps.

A few moments later, I opened her bedroom door and stepped inside. Her scent washed over me and I had to hold back a grunt. I would never get used to its power over me. Her scent was like a drug I could never get enough of.

She was sleeping in her bed, curled up into a small ball. I smiled. This sight was so much better than the one a few hours ago when I walked in and saw her empty bed.

I closed the door and removed my shoes. I kneeled next to her bed and caressed her cheek softly. She sighed contently and leaned more into my touch. She always did that but never woke up. My presence was helping her sleep better.

“Hi, my love,” I mumbled quietly. “I missed you so much.”

I laid next to her, making sure that she was covered up nicely. It was cold outside. I never got under the covers with her. I was crossing enough boundaries by just being in her room while she slept. I just couldn’t stay away. I had to hold her in my arms. I had to make sure that she was safe. She was the only one who had the ability to calm me down and I needed it after all the shit Savannah and my mother pulled.

I buried my nose into her hair and took a deep breath.

“I love you, Madeline,” I said quietly. “You are my princess and my queen. You are my light in the darkness. Every part of my body and heart belongs to you.”

She snuggled closer to me and my heart melted. I placed a small kiss on the top of her head.

“I will never let Savannah come between us, my love,” I continued speaking quietly. “I belong to you. I am yours and I will never let her or anyone else take me away from you.”

I closed my eyes and leaned my head on hers. Skol sighed contently.

I would keep my word. I wouldn’t let Savannah ruin us. My heart belonged to Maddie and no one would ever take it from her.

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