Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 55

Dimitri’s POV

I was rushing a bit and I had to slow down a little bit. This was all very new to Maddie. She found out about me yesterday and I already overwhelmed her with everything.

I kissed the top of her head again and looked down at her. I loved her so fucking much.

“Let me know if I am rushing things, okay?” I said and she looked up at me. “I don’t want to overwhelm you with anything. We will go at your pace, princess.”

She nodded and gave me a small smile. My heart melted.

“There is one thing that I definitely need to do today, though,” I said as I caressed her cheek.

I needed to tell the pack about her. I couldn’t wait any longer. They needed to know who she was to me. Seth needed to back the fuck off. Everyone else in the pack needed to know that she was their Luna and that they needed to respect her. I would take everything else as slowly as she wanted me to.

“What?” she asked as her eyebrows furrowed a little.

“I need to tell the pack about you, princess,” I said as I leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I want to tell everyone. I want everyone to know who you are to me.”

She gulped nervously but gave me a small nod.

“Don’t be nervous,” I said softly. “Nothing bad can happen to you while I am here. You are my world and I will do whatever I have to do to protect you.”

She hugged me and leaned her head on my chest. My heart grew double in size and a small smile spread across my face. I leaned my head on hers and ran my fingers through her hair.

“My entire world,” I mumbled quietly.

That’s exactly what she was. My whole world. My entire heart and soul were hers. I was nothing and I didn’t even want to be something without her.

Can I come back? Will mind-linked me.

I lifted my head and kissed her temple.

Yes. I mind-linked him back.

The door opened a second later and Will stepped back inside.

“Is everything okay?” he asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

I looked at him and smiled.

“Yes,” I said. “Maddie was just a little overwhelmed by everything.”

Will smiled and shook his head.

“Don’t worry, Mads,” Will said softly. “I’m here for you. He overwhelms me with his plans all the time as well.”

Maddie chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him. My heart skipped a beat hearing her chuckle, though. I wanted to hear that sound all the time.

“Speaking of my overwhelming plans, when is the speech happening?” I asked as I let Maddie go.

She walked over to her desk and ran her hand over the surface. I smiled and a warm feeling washed over me. I fantasized about seeing her at that desk for nine months. It was where she belonged.

I also fantasized about bending her over that desk and doing all sorts of things to her, but I knew that I would have to wait for a little bit longer.

“At 6 p.m.,” Will said. “The entire pack is coming.”

I nodded, keeping my eyes on my mate. I couldn’t help but admire her beautiful body. I tried to imagine how would she look bent over the table and I could feel my dick hardening at the thought. I could imagine her moaning my name while she spread her legs and allowed me to enter her beautiful body. I could imagine myself grunting as I pulled her head back and kissed her neck. I could imagine her tightening around me and screaming my name as she came.

My heart was racing and my dick was now rock-hard.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I needed to calm down before Will or Maddie figured it out.

I rushed toward my desk and sat down.

“Are we talking about the plans for Luna ceremony today or are we leaving it aside for now?” Will asked, but I could barely focus on him.

Maddie looked up at him and I couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful lips. I could imagine them wrapped around my…

No! Fuck!

I needed to calm the fuck down!

“Dimitri?” Will called me.

I forced myself to gulp and I managed to look away from her. Goddess, she was going to drive me crazy.

“We are doing what Maddie is comfortable with,” I managed to say. “If she wants to postpone the planning, we will do that.”

Will looked at Maddie and I forced myself to keep my eyes on him. My dick was painfully hard now and it wouldn’t help if I looked at her.

“I would like to postpone it,” Maddie said and her voice sent shivers down my spine. “Maybe we could do it in a few weeks.”

I wanted to whine. Even the sound of her voice turned me on. Fuck!

“That actually makes sense,” Will said, looking back at me. “We have that meeting with the Alphas in a week.”

I nodded and tried to focus on anything else except Maddie.

“A meeting?” she asked and I could hear the confusion in her voice.

“You know about the issue with the rogues that we’ve been having for months now, right?” Will asked her.

I didn’t want to allow myself to look at her. My dick wasn’t as hard anymore and I just needed a few more minutes to calm down completely. If I looked back at her, I knew that I would be right back where I started.

She must have nodded because Will started talking again.

“The other packs are having the same issues as we do,” Will said. “We are having a meeting with all of them to discuss our next steps.”

I allowed myself to glance at her and I regretted it immediately.

She was frowning and biting her lower lip. All my effort to calm down disappeared in a second.

Get out. I mind-linked Will.

I could feel his eyes on me.

Why? He asked, confused.

Now, Will. I said sternly. Go and make sure that everything is ready for my speech.

I kept my eyes on her lower lip and my heart started racing even faster than before. I wasn’t going to be able to wait until tonight. I had to taste those lips immediately.

“See you later, Mads,” Will said, making Maddie look at him with a confused expression on her face. “I have some work to do before our Alpha’s speech today.”

I heard Will walking out of the room. I heard him close the door behind himself. I kept my eyes on Maddie the entire time. I couldn’t look away, no matter how hard I tried. She wasn’t biting her lip anymore, but I could see that her lip was still a little bit red and it was driving me crazy.

“Come here,” I said as soon as Will closed the door.

Maddie looked at me and I was sure that I would pass out from need.

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