Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 83

Dimitri’s POV

I couldn’t hold back a loud, lust-filled growl that escaped me.

Maddie yelped in surprise when I picked her up and walked to the bed.

“Are you sure?” I asked as I laid her on the bed gently.

I didn’t fucking know what I would do if she said that she had changed her mind. I was already salivating and my canines were ready to pierce her soft skin. My dick was painfully hard and I really needed to put it inside her.

“I am sure,” Maddie said as she reached up and caressed my cheek.

I looked down at her body and growled. My heart was racing a mile a minute as I reached between us and slowly started unwrapping the towel.

It was like opening a present. A best fucking present I ever received.

My breath got caught in my throat when I finally got to see one of her already hard nipples. It wasn’t the first time I saw her breasts. I saw them when we were showering together, but I wanted to be respectful and I never touched them. Knowing that I would finally be able to touch them, lick them, and suck them was making me go insane with lust.

“Oh, fuck, Maddie,” I cried out as I rushed to remove the rest of the towel.

I really wanted to take it slow, but my determination to do so went downhill when I saw how perfectly she looked lying beneath me.

She was panting hard and I felt her nervousness.

I forced myself to stop what I was doing. It was so fucking hard, but she was my priority, not my desire to slam myself inside her.

“You are in control, Maddie,” I told her softly as I bent down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

It would be so fucking hard, but I would stop.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around my neck, keeping me close to her.

“I don’t want you to stop,” she said. “I want this. I want to be yours.”

I smiled and caressed her cheek.

“You are already mine, Maddie,” I said and looked at her neck.

A growl escaped me as I imagined my mark there. It would be a beautiful sight and I couldn’t fucking wait to see it.

I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her neck. I pulled the rest of the towel off and she was now completely naked under me.

“Oh, Dimitri,” she mumbled quietly as she ran her hand up and tangled her fingers into my hair.

My whole body was vibrating. Her touches kept sending jolts of lust to my dick. I wanted to grunt and moan every time she moved, but I had to keep kissing her. I had to keep tasting her.

She reached down with her other hand and started pulling my shirt up. I lifted myself up, kneeled between her legs, and pulled my shirt over my head. I heard her moan quietly and a shiver went up and down my body.

I kept my eyes on her as I started unbuttoning my dress pants. She gulped and looked down at my hands. I purposely went slow. I wanted her lust to overwhelm her. I wanted her to want me to go faster.

My wish came true when she sat up and started helping me take my pants off. She kept her eyes on mine the entire time and I was sure that I would pass out.

I had to hold back a grunt when my boxers brushed the tip of my dick. I was already so turned on.

Maddie looked down at my hard dick and another small moan escaped her. She reached out and wanted to take it into her hand, but I stopped her. She looked up at me with confusion written on her beautiful face.

“I will explode if you touch me, Maddie,” I said, my voice deep and raspy. “Besides, tonight is about you, not me. There will be plenty of time for you to touch me and suck me.”

Just trying to imagine that had me ready to cum.

Maddie’s eyes widened as I pushed back to the bed. I looked at her beautiful body and groaned. It was mine. It was mine to worship and mine to pleasure.

I laid back on top of her, not wanting to waste any more time. I needed to start kissing her immediately.

I started with her lips and her jaw. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. I could feel her nipples pressing into my skin and I almost lost it.

Fuck. She was so fucking perfect.

“I need to taste every part of you,” I told her as I started kissing her neck.

She moaned and moved her head so I would have better access. I smiled as I started sucking on her marking spot. She flinched and pressed herself even closer to me.

I was breathing hard and having a hard time taking it slow. I would do it for her, though. I would fucking rip myself apart if I hurt her or did something wrong. This was about her, not me.

I kissed her collarbone and started going down slowly. I stopped when I reached her breast. She was panting hard and her cheeks were completely red.

I kept my eyes on hers as I cupped her breast gently. She shivered and gulped. I touched her nipple with my thumb and her eyes widened. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat.

I slowly lowered my head and kissed her breast. I never looked away from her. I wanted to see if she would be uncomfortable. I wanted to know if she needed me to stop. Thankfully, I saw nothing but lust in her eyes.

I continued kissing her breast until I reached her nipple. I licked it slowly, making her gasp and arch her back a little. I smiled as I closed my mouth around her nipple and sucked.

“Oh,” she cried out and tangled her fingers into my hair, trying to keep me in place.

She didn’t need to do that, though. Nothing would make me move. I was in heaven and I wasn’t leaving anytime soon.

I cupped her other breast and started flicking her other nipple gently. She was already a moaning mess and we barely even started.

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