Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 96

Dimitri’s POV

“Will you be able to finish the meeting?” Will asked as they started walking toward the door.

I kept my eyes on Maddie, trying to hold it together. We decided she would go with Ellie and Will while I finished the meeting. I didn’t want her in the same room as him. I didn’t want her anywhere near him.

It was hard as fuck, though. I wanted to keep her next to me. I wanted to make sure that she was safe. I wished that I could just tell the council members to fuck off and kill them just like I would kill my mother, but I couldn’t do that.

“I won’t kill him if that’s what you are asking,” I mumbled, making Will raise an eyebrow at me.

I sighed and tightened my jaw.

“Just keep Maddie safe, okay?” I said, clenching my fists. “I will finish as soon as I can and I will meet you at the training center.”

We agreed that Ellie and Will would take Maddie to the training center. Mike was there and I knew that she would be safe with him. If I had to let her out of my sight, I would make sure that she was as protected as possible.

Don’t worry. He mind-linked me. Nothing will happen to her while I’m around.

Ellie took Maddie’s hand in her and pulled Maddie closer to her.

My heart clenched painfully. I really didn’t want to let her go.

I love you, princess. I mind-linked her. I will be there soon, okay? Just stay with Will and your Dad at all times.

I will. She said, giving me a small smile. Don’t worry. I will be okay.

I tightened my jaw and forced a small smile on my face. I would always worry. She was carrying my entire heart and soul with her. If something happened to her I would be a dead man.

I watched as Will opened the door. The three of them started walking out of my office and I thought that my heart would jump out of my body.

I could hear Will talking to the council members. I could hear them responding. I didn’t understand what they were saying, though. I couldn’t see Maddie anymore and I started to panic.

Kendrick was the first one to step back into my office. My vision blackened and I wanted to jump at him. I could already picture myself ripping his throat out with my canines. I could already imagine the fucker bleeding out on my polished floor. I could already hear him gasping for breath as I growled above him.

Rayan closed my office door and the sound snapped me back to reality.

“Is our Luna okay?” Landon asked. “She looked a bit pale.”

I clenched my fists and forced a small smile on my face.

“She is,” I said. “She is just a little bit overwhelmed with everything that happened with my mother and Savannah. Talking about it upsets her.”

Landon nodded. “Understandable. I wish that we were able to talk about it with her, though. Her testimony is of high value, my King.”

“I am here to answer all of your questions,” I said, trying to remain calm. “She shared everything that happened with me. I am more than capable of speaking for her.”

Landon and Rayan gave me a small nod. I could tell that they weren’t pleased, but there was nothing they could do.

I tried to keep my eyes on them. I didn’t want to look at Kendrick. I was barely holding it together as is.

“We are concerned about the consequences for the Kingdom, my King,” Landon said. “What will your subjects say after they find out that their King killed his own mother? It could lead to anarchy, my King.”

I tightened my jaw and tried to take a deep breath.

“My subjects are aware of the law, Lord Chancellor,” I said. “They know what happens if one threatens their King or Queen. I am more afraid of the consequences if I don’t punish my mother accordingly. My subjects could see that as favoritism.”

“Has she ever really endangered the Queen’s life, my King?” Rayan asked. “Was the abuse so severe?”

Anger exploded inside my body.

“Are you really asking me that, Rayan?” I asked, gritting my teeth. “Does it matter how hard she hit her? She abused her for months. She endangered her more than once. She admitted that she threatened to kill her. What else do you need to hear to agree with my decision?”

“We would agree immediately if it was anyone else,” Kendrick said and I had no other choice but to look at him. “We agree with Savannah’s punishment. But we are talking about our former Luna. She isn’t just anyone, my King.”

I had to force myself to breathe. I wanted to claw his eyes out.

“Law is law, Kendrick,” I said, trying to sound calm. “Titles don’t matter. The law isn’t excluding anyone, not even you and me. We would be sentenced to death if we acted against her, just like my mother is going to be.”

Kendrick narrowed his eyes slightly.

“I think it is important we present a united front to your subjects, my King” Rayan said and I was finally able to look away from Kendrick. “I don’t think we will reach an agreement today. Shall we meet again after the Alphas’ meeting?”

“My decision will remain the same,” I said sternly. “If you need some time to get on board with it, I am more than happy to meet with you again after the Alpha’s meeting. I wasn’t going to execute her before anyway.”

Rayan sighed and looked at Landon.

“Think about it, my King,” Landon said. “She is your mother after all.”

I tightened my jaw and shook my head.

“She is not my mother,” I said angrily. “She is someone who hurt my mate. She is someone who tried to take my mate away from me. Reminding me that she is the woman who gave birth to me won’t make me reconsider my decision. I will kill anyone who tries to take my mate from me.”

I looked at Kendrick and narrowed my eyes slightly. I was hoping that the fucker got the message.

“If there aren’t any more questions, I would like to bring this meeting to an end,” I said, looking back at Landon. “I have work to do.”

“Of course, my King,” Landon said as he stood up. “We will talk again after the Alpha’s meeting.”

I nodded and watched the three of them leave my office.

They were fucking insane if they thought it would change my mind. I would kill my mother and I would watch her die with a smile on my face.

No one hurt my mate. No one.

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