Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 66

Madeline’s POV

Waking up in Dimitri’s arms was the best thing in the world. I never felt safer. I never felt more loved.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he said as he placed another kiss on my neck. “How did you sleep?”

I ran my hand down his muscular back and pressed myself closer to him.

“Really well,” I said, keeping my eyes closed. “You?”

Dimitri ran his hand down my body until he reached the back of my knee. He pulled my leg up and placed it over his waist.

I still didn’t get my stuff from Mike’s house so I was sleeping in one of Dimitri’s shirts. My legs were bare and feeling his soft fingers on my bare skin did all sorts of funny stuff to me.

“Sleeping with you will always result in the best sleep of my life,” Dimitri said softly.

I smiled and opened my eyes. He was already looking at me and the love I saw in his eyes made me shiver.

He smiled and pressed a soft kiss on my lips.

“I will go get your stuff today, princess,” he said as he stopped kissing me.

I took a deep breath and bit my lower lip.

“Can I come too?” I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows a little.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “I don’t want my mother to make you uncomfortable.”

I gulped and felt a wave of nervousness and fear wash over me. I was ashamed to admit it, but I was scared of Janet. I was scared of what she might do or say.

But my love for Dimitri was a lot bigger than my fear of his mother. If I was going to stay with him and be a Luna, I needed to start acting like it. I wanted to make peace with my dad and Janet. I wanted to start over.

“I am sure,” I said, trying not to show him how nervous I really was. “I want to talk to Mike and your mom. I want to start over.”

Dimitri gave me a small smile. He nodded and caressed my cheek.

“Okay, princess,” he said. “But if she says one wrong thing, I am taking you out of there. I won’t let her hurt you.”

I smiled and kissed him softly. He groaned and tightened his arms around me.

“There is nothing I would love more than to stay in this bed with you, but we have work to do,” he mumbled against my lips.

I nodded and tried to let go of him. He didn’t let me, though. He tightened his arms around me and kissed me hard. I chuckled and he smiled.

“Letting you get out of this bed is a bit harder than I thought it would be,” he mumbled against my lips.

I smiled and ran my fingers through his soft hair.

“We will be back here tonight,” I said and he nodded.

“That is the only reason why I am letting you go now,” he said as he moved his arms so I could stand up.

I chuckled and sat up. Dimitri got out of bed and I couldn’t help but stare into his muscled arms. The t-shirt he wore to bed was tight and I could see the contours of his body perfectly. The sight made me drool a little.

I tried to imagine how he would look without his shirt on and I had to hold back a groan.

“Stop, Madeline, or I will never let you out of that bed,” Dimitri said, his voice deep and raspy.

He turned around and I saw him tightening his jaw. My eyes widened and I furrowed my eyebrows. How did he…

“I can smell your arousal, Madeline,” he said, clenching his fists. “You need to get out of that bed and go get dressed before I come back and check how wet you are.”

I took in a sharp breath and I was sure that his words only made me wetter.

“Maddie,” he growled and I jumped out of bed immediately.

I rushed toward the bathroom, trying so hard not to look back at him.

You are going to kill me, woman. He mind-linked me and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

I’m sorry. I said. You are really handsome.

I could hear him groan and I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

Just hurry up, will you? He said. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can come back.

Yes, Alpha. I said, trying to sound a bit seductive.

He growled and I heard him approaching the bathroom. I guess it sounded a bit more seductive than I intended it to. My heart raced as he opened the door and barged inside.

He closed the distance between us and kissed me hard. I moaned quietly and he picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he slapped my butt. He pressed me against the wall and started kissing my neck. My whole body shivered when he reached my marking spot and started sucking on it. I tangled my fingers into his hair and tightened my legs around him, pressing him closer to me.

“Holy fuck, Madeline,” he growled as he bit my marking spot gently.

I flinched and moaned loudly.

“Say it again,” he said quietly.

I knew exactly what he wanted to hear. I started kissing his neck until I reached his ear. I placed a soft kiss behind it and tightened my legs around him.

“Yes, Alpha,” I whispered softly and his whole body shivered.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he mumbled and I continued kissing his neck.

He reached under my shirt and squeezed my hip. His touch sent shivers down my spine and I moaned again.

We were both panting hard. I could feel every muscle in his body clenching. He kept grunting and growling. I could have sworn that the temperature in the room was rising by the second.

I’d never done anything like that before, but I somehow knew what do to. I somehow knew that kissing his jaw would make him moan. I somehow knew that biting his lower lip would drive him insane.

“Fuck, Maddie, fuck,” he groaned quietly and kissed me hard.

I felt like my body was going to burn up in flames. He slowed down a little and I could feel him take a deep breath.

“We need to stop,” he mumbled as he stopped kissing me.

He leaned his forehead on mine and took a deep breath. I didn’t want to stop, but I knew that he was right. We had to stop.

“You are going to drive me insane,” he said as he placed another soft kiss on my lips.

I smiled and kissed him back.

I couldn’t believe that just two days ago I wanted to leave the pack. I couldn’t believe that I ever thought that I could survive without him.

I was completely his and no one could separate me from him. Not even myself.

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